Monday, April 27, 2009

Back Pain and Memory Part 1

Back Pain - where does it come from? How Does it happen? Why does it happen? This is going to stir it up! A view point from a different perspective.

If we take the view that the body has memory as does muscle, muscle memory. If you bang and injure your arm and it hurts you tend to rub it to 'make it feel better'. I'll come back to the memory bit in a moment. When you rub your arm (or any part of your body for that matter), you create blood flow to that area. The blood is warmed and so is able to circulate better flushing the area with 'healing' energy.

Toxins are also removed from this injured area by this rubbing process, same thing as in massage. That's why it's always good to have a regular massage - to clear energy blockages from the body. If we do nothing that negative energy builds up to some other 'dis-ease'.

So in our example with the arm that was injured, that point of the arm has a memory. If the arm is approached by someone else your defense mechanism kicks in and alerts you into fight or flight mode. You avoid your arm being touched because it remembers the damage or the 'pain' that it experienced earlier. The muscles at that point will go into spasm to protect you from further injury.

So we have hurt our back and not our arm, why? Do you believe that accidents happen or not?

From now on keep an open mind.

My belief is that accidents are no accidents. We create our future, its like everything else, what we give out comes back to us. Like attracts like, like poles attract unlike poles repel. Have you ever noticed that some people are accident prone and others seem to go on forever in their life with out a scratch?

Accidents are an expression of anger. When we feel frustrated anger builds up because we do not feel free to speak up for ones self. We hold it all in. It also indicates rebellion against authority, we get mad, with ourselves and others that we want to hit them, and then what happens is that we get hit. Its what we are sending out comes back to us.

I'm sure that many by now are of the opinion that this is all 'tosh'. Well that is an opinion one that I do not share.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga.
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.

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