Thursday, April 30, 2009

You Need to Be Able to Help Yourself , before Helping Others

Make Sure You're in the Right State of Mind before You Start to Help Other People, maybe you should watch this video, it could change your life by changing your thinking.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place to develop some life changing skills .

A Life Of Spiritual Education

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Badly Do You Really Want to Lose Weight?

What motivates you to lose that weight? Is it to finally don that skimpy and sexy swimsuit enough to be on the latest cover of Sports Illustrated? Or how about to simply wear that old blue jeans of yours you used to wear way back when you still have that enviable 25-inch waistline? Or maybe just to feel lighter inside and be more confident? Whatever the motivation, just remember that it can be done and refuse to quit. Weight loss motivation is definitely not as easy as it sounds, and you just have to stick with your plan. If you want to be healthier, focus on what you want and forget about pessimism.

There is this process called 'anchoring' to relate motivated feelings in releasing weight via diet and exercises. This method can be applied to many other circumstances wherein great motivation is required. This kind of motivation will be more attainable and realistic when you have anything tangible to look at to help you keep up with your goals. One example of this is, you could cut-out a photo of your favorite celebrity or (anybody that possesses the body you aspired) and simply paste your own photo in their faces instead. Hmmm...instant makeover, huh? Quite fanciful, yeah. But you have to admit, it will produce greater effects if motivation is maximized to a heightened level.

You can also find some fellow dieters (and befriend them along the way) for increased support and motivation to lose those unwanted excess pounds. Weight loss motivation could really be a big help in reaching your goal. Health reasons can be the best ways to come up with that weight loss motivation you want in order to attain your health to the optimum level. There are some methods which will keep that weight reduction going. There is really nothing wrong when you use the lure of money or fame or some other rewards to find your own weight loss motivation.

Remember, you have to invest dearly for something you really hoped for. And if that investment involves money in your weight loss regimen, then by all means go for it. Do not ever give up. Because if you do, you would never see those unsightly excess fats dropping off your body and you will not see the outcome of what you initially dreamed about. In the end, weight reduction motivation and inspiration starts in you. Find the styles that suit you best, and do not forget to reward your successes. Excess poundage can make one feel inferior or make life tough, and reducing weight is often one of the problems wherein self-esteem is concerned.

Being subjected to harsh and unfair criticisms and some obsession on being toned and fit just adds to the pressure of dieting and losing weight. Having extra body fat is a serious concern when one's health is already at stake. Serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart ailments are commonly associated excess body fat. So think about the benefits you will reap regarding wellness and good health. Many people overlook motivation when weight loss is involved. Motivation is different from desire. Start now with that exercise regimen. Achieve everything you've decided with vigor and excitement. If you begin now, tomorrow will be a next step forward to a new you.

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently decided to go public and share her knowledge and experience through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and join her coaching program.

Thinking Outside The Box

Creating Super Habits with Jack Canfield

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and Books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Stop Feeling Guilty Part 1

Living in Two Worlds - Our Spiritual Journey

There is an old story of a wise Sage who was working in his garden one day when a spiritual seeker came to him and asked how to become enlightened. The teacher pulled an onion out of the garden and said dig a hole over there for this onion where the soil is rich and fertile. The student did that and in that moment had an epiphany, an awakening.

I'll explain this to you in just a minute, but this story is typical of many of the stories like the parables in the Bible that have a meaning that can be understood at different levels.

This short story speaks to the nature of the spiritual path and that is to remove blocks, pain and struggle while revealing the deep truth of love, light and peace within. Digging up the onion is parallel with detaching from the many things that prevent us from discovering and connecting with our inner soul truth, and replanting the onion is learning to grow in the fertile soil of our inner nature.

The complication we experience with life is that we are established citizens of two worlds and we live in both simultaneously. Jesus said you are in the world but not of the world. We interact in an outer world with our physical needs and the demands of our families, friends and careers, and we also have an inner world of emotional experiences, intellectual discoveries, and spiritual awareness.

Our spiritual journey is about learning to effectively live in both worlds, and for this we need methods that support us in both.

There are many things we learn from books, lectures and our interactions with others, but in the spiritual realm we must learn to have our own inner direct experiences. Reading something in a book is not sufficient for the shifts in consciousness that are necessary for our spiritual evolution. Books can certainly help, but spiritual transformation is a process that takes place within. What we experience in this way is different in quality and effect from what we accumulate outwardly from reading, watching or listening.

This can be illustrated with a more modern mystical story of a sage living in a modern city, but who was also living a deeply spiritual life. One day he went to a bank to cash a check and the teller says that in order for the bank to cash the check each person must provide 2 different forms of identification. The sage reached into his wallet and showed the teller a driver's license, which the was accepted as valid identification, but then when the teller asked for a second identification the sage pulled out a mirror and looked carefully into it and said, "Yes, it is me."

Besides being amusing this story represents two different types of knowledge. When we depend on indirect information about ourselves it is like relying on the mystic's driver's license to define him. The information may be valid, but it certainly doesn't show who we really are. Our spiritual practices are like the mirror which allow us to examine ourselves and discover who we are. They provide first-hand experiential knowledge and realizations that reveal ever deepening insights into our nature and truth.

We discover who we really are through inner attunement in meditative states which takes us beyond the realm of the thinking mind or reacting emotional triggers. This is a process rather than a single event and we call that journey self-discovery. Self-discovery leads to self-realization which leads to a life that expresses in way that are significantly different from the way most people live day to day.

To walk the path of that journey without a teacher and guide can be quite frustrating and lead to many disappointments, but a good teacher can make the journey much easier and more enjoyable. Do yourself a favor and find someone you value and trust to be your spiritual mentor and guide. You do not need to travel alone, and why would you want to make the journey more difficult than it need be?

Jonathan Parker is the founder and director of Quantum Quests International. For over 30 years he has been a counselor, workshop facilitator and author of one of the largest self-development libraries in the world. It is his voice you will hear on more than 1,000 CD programs he has produced. The are listed on his website and in his free print catalog. There are free articles, videos, blogs, and more at

Jonathan has university degrees in Education, Chemistry, Theology, Counseling Psychology, and Human Behavior & Development, but his life-long relentless quest for unraveling the many questions and mysteries of life also led him on a broad journey into comparative religion, quantum physics, clinical psychology, Huna, Theosophy, botany, astronomy, Sufism, nutrition, music, hypnosis, psychic phenomena, NLP, energy medicine, meditation, and metaphysics. His website is

His outstanding TV programs, "Mind Power," "Self-Empowerment" and "Winning at Weight Loss" have brought his results-oriented approach to millions. You can view some of his videos on his website.

His work has earned him a high standing with many companies, clinics, schools, universities, prisons, and health professionals who regularly use his programs. Olympic athletes, doctors, judges, and the clergy of many denominations and faiths have also used his programs. To date people in more than 75 countries around the world have benefited from his programs and workshops.

Jonathan Parker has been ahead of his time with many innovative applications of accelerated learning and personal transformation techniques. His wide spectrum of programs tap the deepest reservoir of human capabilities and inspire success in achieving the highest of human potentials. His programs have touched the lives of millions lifting them to achieve personal excellence and financial success, as well as realizing their dreams of vibrant health, winning performances, and reaching the heights of the human spirit!

Advice To Jealous Partners

Spiritual Seekers Find Starting Point

Interview with Jeff Maziareck, author of Spirituality Simplified

Today we are pleased to have Jeff Maziareck with us. Jeff, after much study and research into the subject of spirituality has written a book that is not like any other book on the topic. Jeff, welcome to Reader Views.

Irene: Spirituality Simplified - seems like a book that gives a novice understanding of the basics of spirituality. What inspired you to write such a book?

Jeff: In the late 1980s when I first discovered the subject of spirituality, it didnt take very long for me to become thoroughly engrossed in it. In fact, over a period of ten years I ultimately purchased and read nearly 200 books in this category. In that process it occurred to me one day in early 1999 there really wasnt, at least to my knowledge, an existing book that could be described as the ideal first book for a person who was new to the spiritual patha book that could effectively introduce the subject, and at the same time serve as a road map to other content that I felt could assist them in their process of self-discovery.

