Thursday, April 23, 2009

Self-Pride VS Universe

There is logic to thinking that the universe will take care of you if you believe or wish hard enough. The only problem is if you don't put anything else into it, there is a likelihood it isn't going to happen. This is one difference between some currently "in vogue" theories of how to change your life for the better -- which can be read to suggest that simply wishing for something and believing it will happen hard enough will make it happen. Here's the thing -- everyone can benefit from the help of others, but we want to think we can do it on our own, so we make ourselves believe we can do it alone and cut ourselves off from help that may be right in front of us.

Basically, our self pride and desire for self improvement -- emphasis on the "self" in both cases -- gets in the way; it makes us all think we can do it alone or our way, but that isn't how it always works. We fall into old patterns of not letting anyone into our lives to help us. What we forget it is that the universe is massive, and works best when everything is aligned and we are open to what it has to offer.
We are all part of the universe and we all have something to give to each other. That is why we need to make sure that we are aware of the outside forces that are presenting opportunities for us to achieve our goals.

Have you ever wished for something very hard and believed with all your heart it would happen, only to be disappointed that it did not? Think about whether you put too much on yourself, and in trying so hard to visualize it happening you shut your eyes to the tools or ideas that others may be putting before you. Allow others to assist you in your goals, and you may be surprised that your goal can move forward or be accomplished more quickly. We are all part of a big picture that is larger than ourselves and our pride. Move forward with your eyes wide open and take advantage of any opportunity for
assistance that comes your way.
In this way it is virtually guaranteed your goal will be accomplished in record time, and you will be able to see what else is out there for you to discover and share with others.

Open your mind to the people and elements that surround you every day. These will help you open new doors of opportunity for yourself in life, love and wealth.

Author Bio:
Joe Becwar focuses on coaching individuals in evaluating and achieving both personal and professional goals, assisting them to transform their lives into what they want. He is the founder and Managing Director of Coaching and Consulting Group, LLC, and

Abstract/Article Summary/Teaser Copy (2-5 sentences, no paragraphs please) There is logic to thinking that the universe will take care of you if you believe or wish hard enough. Allow others to assist you in your goals, and you may be surprised that your goal can move forward or be accomplished more quickly.

Joe Becwar focuses on coaching individuals in evaluating and achieving both personal and professional goals, assisting them to transform their lives into what they want. He is the founder and Managing Director of Coaching and Consulting Group, LLC, and

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