Saturday, May 10, 2008

Self Control & Decision Is Your Key To Change

In order to change circumstances and events in your life, you must not only be prepared to change but you must change. People often think that they can manifest millions or attract a dream relationship without the drive to change in order to accept their new desires.

In my experience change is required to bring new and better things into your experience. If you are happy and content with what youve got then feel free to wallow in what you have already achieved. If you desire to have more then be prepared for change.

How many times have you got all fired up about something and then only to find that your enthusiasm has dissipated into the ether? How many times have you made a firm decision and really meant it and said:

Im going on a diet

Im quitting smoking

Im not going to eat that cake

Only to find that a few days (or even a few hours) later, youve given in to your own self-control and have gone back to your comfortable routine that youre used to! This happens to everyone and its only because you havent exercised your self-control muscles enough.

Everyone has the power to decide upon something and stick to it. Consider a different situation for a moment. Youre in a life or death situation and someone is ordering you to go on a diet, to quit smoking or to eat only healthy foods. Do you think you would do it then?

Of course you would! There are two elements that help you decide that its okay to keep smoking or its okay, you can start exercising tomorrow.

The first is self-talk. It can be quite easy to talk yourself out of something that you havent practised for very long. Your new decision has not really become a part of you yet and thus your self talk can go into overdrive and easily rationalize why you shouldnt start the new habit just yet. When faced in our life or death situation, self talk has no place whatsoever. In fact you demand that it shuts it mouth as the situation is very serious to you and your will and emotion overtakes your self talk completely.

The second is lack of proper planning. Lets say you make the decision that youre going to start exercising on a regular basis. You say to yourself, Im going to wake up early and go for a run every morning. The problem is, youve not planned this properly. What are you going to do when it rains? How long are you going to run for? Where are you going to run? Why are you running? What will you do when you dont feel like running? If you plan every possible decision that your self talk will tempt you with, youll have an answer for everything and if youre definite about your decision then you will follow through with it.

Next time you make a decision, ensure you plan properly and ensure you are definite about your decision. Ensure that failure is not an option.

Gary Evans is a Law of Attraction practitioner, author and owner of the company Good To Feel Good. Gary is dedicated to helping you attract anything you desire through successful application of the Law of Attraction.

Get your free copy of Gary's 7 Proven Steps To Success e-course by visiting:

Abraham Lincoln

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