While I thought the idea had some merit, it wasnt until I visited a friend of mine in Florida by the name of Kaye OBara that I was actually inspired to move forward and begin to write the book. Kaye and her daughter, Edwarda, were the subject of a book by Wayne Dyer called A Promise is a Promise. I had initially met her in 1998 after reading that book and then stopping by her home in N. Miami for a visit. During February of 1999 on a return trip to see her, we spent an entire afternoon together, and that is when the subject of my idea for the book arose. After hearing me speak about it, Kaye immediately voiced her opinion on the matter; namely, that I need to write the book because it was obvious I had great passion for the subject. I decided to take her advice, and began work on the book promptly upon my return home. At the beginning of the project I didnt really expect to ever publish a book, but proceeded anyway because I felt it would be an excellent way for me to crystallize my philosophy to that point, and come to better understand myself.

Irene: What is spirituality in your terms?

Jeff: In my terms spirituality is coming to the awareness that each and very person has within them a spark of the Creator, or God if you prefer. In essence, we are all connected to the very force that created us, and each of us therefore has the innate potential to be deeply compassionate and unconditionally loving. Spirituality also requires each of us to accept that our connection to the Creator/God also means, by default, that at some level we are connected to all other people as well. In addition, the path of spirituality requires an individual be willing to leave no stone unturned in the process of coming to truly know themselves. That means being ready to question literally everything they have been taught about spirituality, and for that matter, religion as well.

Irene: Some people would disagree with you that we are all connected. They believe that their path to God is the only way and feel that they have been chosen to convince others of the same. How do you justify your belief?

Jeff: To answer the question first, I dont really feel that I must justify my belief to anyone. I have come to believe what I believe based on my own research and study, and my objective in writing the book was not to persuade anyone to believe exactly the same way. The purpose of writing the book was to share information, ideas, and experiences that hopefully would be of some value to spiritual seekers. If people profit from it great, they are responsible for that; if they are annoyed by it that is their responsibility as well. As for people who would disagree that we are all connected, I would recommend they spend some time reading about what quantum physicists have known for quite sometime, which is the raw material of creation is, in reality, a field of energy that permeates every square inch of the Universe, and as such, connects everything, including people. Finally, for those who feel that their way to God is the only way, its not my business to convince them otherwise, and I wouldnt ever make an effort to do so.

Irene: Many people interchange the terms spirituality and religion. What is the difference?

Jeff: In my view spirituality and religion are not equivalent terms. As I say in the final chapter of the book, spiritual growth is a lot like walking a high wire without a safety net, because unlike traditional religious practice there is no rigid dogma that exists to provide one with all of the answers. Instead, on this path an individual takes on the responsibility for finding his or her own answers to serious questions such as: Who or what is God? What is the purpose of my life? What is the meaning of life in general? With religion, one simply has to accept the dogma is the truth because someone says that it is; questioning of the dogma is typically frowned upon, and particularly so in sects that are firmly attached to particular teachings. Spiritual growth is a never-ending process that requires the individual to continually refine their philosophy based on their personal process of discovery. As such, it requires a commitment to do the work, to dig and dig for answers that resonate positively within. Its really not about getting somewhere, its about being fully with the process of self-discovery.

Irene: Spiritual people often call themselves enlightened. What is your view in this area?

Jeff: There is an old saying I heard a while back, the origin of which I cannot recall, that essentially states the following: he who speaks does not know, he who doesnt speak, knows. For someone to outwardly claim they are enlightened suggests to me they are trying to somehow distinguish themselves as being ahead of the pack, so to speak. Rhetorically speaking, what is the standard by which to judge whether someone is truly enlightened? In my experience it is all an individual process and looking to put ones self on some kind of grading scale of progress is a desire rooted in ego, not in Spirit.

Irene: What spiritual teachers have you used as a basis of your information?

Jeff: Within the book there are nearly 80 quotations from about 40 different books. That translates into a wealth of content from a number of different authors. The intent was to use the best of the best content that I had uncovered over the various books I read. In that process, Ive come to feel that there are a handful of teachers that have had the most impact on my continually evolving spiritual philosophy, they are: Fr. Anthony DeMello, because I greatly enjoy his very practical, no-nonsense approach to the topic; Stuart Wilde, because he never tries to appear like he has it all solved, and honestly his irreverent approach makes me laugh; and Wayne Dyer, because the very first book I read was his title Youll See It When You Believe It, and it truly was a life-changing work for me.

Irene: Wayne Dyer certainly brought a message in that book. Would you tell our reading audience a little more about what the title really means? The adage is reversed.

Jeff: The essence of what Mr. Dyer is saying is this: our thoughts are real things or energy impulses if you will, that go out into the world and serve as attractors to experience(s). Or to say it another way, we become what we think about all day long. If we focus our thoughts (and feelings) on that which we want to manifest in our lives, then over time that manifestation will come to pass; the same applies to focusing our thoughts on what we dont want. This is by no means a concept that originated with Dyer, as centuries ago the Buddha reportedly said the following: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. With that said, the meaning of the title of Dyers book is therefore the more accurate way of presenting how things worksince our thoughts create our world, we will only see things arrive up in our life when we think (or believe) that they will.

Irene: There are many spiritual concepts that seem to overlap into the metaphysical realm. What are some of them and how do you view the overlap?

Jeff: There clearly is some overlap between spiritual and metaphysical concepts. The primary difference in my experience is that pure metaphysics doesnt seem to have as much focus on the Creator/God itself; instead it appears to concentrate more on the human beings place in the universe, while also describing so-called universal principles or laws. In addition, it incorporates things like astrology, channeling, and other paranormal phenomena, whereas spirituality is typically less concerned with these subjects. The area of universal principles or laws is one in which the overlap can be seen. For example, both talk about the existence of the principle (or law) of cause and effect, as well as others including oneness, detachment, and abundance. I think the key for spiritual seekers is not to get caught up in labels and categorizations, but instead to be willing to consider information from all kinds of sources as they traverse their path of self-discovery.

Irene: You talk about spiritual principles in your book. What are some of them?

Jeff: Within the book I specifically address six principles I felt were most important for the novice spiritual seeker in particular. The principles described in the book are the following: Cause & Effect, Present Moment Awareness, Oneness, Abundance, Non-attachment (or Detachment), and Forgiveness. At the end of each chapter I also include a related reading list driven down to the chapter level to assist the reader in learning more about these principles, and in turn, others as well depending on the book they reference.

Irene: Some of them seem so mystical, especially when people are encouraged to connect with their Higher Self. Tell us about the Higher Self.

Jeff: To me the Higher Self is the aspect of ourselves that is Divine in nature, the part of us that looks out upon our life as a witness of all that is occurring here in the physical world, and which always knows the most appropriate choice for us in any given moment. Our primary challenge is to learn to consistently and consciously connect with this higher aspect by developing the ability to truly quiet our mind and be open to its advice and counsel. Clearly, this is not easy given all of the distractions of daily life combined with the effects of all the emotional and intellectual programming we have been exposed to since our arrival on earth in a physical body. Nonetheless, as my favorite musical artist Todd Rundgren once said, If you want different choices, youve got to hear the quiet voices.

Irene: In your book you talk about cause and effect. Do you believe this is Karmic?

Jeff: As I say in the book, the principle of cause & effect essentially serves as our personal boomerang, bringing back to us at some point, and in some form, whatever we put out into the world. According to this principle, every effect one experiences had to have a cause. In my view, the primary lesson to be learned is that in order to progress in life we simply must do our best to become more conscious of the choices we are making, for they are causes that in turn create effects. This includes choices about what we think about as well. The challenge we face in this area is that over time so much of our decision-making/choice-making, and our thoughts themselves for that matter, emerge from subconscious programs that operate in the background, so to speak.

As for karma, as I say in the book, it is a bit unnerving when one stops to think about all the causes one may have initiated in the past (i.e., from this lifetime and perhaps even past lifetimes), that could ultimately emerge as some type of negative effect. Rather than getting all caught up in that, in my experience the most constructive approach is to 1. Focus on creating new causes in each present moment (i.e., thoughts, feelings, actions) that will ultimately lead to positive effects, and 2. Make best efforts to reframe negative circumstances into positive ones by looking for the lesson embedded within the experience (i.e., what is the Universe/Spirit trying to teach me here?). From my perspective, accepting cause & effect as a working principle in ones life is very empowering, because it compels you to acknowledge your role as an active creator of life circumstances rather than as a helpless roulette ball on the wheel of life.

