Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why Violence is Applauded Everyday

We live in a very violent world where all countries have weapons and soldiers and are ready to kill people who belong to other countries, for reasons that are too insignificant when compared to the loss of human lives.

The heroes who appear on TV and in comics are not angels or wise philosophers, scientists, artists of all arts, or personalities who cultivated their spiritual development, but strong super men and women who use violence to beat their enemies, sometimes possessing weapons and very far from wisdom and peace.

In our daily lives, we are very violent with those who disrespect our ego. We are violent when we are too nervous and when we feel unjustly treated or betrayed.

We don't know how to forgive...

Nobody is attacked without attacking their enemies in return!

Nobody bears to remain silent while offended.

However, if you are aggressive in your behaviour and words, you are being violent. You are not being calm, balanced and healthy. Your behaviour can be characterized as the behaviour of a neurotic!

Everybody is neurotic is this world...

There are only very few exceptions who manage to maintain their sensitivity and goodness, besides living in a hell where practically everyone is selfish and cruel and this is why they are not crazy like the rest of the population on this planet.

Violence and craziness are synonymous. However, violence is applauded everyday, without criticism. Violence on Earth is a law.

If we now analyse sadism, terror, masochism and suicide attempts we'll really understand what violence means, but even these horrors are applauded in our world.

Immorality is what many people use to earn money, and money governs everything. If you don't have money, you have no rights and nobody cares for your life.

This is how our cruel and violent society functions.

Immorality is violence against the human spirit and body, against society and our families.

Today's depressed teens obtain pleasure by abusing their bodies and bleeding.

How many crimes and suicides happen each second, everyday and everywhere?

This is the subject of most of the movies we watch. We also watch many horrors in the news on TV every night, eating popcorn and drinking something with ice. These horrors entertain us for years now and we know they will always be part of our lives.

However, nobody does anything to save these people. Everyone only wants to take his or her own part of the world and be happy by themselves, without caring for the billions and billions of people who are starving, being victims of abuse, facing unbearable situations and living under unbearable conditions.

Is indifference a form of violence?

Yes, of course it is, because it is like a bomb for those who need support, compassion and help. If you are indifferent to those who suffer, you are very far from justice and innocence.

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