Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Simple Flick Of The Switch Of Your Attention From Inattention To Conscious Attention

You will not see who you are - this "you" of you - while you keep on persisting in believing this mind that is busily informing the mindbody that you think you are. You are not this mind informed mindbody that you find yourself traveling around through. No amount of thinking is going to deliver you of the beauty of your self - the heart of existence. You are literally going to have to surrender, let go of and leave alone your ongoing and momentary attempts to try and be who you think you are to come to the clarity of who you already are - there is no getting around this one.

Who you are is this "motion of seeing" that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, right now. Who "you" are is already here, in this very moment. You can actually and truly be completely free from the bondage of this prison of your own making, if you are so wanting. Letting go of what was never true of "you" and consciously being this one that is this "you" of you is completely available to you, right here and right now.

If you do not want to be who you are then you need not do anything differently to what you are currently up to and doing in your daily and momentary living. However, who you are is already true of you and this "you" of you is the "motion of aliveness" that is flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved with.

You are to find this one that is seeing through your eyes - the seer - by consciously aligning your focus of attention to this very "aliveness" that is flowing through your eyes in this moment. Then you are to stop at and as this one that is "you". This you can do because it is "you".

Learning to move from this "you" of you is what frees you up to this "you". Who you are is already here. You need not "try" to be who you are; you simply need to realize that "you" already are; you need to "be" this amness of you.

It is a simple "flick of the switch" of your attention; from you believing yourself to be who you think you are to the realization - energetically - that "you" already are; from the inattention of unconsciousness to conscious attention; this on a momentary basis.

Because who you are already is, you can actually "stop and drop" what you are not and "see and be" who you already are. Will who you think you are help you along with being who you are? No. Not at all. Au contraire. Who you think you are works flat out in distracting you from the "seeing and being" of who you already are. This running commentary of your mind is an adept at the art of distraction - it is what it does. It will have you looking at anything, anything at all, rather than have you "seeing and being" this "you" of you.

Of course, an ever growing of uncaused happiness is not the result of living this attempt to try and be something that is not you, either. Pain and suffering, falsehood upon falsehood, fear and desire, guilt and doubt is what is served up as the daily menu. All the while, "you" are already right here and flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, closer to you than the nose on your face. The heart of existence, the beauty of the divine one, is this "you" of you.

Try visiting Elyshas website for more free information and self help products to help you step out of the suffering mind and enter your Heart. Elysha is available for those of you who are ready for a radical change in your spiritual consciousness right now.

Law Of Attraction Is Magick

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