Irene: You quote Tamura We may fool ourselves into believing that we are fundamentally different from the person we are judging, but, in truth, we can never recognize in another what we dont have in ourselves. Thats a pretty scary thought. Explain this to our reading audience.

Jeff: According to the theory, each of us consciously and subconsciously project ourselves energetically out into the world, and other people then mirror these projections back to us. I dont feel its frightening at all; its just another piece of the puzzle of self-discovery. For example, if we judge someone for being intolerant, then at some level we ourselves are intolerant, and the message is that we need to acknowledge that shadow aspect so that can completely accept ourselves exactly as we are, even with our hidden/repressed aspects.

Since learning about this mirroring process years ago, I make it a regular practice to carefully consider what my judgments are saying about me, and the result has been very educational. As a case in point, last year I announced to one of my clients that I would be taking an extended vacation, and the response was not very supportive. I was of course displeased and began having negative feelings about it, wondering how this individual could feel that way given that I hadnt taken any time off in two years. In the midst of my stewing about the matter, this thought came to me, all this person is showing you, is that part of you that doesnt feel you deserve the time off. I knew immediately this insight was completely accurate, and I promptly stopped running the negative thoughts about the client, and instead affirmed to myself that I did indeed deserve the break.

Irene: You talk about detaching in your book. Why is it so important to detach from the outcome?

Jeff: Detachment is key to manifesting desires, because it all comes down to the point of focus. Whenever we are attached to a particular result, meaning that we really, really want to have some item, or to have something occur, the focus is on what we dont have rather than on what we intend to have. In essence, we are subconsciously focused on the wanting, and not the having. We simply need to get to a point where we get in the feeling space of actually having what we desire, and let the universe take care of the details. This goes against the traditional make it happen approach that is so prevalent in business, but that approach takes so much energy, and once one realizes that there is indeed an unseen force that is there to assist us in our creative efforts, its unnecessary to resort to that approach. This doesnt mean that one doesnt do anything, not at all; one follows their inspiration and still puts energy out into the world to manifest desires. However, the difference is that the actions are supported by an attitude of trust that this, or something better will manifest. This is one other critical advantage of detachment, namely that being detached from a specific outcome opens the door for something even better to arrive or occur.

Irene: Your explanation gives meaning to showing up. Would you tell us some experiences youve had when you were detached from the outcome but showed up.

Jeff: In 1994 I started a business that was originally intended to one offering marketing consulting services for high-tech firms. I began marketing the firm through various means, and made little progress for three months. At this point, I decided to step away from taking physical action, and instead begin using affirmations and prayer as techniques to generate connections that would lead to work. In doing this, I made best efforts to put the energy out there and then detach from the outcome as best as I could. I kept myself busy with reading and household projects. Then, one day the phone rang and it was some woman from a high technology public relations firm who had heard about my high-tech background from a friend of a friend. She asked if I would drive up to meet her for lunch to discuss the concept of my writing draft press releases for the firm. The lunch meeting went well and I began work the next week. By the time 5 years had passed, I had written nearly 1,200 releases for that firm.

Approximately six months after I began writing for that firm, I received a letter in the mail from an ex-girlfriend who had just moved back to the area from the West Coast, within which she indicated that she felt I could very well be a great writing resource for her firm. I then phoned her and arranged to have lunch with her in April of 1995; six months later I began working as a freelance writer for her company. Today, more than 10 years later, I continue to work for that firm on a freelance basis as a senior technical writer. Clearly, I did nothing to make either of these situations happen; I simply put some energy out there and in time something good manifested all on its own.

Irene: What is a simple test to find out if one is spiritually inclined?

Jeff: I am not really certain there is a simple test in this regard. From my experience, at the root of an orientation towards spirituality is a deeply-held desire to truly come to an understanding of the purpose of life, and willingness to explore any and all avenues available to reach that understanding. The path of spiritual growth is not one that lends itself to the quick fix, yet once it is embarked upon this path will yield rewards that are more than commensurate with the effort.

Irene: There is much buzz around find the purpose of life, and many different beliefs of what that means. What is your understanding of purpose of life?

Jeff: To me, the purpose of life is a fairly esoteric subject, and it can be interpreted in various ways. Theres the purpose of life in general, and then theres the purpose of an individuals life. As for the former, Ive personally come to believe that one reason each of us is here is to come to understand who we really are, namely (as stated earlier) sparks of the Divine that have the innate potential to be as compassionate and unconditionally loving as the very force that created us.. As for individual purpose, I feel that each person was created to bring some form of service to the world, and that purpose will ultimately reveal itself to each individual who is sincerely dedicated to learning about, and meeting that purpose. The purpose may not always be easily discovered or understood, and perhaps at times it may turn out that the purpose requires the individual to face significant life challenges. In addition, because each living soul has freewill choice a given purpose may not always be realized. When it is not, then one can only hope that the infinite intelligence of the Creator provided for backup plans. Seriously, though, this is a very complex subject.

Irene: Jeff, it has been a real pleasure talking with you. I know our reading audience would like to know more about you and your book. Do you have a website where people can learn more?

Jeff: Thank you and it really was wonderful to have this opportunity to dialog with you about the subject of spirituality.

To learn more about Spirituality Simplified, which in addition to being a solid spiritual starter book is likewise a handy reference guide for those who have been on the path of self discovery for some time, readers are invited to visit our Website.

Irene Watson is Managing Editor of Reader Views She is author of "The Sitting Swing."

Problem Solving Tips

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Steve Jobs and Three Amazing Stories

this is one of the most moving videos I've seen on you to, Steve Jobs contribution to this world is beyond that of most of us. His ability to persevere can be a wonderful example to others who wish to achieve what he has. Thanks for the wonderful speech Steve and the person who put the video on the Internet.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Get Motivated Today

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Listen To Your Own Advice

Why Violence is Applauded Everyday

We live in a very violent world where all countries have weapons and soldiers and are ready to kill people who belong to other countries, for reasons that are too insignificant when compared to the loss of human lives.

The heroes who appear on TV and in comics are not angels or wise philosophers, scientists, artists of all arts, or personalities who cultivated their spiritual development, but strong super men and women who use violence to beat their enemies, sometimes possessing weapons and very far from wisdom and peace.

In our daily lives, we are very violent with those who disrespect our ego. We are violent when we are too nervous and when we feel unjustly treated or betrayed.

We don't know how to forgive...

Nobody is attacked without attacking their enemies in return!

Nobody bears to remain silent while offended.

However, if you are aggressive in your behaviour and words, you are being violent. You are not being calm, balanced and healthy. Your behaviour can be characterized as the behaviour of a neurotic!

Everybody is neurotic is this world...

There are only very few exceptions who manage to maintain their sensitivity and goodness, besides living in a hell where practically everyone is selfish and cruel and this is why they are not crazy like the rest of the population on this planet.

Violence and craziness are synonymous. However, violence is applauded everyday, without criticism. Violence on Earth is a law.

If we now analyse sadism, terror, masochism and suicide attempts we'll really understand what violence means, but even these horrors are applauded in our world.

Immorality is what many people use to earn money, and money governs everything. If you don't have money, you have no rights and nobody cares for your life.

This is how our cruel and violent society functions.

Immorality is violence against the human spirit and body, against society and our families.

Today's depressed teens obtain pleasure by abusing their bodies and bleeding.

How many crimes and suicides happen each second, everyday and everywhere?

This is the subject of most of the movies we watch. We also watch many horrors in the news on TV every night, eating popcorn and drinking something with ice. These horrors entertain us for years now and we know they will always be part of our lives.

However, nobody does anything to save these people. Everyone only wants to take his or her own part of the world and be happy by themselves, without caring for the billions and billions of people who are starving, being victims of abuse, facing unbearable situations and living under unbearable conditions.

Is indifference a form of violence?

Yes, of course it is, because it is like a bomb for those who need support, compassion and help. If you are indifferent to those who suffer, you are very far from justice and innocence.

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Beating Depression and Craziness

Monday, April 27, 2009

Back Pain and Memory Part 1

Back Pain - where does it come from? How Does it happen? Why does it happen? This is going to stir it up! A view point from a different perspective.

If we take the view that the body has memory as does muscle, muscle memory. If you bang and injure your arm and it hurts you tend to rub it to 'make it feel better'. I'll come back to the memory bit in a moment. When you rub your arm (or any part of your body for that matter), you create blood flow to that area. The blood is warmed and so is able to circulate better flushing the area with 'healing' energy.

Toxins are also removed from this injured area by this rubbing process, same thing as in massage. That's why it's always good to have a regular massage - to clear energy blockages from the body. If we do nothing that negative energy builds up to some other 'dis-ease'.

So in our example with the arm that was injured, that point of the arm has a memory. If the arm is approached by someone else your defense mechanism kicks in and alerts you into fight or flight mode. You avoid your arm being touched because it remembers the damage or the 'pain' that it experienced earlier. The muscles at that point will go into spasm to protect you from further injury.

So we have hurt our back and not our arm, why? Do you believe that accidents happen or not?

From now on keep an open mind.

My belief is that accidents are no accidents. We create our future, its like everything else, what we give out comes back to us. Like attracts like, like poles attract unlike poles repel. Have you ever noticed that some people are accident prone and others seem to go on forever in their life with out a scratch?

Accidents are an expression of anger. When we feel frustrated anger builds up because we do not feel free to speak up for ones self. We hold it all in. It also indicates rebellion against authority, we get mad, with ourselves and others that we want to hit them, and then what happens is that we get hit. Its what we are sending out comes back to us.

I'm sure that many by now are of the opinion that this is all 'tosh'. Well that is an opinion one that I do not share.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga.
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Backsliding Blues - Tips to Get You Back on Track

Progress is never a straight line. Often it's a matter of one step forward, two steps back. Just ask Oprah, icon of self-improvement, who publicly confessed how sabotaging beliefs contributed to weight issues that continue to plague her. Backsliding after we've started some new habits or set new goals is common. The choice you make after you've "fallen off the wagon" that is critical.

Backsliding can show up anywhere. You decide to save some money, but then you can't resist that shopping spree. You resolve to speak calmly with your children, but then lose your temper and yell at them instead. You decide to end a relationship with someone who doesn't love and appreciate you, but then you rationalize those feelings away.

The best of intentions can get crushed by procrastination, old habits or disempowering thoughts. Here are a few tips to get back on track after you catch yourself backsliding.

1. Celebrate Your Awareness

Do you immediately launch into self-recrimination and judgment when you backslide? Instead of beating yourself up, choose to celebrate your awareness. Within the seeds of the breakdown are the keys to creating a lasting breakthrough.

Action Step: Come up with a positive mantra or affirmation to use when you discover you're out of integrity with your goals. Try "Hey, I'm curious about what took me off course," instead of "Hey, you loser, you blew it again!" Love yourself forward.

2. Patience is a Virtue

In a world addicted to instant gratification, creating empowering new habits and thoughts takes discipline, repetition and, often, time. How many years did it take to create the bad habit in the first place? A few decades perhaps? Is it so unreasonable to think it may take you a few weeks or months of focused intention and action to unlearn a lifetime of mental programming?

Action Step: Catch yourself when you get impatient and stop. Impatience is a quality of the ego-self, not the Higher Self. While sometimes a permanent shift can just take a split second, often we simply need to be more patient with our process.

3. Think Outside the Box

Einstein said it best when he observed that trying to solve problems at the same level of thinking that created them is an exercise in futility. It's like trying to hammer a nail, when the only tool you have is a saw. Breaking out of deeply ingrained subconscious patterns often requires thinking outside the box.

Action Step: Realize there's a lot you don't know. Work with a coach, find an accountability partner, or connect with like-minded people who are achieving the success you want to create as a way to break loose from old patterns.

Success Strategist, coach and author, Carolyn B. Ellis, is the founder of and Her mission is to empower others to turn adversity into opportunity so they can improve relationships, increase self-confidence and reach their highest potential. She is the award-winning author of The 7 Pitfalls of Single Parenting: What to Avoid to Help Your Children Thrive After Divorce. To receive a special gift, visit

Peaceful Effects Of Nature

How to Turn Negative Emotions into a Positive Force

We all deal with negative emotions at one time or another. We may be having a "bad hair day," we may meet someone that really irritates us, we may get hurt, ignored, or mistreated by someone. Some of us carry those negative emotions all the time because they have been buried so deep in our psyche that they almost totally shape our sense of identity.


I want you to think of emotions as ENERGY. That's what they are! The emotions (energy) can be positive or negative.

Here is one principle I want you to understand and carry with you as you deal with your daily interactions with people and yourself:

POSITIVE ENERGY is nearly the same as NEGATIVE ENERGY (emotions). Both are just focused in different directions. Got it? The "car" is the same, except you can go south or north. If you go north you will end up in San Francisco, if you go south you will end up in San Diego.


Going back to the example of the car. The "car" is energy. If you are going north and you realize that's not where you want to go (negative energy) don't fight it! Instead, turn around and go south! I know it almost sounds like I am insulting your intelligence! But that's the way it works!

Let me get practical here.

If you are experiencing frustration and you are able to strip away the circumstances that caused the frustration, the RAW ENERGY of frustration feels a lot like enthusiasm. Think about it: frustration and enthusiasm are the same energy (car) going in two different directions, negative which is frustration (north) or positive which is enthusiasm (south).

If you are experiencing intense feelings of anger/hostility and you are able to strip away the circumstances that caused the feelings of anger/hostility the RAW ENERGY feels a lot like passionate love. Have you heard of angry couples that make love like crazy after a very bad fight? Why is that? The same energy can go in two different directions (north or south); negative or positive. Passion can serve the purpose of destruction or intense bonding. By the way, love making after a fight is a bad idea if one or both spouses are into denial and not resolving conflict. Great idea, if they are good at conflict resolution!

Let me give you one more example. The feeling of determination for something positive could turn into calculated cruelty and incredibly manipulative behavior, which is negative energy.

For everything that you feel the urge to oppose, there is something else that you can support. Each instance of negative/destructive energy has a positive counterpart.

Here is my point, when you're feeling negative, you're actually quite close to feeling positive. Let me help you imagine this picture so you will understand the next step. The moment you are able to identify negative energy and toxicity in yourself, remember, (see it with your mind) you are just one step away from experiencing positive and healing energy! Have you ever dealt with negative and toxic people? Well, those same people are one step away from to being incredibly positive, affirming, loving and encouraging. Imagine all the negative energy you can experience or observe in others re-directed towards something positive.


There are two simple steps:


Of course you have come to expect that answer from me. Choice is about character and character is all about choice.

The best way to DEAL with negative energy is not to fight against it but instead, CHOOSE to make positive use of that energy by redirecting it. No one can choose for you. That is your unique privilege. CHOICE is your ultimate right. Blaming, lying, excusing, justifying, explaining or reacting is just a symptom that shows you are not willing to CHOOSE and assume responsibility for harnessing your RAW ENERGY. It is very sad and even painful, to observe someone experiencing so much negative energy while knowing that the same person is so close to being a magnificent force for good. Some of the bitterest people I have dealt with are those who are just one inch from being the most loving people. Just one inch! The worst marital conflicts that often end up in divorce and wounded children were just one inch away from turning into magnificent marriages! What a waste! Personal choice is the one switch that makes a world of difference.


Some clients have told me: "Well, I made the choice to be positive instead of negative and nothing happens!" Good point! Right after you CHOOSE to change the direction of your RAW ENERGY from negative to positive you must now REPLACE the negative fuel that fed the negative energy or emotion with positive fuel.

Think of it this way. Negative energy is fueled by negative thoughts in your brain. Positive energy is fueled by positive thoughts.

The law of replacement works this way. Your brain will never be empty. Your brain will never be on neutral. There will always be something replacing something. Even your "dream" system is meant to fuel your energy. Did you ever have a bad dream and you were filled with negative energy all day long? Did you experience the same with a happy dream? Have you ever finished a conversation with a negative person that doesn't allow you to resolve a conflict and you end up with negative energy? Have you ever had a dialogue with a positive person that affirms you and you feel totally positive at the end of the conversation? Fuel is anything that enters your brain or emotional system. Fuel will produce energy!

But you see, you are always in control of what enters your brain and emotional system. Even when you face a negative person you can choose to fuel your brain with positive thoughts. That is the role of healthy spirituality.

If you have chosen to turn your negative emotions into positive energy you must immediately fill your brain with positive thoughts. YOU MUST REPLACE NEGATIVE FUEL (Negative thoughts) WITH POSITIVE FUEL (Positive thoughts). There is no way around it!

Just make the choice to focus the intensity of your feelings on what you value and appreciate, rather than on what you don't want. REPLACE hate with love. REPLACE unloving actions with thoughts of affirmation. REPLACE hostility with forgiveness. REPLACE the raw anger and bitterness you experience with thoughts of God and His grace. REPLACE fear with trust. REPLACE frustration with calmness. REPLACE victimization with personal responsibility. REPLACE negative feelings by going into nature or going to the gym. REPLACE selfishness with time spent with someone that needs help. REPLACE hostility with meditation and reflection.

No matter what is coming your way, you can redirect the power of your life in a positive direction. Remember what you're in favor of, and put your life into it. As long as you keep looking at what you don't want, that's exactly what you will get! Apply this to marriage, divorce, parenting, work situations, family tensions.

Let me finish by sharing with you what works for me. When I find myself driven by negative energy I CHOOSE to change the direction of my energy by figuring out my REPLACEMENT strategy immediately. It has become like an instantaneous shift. When I feel negative I connect with God a lot. He is my spiritual bluetooth! It works! It's amazing what parking the car for 10 minutes does when I decide I need to chat with God. When I experience negative feelings I call my kids to see how they are doing. It's amazing how much they love me. Very often by listening to them my own negative stuff is replaced with feelings of positive affirmation! I use lots of imagery to deal with negativity. What would happen if I could love this person instead of holding grudges or hating him? What would happen if I would give this pressing situation to God? What would happen if I tell God about my financial pressure or emotional tension instead of driving someone else crazy? What would happen if instead of complaining about a situation I choose to become an agent of change and affirmation? I can describe hundreds of scenarios like these. I discipline myself to choose what I am in favor of, instead of "bitching" about what I am opposed to! Negative energy is toxic to the body, the mind and the people of your universe.

Friend, I am excited about this, because it WORKS! I wanted to pass it on to you.

Harold J. Duarte-Bernhardt is co-founder of the "LIFE ZONE." Harold is a consultant, a seminar speaker and a LIFE Motivational Coach. The "LIFE ZONE" is a resource and a coaching center for personal and spiritual growth committed to providing sound strategies for dynamic living and LIFE FITNESS. Harold believes that PAIN is the greatest window into the best life has to offer! PAIN is never pleasant, it's never fun; but great people have always faced PAIN and difficult times before they found the key to a magnificent life. Harold resides in Southern California and is the father of four wonderful human beings! For more information and coaching visit: or call 1-888-MYZONE2 (699-6632)

Are You Fed Up With Religion

Construction Financing and Commercial Loans For Better Decision

The financing of commercial construction loans and commercial real estate are presenting a series of new challenges to commercial borrowers. As a result, small business owners should expect to find some new problems avoidable, but in general when looking for financing working capital and commercial mortgages.

There have always been complex problems for business owners to avoid when it comes to commercial loans. By most accounts, these difficulties are expected to increase because it seems that we are entering a period that is characterized by the further uncertainties in the economy. Before the rules of commercial mortgages can change suddenly and with little notice by the lenders in case of the current financial turmoil continues.

This article will evaluate why the commercial construction have become harder to obtain loans and discuss possible funding solutions for commercial finance. It is much more likely that borrowers will have to look beyond your local area to help finance companies because of current economic uncertainties in combination with less capital available for commercial mortgages in general and the financing of the construction in particular . In many areas of the United States, almost all construction business effectively funding sources are inactive at this time in connection with new loan applications.

Construction loans are generally considered more risky than other financing by most lenders, even before the financing of enterprises became more limited financing options recently. For a commercial lender, the most important risk factors for the financing of commercial construction generally include: (1) a commercial property can not produce the revenue that is used to repay a loan until the property is completed and occupied, (2) a significant risk factor is the possibility of seizures contractor, and (3) many commercial building projects take longer to complete than had been planned and / or exceed the original cost estimates. Due to widespread losses in the construction industry, the contractor mortgage risk is a major concern for commercial lenders. In any case, the current delinquencies in payments on the loan for financing the construction business is running well above normal.

Construction of housing finance has always been seen separately by the lenders, because the eventual owners of houses are individuals instead of companies. From the perspective of commercial lending, it is likely that the current difficulties in housing construction seen are indirectly affect the availability of funding for the construction of commercial properties, because the possibility that the contractor incurred during projects can reduce residential mortgages quickly the financial stability of the contractors involved in residential and commercial construction projects. This is another reason why lenders are increasingly focused on the risk of mortgages as a contractor providing construction financing less.

The viability of investment property has a theme of "location, location and location", which reflects the importance of a place to invest. This remains an important factor when lenders assess the prospects for commercial loans in the commercial property and new construction. A lender may be more comfortable with a stable income growth for a company that in turn result in a stable to increasing valuation of the property, thus guaranteeing the preservation of commercial mortgage loans.

Although there are significant regional variations, we see declines in both commercial and residential property values in the United States for the first time in several years. A severe recession will result in a reduction in income for many companies over a long period of time, and it is very difficult for both lenders and borrowers of the projects where this downward trend will reverse.

Given the difficulty of funding based on location, using local lenders can not be a practical solution for trade finance in the commercial property and new construction. Small business owners should seek advice from a straightforward commercial loan expert who can provide effective strategies for changing business financing and financing difficult situations, especially in light of the difficult commercial loan climate that currently prevails.

For more details about credit loan visit @

Controlling People With Fear

Cheerleaders - A Handful of Life Lessons!

In this wonderful journey of Life, there are lessons to learn from anyone whom we all come across...lessons from sportsmen, businessmen, CEO's and cheerleaders.

Cheerleaders are said to be a small crowd across the globe, and it makes them very special and unique for what they do - fly across continents to be at sports venues just to spread cheer, warmth, positive energy, smiles and laughter. So, wherever they cheer, they are an epitome of what all of us aspire to be... just plain happy within and outside.

The power of their presence is felt when you see them cheering the crowds - you and me included. Does anything cheer you more, bring more joy, more vivacity during these matches than these cheerleaders? They dance and giggle through you TV screen irrespective of how the match is poised. Whichever team you and me may patronize in the game, we are all on one-side - the side of the cheerleaders......

These cheerleaders are not just bone and flesh, pretty and chic.... In each of them is a teacher, a nurse, a corporate executive, an airline hostess, a travel guide, an architect...but above all, they are cheer-leaders and their goal is to spread as much joy and cheer cutting across color, creed, and continents. This is the power of positive energy at its best. If each one of us, above all we do in our lives, decides to imbibe cheerleading, this world will be a greater place than it is now.

Each of these cheer leaders have their own set of problems, they have overcome many hurdles in life than any of you and me, they have their successes, failures and setbacks, and in some cases even insurmountable tragedies.

BUT they are a determined lot - put all of their personal life aside, and be here and now, only to make you and me smile, laugh, feel happy, feel good, be a bundle of positive emotions. Believe me, even the critics of these cheerleaders, get infected with their joyful emotions. THAT is the power of spreading positive energy, smile, happiness, and joy. We all must imbibe a little bit of cheerleading in our daily schedule.

Amongst them, each of these cheerleaders invests so much of time and energy in staying and looking to be what they are.... Be it keeping their good and happy looks, an ever smiling disposition, a strong mind and body to take them across countries, and make a million and more spectators reciprocate the same positive energy and joy. I don't think there could be any other small group akin to these wonderful cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are power packed positive emotions their best. They are teamwork at its best. Each one of these cheerleaders is from a different place, nation, speaks a different language, has a unique set of life goals and career aspirations.

But when it comes to their 'here and now' goal of cheering, they are the best team, move as one, dance as one, and smile and make you smile as one...a cohesive and close-knit team that performs only to accomplish the group's goal to cheer. These are great management lessons in how teamwork ought to be.

Cheerleaders spread joy and happiness not to one sport... They do the same for cricket, baseball, football and any other sport which would want to get them to cheer the crowd. That is an example of a vision statement, irrespective of what is done... a vision to spread joy and cheer, and positive vibes for a huge audience. So, here we learn the power of having a personal or corporate vision.

Let's all benefit from a few good life lessons from these cheerleaders!

Peace And Religion

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happiness-Searching for The Right Person

You must build your happiness if you wish to be happy some day. It cannot come by chance if you are always tense and worried with several problems, of if you are nave and you live in your own world, disconnected from reality.

It cannot appear accidentally in your destiny, like you imagine. You have to deserve it.
You have to prepare yourself, so that you may be able to recognize it when you see it from afar or discover it in the darkness of your repetitive daily rut.

Happiness is always connected with the special person, the perfect person, with whom you'll fell completely fine, in paradise.
This person's shadow follows you everyday. You need love, and you need someone... But this person never appears... He or she lives only in your imagination.

However, you must be prepared to meet the right person at a place where you won't even think about the possibility of meeting someone special, because you may meet them when least expect to find love.
Your preparation has to begin from your psychological development; otherwise, you won't be mature enough for a perfect relationship.

What does this mean? It means that you have to pass through psychotherapy before meeting the ideal person. The best, totally free and absolutely safe technique is through dream interpretation according to the method discovered by Carl Jung. After his death, I proved that his theory and method are really valid and correct by relating several discoveries made in many different scientific fields (like biology, astronomy, physics, oceanography, etc).

I continued his research into the unknown region of the human psychic sphere through dream interpretation and discovered the wild side of the human conscience, which causes craziness to the human side.
Therefore, I recommend that you start paying attention to your dreams and write them down. Learn how to interpret them correctly, so that you'll be able to develop your psychic sphere and avoid repeating the several mistakes that are typical to everyone belonging to your psychological type.

You'll be transformed with this psychotherapy because you'll become mature, intelligent and secure. You'll be balanced and wise!
This way, your personality will be complete. You won't be demanding like a child, you won't be afraid of everything, insecure, unable to decide what to do, jealous or selfish. You'll have a perfect human character.
Therefore you'll be able to live happily, without problems, fights, fears, disappointment or illusions, without being far from objective reality and without dreaming of something impossible to exist.

You'll be sincere, calm, comprehensive and intelligent. If you'll continue interpreting your dreams and developing all the capacities you have this way, you will become a genius.
Thereafter, you won't have any problems. You'll be so attractive with all these characteristics that you will find that several admirers appear in your life who are very interested in being romantically involved with you.

You'll be able to choose the correct one for you, because then you'll know what to look for in a relationship. Your happiness is practically guaranteed, because you have built it yourself.
You will not do anything silly, or miss the opportunity to live with the person who is perfect for you because you will neither hate the person nor become their slave.
You'll have a balanced relationship, where love will only increase with time and the several experiences of your life together.

Remember that when you choose someone to live with, this is the most important decision of your life, because this is your life, this is your happiness.
Don't make mistakes. Prepare yourself and don't worry anymore about when the right person will finally appear in your life, because it's going to happen exactly when you are ready.
Your dreams and your life are connected. You'll see that a new phase in your life will begin with dream interpretation.

At the end of your first introspection into your psychic world, you'll discover the characteristics of the person that really match with yours and many more things about yourself that you cannot imagine how you ignored them completely all along.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.

Learn more at: and

Click below to download your copy of the Free ebook
Beating Depression and Craziness

Break Through the Limits to Your Health, Wealth, Peace and Happiness Now

Maybe this sounds like a day you've had recently. You have a big meeting at the office this morning...and the alarm didn't go off. You stop at Starbuck's for coffee and the line stretches out the door! A fender-bender on I-95 brings traffic to a crawl. You finally get to work and some jerk pulls into the last parking space within earshot of the office, just as you're about to pull into it! You're about to give him a piece of your mind...and then you think better of it.

Are you overworked and feeling stressed out? Do you put in long hours and still feel like you're getting nowhere? Do people and situations keep showing up in your life that upset, scare or just annoy you?

How many other people do you know who are in the same boat? Yeah, a lot!

If only we could find out who's responsible for our suffering, maybe we could do something about it. Right? But look at how many people we interact with, or read about, or see on TV every day. How could we possibly get them all to stop causing us pain, anxiety, frustration and fear? And even if we could, there will always be more where they came from. Where does it all end?

It all ends where it began.

OK....where's that?

I'll tell you exactly where, but consider this for a moment first, okay?

What if there was a way to remove the obstacles on your path to happiness and success? What if you could finally be in charge of your life? Interested?

The "where," and the way, to erasing the limits to achieving more in life than you ever imagined are both in you. We have created our own limitations by how we have thought about ourselves and everyone around us. And we each have the power within us to remove the mental obstacles that block our path, freeing our minds to find new and unexpected ways to get what we desire out of life.

My client Mary's husband passed away suddenly. In addition to the family mourning their loss, they also found themselves fighting over money and other property in the estate. This led to her children not speaking to each other, or to her. Mary was devastated. During our next session I introduced her to a simple technique that has the potential to break through seemingly impossible obstacles. Using this technique Mary immediately began to calm down, and she continued using the technique over the following days. After several days, Mary's son called her daughter, her daughter called her and they all made peace.

What is this technique? A self-help methodology so powerful it can clear your mind of subconscious blocks - unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts and memories you don't even know are holding you back. A process that is critical to my Life Cleansing Coaching Method. A process that transformed the ward of a hospital for the criminally insane from a nightmarishly depressing and dangerous place that even the staff hated to come to, to a place filled with hope. Patients formerly shackled were allowed to walk freely. Heavily medicated patients were getting their doses reduced. And many who were believed to have no chance of ever being released were being freed.

All because of Ho'oponopono (Ho-oh-poh-noh-poh-noh), an ancient Hawaiian healing process, updated for our times, that wipes our mind's slate clean, allowing us to start over with no preconceived notions. The technique was used by a psychologist, Dr. Hew Len, who joined the staff of the Hawaiian State Hospital, and who never saw any of the patients professionally! For three years he simply looked at their files and worked on himself. As he said in 'Zero Limits', the best-selling book he co-authored with Joe Vitale, "I was simply cleaning the part of me that I shared with them."


What Dr. Len meant is that the problems we see around us aren't in others - they're in us. To change them we have to change ourselves - we are totally responsible for everything that happens in our lives.

Hard to accept? It sure is. We are so quick to blame others for our misfortunes - the economy, the weather, the government, terrorists, the guy who just cut us off on the highway - anything we don't like or that scares us or causes us pain. Ho'oponopono is based on the concept that we - literally - create our own reality. Therefore everything you experience is ultimately your responsibility. The good news is that, because you created it, only you can change it.

Ho'oponopono is about healing yourself through loving yourself. To "cure" anything or anyone, to change the way you experience your life you first heal yourself. Dr. Len calls it Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono because it's the form of Ho'oponopono that's done entirely within yourself (other forms require a facilitator). As you heal (Dr. Len calls it "clean") yourself, the world around you is "cleaned" as well because you ARE the world - you create the world you see.

So, how do you heal or "clean" yourself using Ho'oponopono? Through applying thoughts of Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude. Dr. Len recommends saying four sentences to erase old, unconscious memories as you think of a situation, circumstance or relationship that has been in the way of you having your desire:

I love you. I apologize. Please forgive me. Thank you.

Why these phrases? To remember your oneness with all that is, apologizing and asking forgiveness for forgetting the truth of who you really are - Source, God, Universe - whatever you choose to call the powerful Force of Life we all share.

In my personal life and in my Life Cleansing work I have experienced so many examples of Ho'oponopono's healing effects. There have been nights I have tossed and turned worrying about challenges in my life. By repeating those four simple sentences I was able to feel at peace, relax and fall asleep.

Suzanne was suffering from chronic headaches for several months. She incorporated Ho'oponopono techniques into her daily routine and is now free of headaches.

Sande was scheduled for bypass surgery, and she was scared. She repeated, "I love you. I apologize. Please forgive me. Thank you." over and over as often as she could. The day before her surgery she received a call from the doctor telling her the surgery was cancelled because they had looked at her test results again and found that the surgery was not necessary.

Debbie was very upset when her boyfriend didn't call her for several days after they had a big blow-up. For two days straight she practiced Ho'oponopono. On the evening of the second day David invited her to dinner, where he proposed. They are now happily married and both use Ho'oponopono to "clean up" their lives.

Taking responsibility for your life is the first step to changing it. Ho'oponopono offers a simple, powerful process to support you along this path. By itself, or in combination with other life-changing techniques, Ho'oponopono helps you break through your self-imposed limits, erasing the obstacles to achieving more in life than you ever imagined.

Laura Norman, best-selling author, world-renowned Reflexologist and Life Cleansing Coach has helped thousands of people banish burnout and erase fear and anxiety from their lives through her unique, holistic approach to Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness, Laura Norman Life Cleansing.

For Laura's FREE newsletter, including more of Laura's powerful insights, tips and tools, please visit

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Perform Random Acts of Kindness

When we see another person in need and act selflessly to help or to cheer them up, we are performing a Random Act of Kindness. Typically this would be for a stranger, someone we may encounter and interact with just that one time. This is an obvious concept of course, but in our fast paced lives today it's well worth taking a moment to reflect and open our awareness so that we can see the many ways we can make this a pattern that becomes part of who we are.

There are aspects of Yoga practice that come into play in this arena as well. As we move deeper into our practice, there are aspects above and beyond the asanas we perform together in our classes at Lotus7. Among these would be non-harming, truthfulness, non-stealing, and non-coveting. In fact there is a school of Yoga called Karma Yoga that is the Yoga of Selfless Service.

OK, how do we perform Random Acts of Kindness? It seems to me that this can range from something as simple as smiling at someone who's having a bad day to paying the toll for the car behind you in addition to your own on a toll road. How about clearing litter from your street? When driving, how about letting a car turn out of a parking lot or out of their home? When parking, why not give up a parking space? Holding the door for an older or handicapped person as they enter or leave a building? Of course, this is not limited to human interaction. There are kindnesses that can be extended to animals as well.

The possibilities are endless. This concept is as old as the scriptures - doesn't it come down to treating others as we would wish to be treated? I've heard (and I believe) that how we treat others whom we don't need or want something from is a measure of our character.

There are some great examples at Lotus7. There are teachers who donate their time to teach blind and elderly students. An inspiring case is one of our students, Teri Pike, who takes time to walk and tend to injured and abandoned Golden Retrievers at the local rescue center. She's featured in our spotlight this month. What a great example to set for us all!

There are few endeavors we can undertake in this life that leave everyone involved better off for having been present. Random Acts of Kindness certainly fit that bill. Now, let's all commit to going out and making some people happy who may not be expecting it from us. Just think how much good this does for your spiritual well being. Namaste

Copyright 2007 George Carter. All rights reserved.

George Carter has4CB been teaching and seeking to help others with special needs and is committed to helping others to improve their lives through Yoga principles. He continues his daily personal practice and studies regularly with Bob Metzler and his teaching practice is heavily influenced by the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. He is also editor for L7 Lifestyles newsletter for Lotus7 Yoga and Pilates located in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. Sign up for more yoga and pilates articles at

Crisis in Christianity - Spiritual Books - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Personal Developement and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Powerful Life Changing Thoughts

Self-Pride VS Universe

There is logic to thinking that the universe will take care of you if you believe or wish hard enough. The only problem is if you don't put anything else into it, there is a likelihood it isn't going to happen. This is one difference between some currently "in vogue" theories of how to change your life for the better -- which can be read to suggest that simply wishing for something and believing it will happen hard enough will make it happen. Here's the thing -- everyone can benefit from the help of others, but we want to think we can do it on our own, so we make ourselves believe we can do it alone and cut ourselves off from help that may be right in front of us.

Basically, our self pride and desire for self improvement -- emphasis on the "self" in both cases -- gets in the way; it makes us all think we can do it alone or our way, but that isn't how it always works. We fall into old patterns of not letting anyone into our lives to help us. What we forget it is that the universe is massive, and works best when everything is aligned and we are open to what it has to offer.
We are all part of the universe and we all have something to give to each other. That is why we need to make sure that we are aware of the outside forces that are presenting opportunities for us to achieve our goals.

Have you ever wished for something very hard and believed with all your heart it would happen, only to be disappointed that it did not? Think about whether you put too much on yourself, and in trying so hard to visualize it happening you shut your eyes to the tools or ideas that others may be putting before you. Allow others to assist you in your goals, and you may be surprised that your goal can move forward or be accomplished more quickly. We are all part of a big picture that is larger than ourselves and our pride. Move forward with your eyes wide open and take advantage of any opportunity for
assistance that comes your way.
In this way it is virtually guaranteed your goal will be accomplished in record time, and you will be able to see what else is out there for you to discover and share with others.

Open your mind to the people and elements that surround you every day. These will help you open new doors of opportunity for yourself in life, love and wealth.

Author Bio:
Joe Becwar focuses on coaching individuals in evaluating and achieving both personal and professional goals, assisting them to transform their lives into what they want. He is the founder and Managing Director of Coaching and Consulting Group, LLC, and

Abstract/Article Summary/Teaser Copy (2-5 sentences, no paragraphs please) There is logic to thinking that the universe will take care of you if you believe or wish hard enough. Allow others to assist you in your goals, and you may be surprised that your goal can move forward or be accomplished more quickly.

Joe Becwar focuses on coaching individuals in evaluating and achieving both personal and professional goals, assisting them to transform their lives into what they want. He is the founder and Managing Director of Coaching and Consulting Group, LLC, and

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Setting Goals Like a Pro - Goal Setting Examples

A certain man wanted his film series to be made so badly that he was willing to go without food and water and sell his beloved pet so that he could follow his dream. This man sometimes slept on the floors of movie producers offices just so that he would have a small chance at seeing his dream come into reality. This man is called Sylvester Stallone, the creator of the timeless "Rocky" Series.

Setting goals is essential in life to achieving what you want. To use a metaphor for a second, How would you know when you had arrived at the supermarket if you didn't know where it is?

Sounds silly right? Well the same thing applies to goals, if you can't see your goals firmly and clearly within your sight then you won't even know when you've reached them.

Another of my favourite goal setting examples is an American man who had recently been put on social security. Unhappy with his life and income, he developed the tastiest chicken recipe. At a grand old age, he set the goal of getting this chicken recipe in front of millions.

He sometimes had to eat at the restaurants he visited with his proposals just to survive in these hard times. This man was an eventual success and yes you've guessed it, he's the Colonel from KFC.

Oprah Winfrey is a great example of goal setting. Amongst her many achievements she lost 70 pounds once by setting HUGE goals and smaller steps to achieving them.

How can you achieve what these people have achieved? They are not special in some way, then were born equal to us, as all wisdom books say. The way to get what they have is to know how to set goals well and achieve them. But you need a system to do this.

Now the problem is, how do you set those goals and successfully achieve them and get the rich life that you deserve? To get this essential part of your life sorted towards manifesting all your desires Click Here

Believing In Religion Video

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Judging Your Childrens Partners
Searching For A Soul Mate

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Christianity As the World Changes

Most people seem to go through life doing what others do and never seem to question much about whether the people around them are actually right or wrong. How many of us do exactly what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents do? I was raised a Christian by Christians and they were raised Christians by other Christians and so on. I don't know when or who in my family tree actually decided to become part of the Christian faith. I don't think it really matters today.

Someone had to of made the decision and I will probably never know. I do know this, I have followed Christianity as far as I possibly could and the next step in my life is going to be based somehow on a more spiritually universal world. I can't seem to follow something, that doesn't make sense to me, anymore. Christianity is more or less a religion that people throughout history have made adjustments to, whenever they felt necessary.

This is often like changing a tire on a car as it starts to wear or goes flat. In order for the car to operate and run smoothly we will need to pay a little attention to it, this will require maintenance over time as the car begins to have problems. We have to solve these problems or our car will become useless and will need to be sent to the junkyard.

Religions throughout history have done the same, as the people become more intelligent and less dependent, they need to create new things and make adjustments. If they don't make these adjustments over time, the religion will no longer be necessary and be sent to the junk heap of time. This is what happened to the Greek and Roman gods, what makes you think, that your God or gods will stand the test of time.

Do you think there's going to be any more adjustments to Christianity in the future? It seems like the last adjustments were Scientology and the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. These religions don't exactly follow what Paul started in the Roman Catholic Church. What will the next adjustment be and why will it be necessary?

If you choose to follow Christianity, how do you know which church is right, I mean their core beliefs are right, aren't they. To love your neighbor and be compassionate. To show kindness towards others and help the needy. Do you think that we're going to have to adjust this one day and start treating certain religious followers, whose skin color is deference or speaks a different language with cruelty. I wonder what the next adjustment in Christianity is going to be.

Men Problems Christianity

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Peace And Religion

Spreading the Good Word of God Gently

The other day I was walking through the park when I saw a man, an extremely large man reading the Bible. I was minding my own business like I normally do in full observation mode, just simply enjoying life. When what I thought was a tree reading the Bible, moved and scared the crap out of me. This man was about 6'9" and look like he played professional football but when he spoke it was nonthreatening and very gentle.

Have you read the Bible he said. I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding me. Couldn't this person have been smaller and what's he going to do when I tell him that I have but no longer follow Christianity. I liked my face and the rest of my body, should I lie to this man to save my own life or would he be understanding about my beliefs.

I threw the dice out on the table and told him that I have read the Bible and do not believe it is the word of God, the Creator of the universe. I explained to him that, there is a lot of useful information and some wonderful stories in the Bible but that it could not completely be proven as factual information. I continued to explain to him that there was a lot of information in the Bible that contradicted itself and some that simply wasn't true.

He sat back down on the park bench and asked me to join him. I couldn't resist as I always have enjoyed talking about religion and ready to learn something about this man and why he is a Christian. He started to tell me about some recent events that have happened in his life, some bad, some worse and of course some that he didn't want to talk about. However, he did mention a trip to church a few Sundays ago that changed his life.

I was happy for him that he had found peace but explained to him that he is extremely vulnerable to anything right now that can make a little sense out of his life. Be careful I told him, because you could get caught up in something that feels and sounds good, only to find out later in life, that you have questions about Christianity that can't be answered.

I had a very pleasant conversation with this person and I believe he appreciated a few of the points I made. When people are down and out and their lives seem to be really messed up, they're extremely vulnerable to others religious beliefs, whether they're right or wrong.

Don't force your religious beliefs onto others, be kind and courteous to those who are on the edge and having difficulties in life. Explaining to them about your religion and how it has benefited you is wonderful but it might not be as beneficial to someone else. The next time you plan on converting someone who is down in the dumps, make sure that you understand your own religion before you pass false beliefs onto others.

It's like a cancer spreading through the body, most of the cancer cells don't know what they are doing or how much damage is going to be done until it's too late.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Is the Bible Accurate

I'm going to start with the first book of the holy Bible, Genesis chapter 1 verse one through five. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

And God said," let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

If the Bible is historically accurate, did God actually create earth. I have been battling over this, my whole life. It's very easy for someone to accept and believe in any religion, government, other people or whatever they truly desire to make real. I see it every day of my life, open your eyes and you will see it to.

It's hard to imagine that a superior entity like God created everything that we touch and see. The moon itself is pretty big and the creation of the sun would prove to be a little more difficult, but if you're God and your all knowing and all powerful, he or she or it, must be one incredible being.

This is only the first couple of paragraphs in the Bible and there is no, I repeat no, historical accuracy to this event. It seems like God or man, whoever wrote the Bible, should have started the Bible with something a little more believable for people that live in the 21st century. It's not hard to imagine someone 2000 years ago, believing in something like this.

2000 years ago the Romans were worshiping their own gods, we might find this ridiculous today but back then the Romans would punish you if you didn't worship their gods. We are not too far from that today. If we don't stop organized religion and their influence on humanity, we're going to have serious problems in the future.

The biggest problem I foresee is common sense. If the Bible has 500 historical accurate facts that can be proven without a doubt by historians, scholars and other intelligent people, but has one thing that can't be explained, how do we handle this. How do we handle the fact that the Bible states God created light? If this is false, what else is false in the Bible.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Have you ever really ask yourself Who is, Jesus of Nazareth?

Greg is currently working on a Personal Power Ideas. If you're ever wondering why some people can achieve success, while others seem to struggle aimlessly, what would it hurt, to take a couple of minutes of your time, if you could actually find the truth.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why You Shouldn't Hate Math

People hate math, at least that's what they're always telling me. Of course, being the way that I am, I have to make converts of everyone. I don't know what my passion is exactly, that drives me to convert the "math haters," but I simply cannot overcome the compulsion to do so. To me, there is not just beauty in mathematics but something else which is spiritual. It's as though God speaks to us through this strange and mysterious language. For this reason, I always approach the subject with a certain degree of humility and reverence, knowing that I can be both abased and exalted by its magnificence.

But why try to make math converts? Why not simply preach to the choir of that rare group of math lovers? Well firstly, the latter group is minuscule in comparison to the former, and secondly, there has always been something noble in trying to make a "believer" out of a "doubter." Moreover, I have this firm belief that our society advances or stands still according to the progress of its children. If the children of society are reared properly, then the future success of such a society is strongly enhanced. If the children are adulterated, ill-educated, and poorly motivated........well, then guess what? Do you really expect a brighter future for mankind? Hardly.

It is for this reason that I go around preaching the importance of mathematics, particularly the foundations of arithmetic. To this day, when I work with a student and see him or her struggling with the topic at hand-whether it be algebra, geometry, or even a higher branch such as calculus-I come to observe that invariably a weak foundation is the root cause of the struggle. In addition, the student's lack of confidence makes the fight even more challenging. The struggle having increased without remedy, the student eventually succumbs and adopts an "I hate math" attitude.

What is encouraging for such cases and certainly worth stressing is that all of mathematics hinges on the basics of arithmetic. It is unfortunate that much of a student's frustration in his studies later on is the result of poor mastery of arithmetic. For this reason I say, "Soundly drill this discipline into the minds of our children and the chances of success in higher mathematics is dramatically increased." A good analogy to make would be with sports and professional athletes. Expert athletes master the basics. The Tiger Woods of the world spent countless hours practicing the fundamentals of golf swinging. The ace pitchers of baseball worked on mastering the mechanics of certain pitches. In both cases, these athletes practiced endless rounds with a keen focus on both speed and accuracy. Even great coaches understand the importance of the fundamentals: this is why athletes spend countless hours in training camp going over the basic exercises and drills. This same concept applies to mathematics. Master the basics and the chances of success later on are increased dramatically.

Consequently, in mathematics, once the foundations are mastered, success comes in this discipline as easily as it does in others. Okay. Maybe not as easily, but certainly success will come nonetheless. And as mathematics is so powerful in helping us march forward as a society-indeed mathematics unfolds to us mysteries of the very universe itself-there really is no need to hate this most awesome subject, but rather love it.

See more at Math Ebook Online Bookstore

Joe is a prolific writer of self-help and educational material and an award-winning former teacher of both college and high school mathematics. Under the penname, JC Page, Joe authored Arithmetic Magic, the little classic on the ABC's of arithmetic. Joe is also author of the charming self-help ebook, Making a Good Impression Every Time: The Secret to Instant Popularity; the original collection of poetry, Poems for the Mathematically Insecure, and the short but highly effective fraction troubleshooter Fractions for the Faint of Heart. The diverse genre of his writings (novel, short story, essay, script, and poetry)-particularly in regard to its educational flavor- continues to captivate readers and to earn him recognition.

Joe propagates his teaching philosophy through his articles and books and is dedicated to helping educate children living in impoverished countries. Toward this end, he donates a portion of the proceeds from the sale of every ebook. For more information go to