Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Age Philosophy

With high religious fervour today in the world, the philosophy of Success through Mind Power will help to condition the mind to achieve your lifes goals more easily. Even prayerful people are better mentally conditioned. That is for those who believe in prayers. A mind properly conditioned is free from fear, doubt or worry, those being the negative and destructive emotions that hinder success. Eliminate these and you usher in faith, an essential ingredient for what many can call miracles.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, Success through Mind Power is there to help you to attain your lifes goals because the philosophy is based on the simple principles of time tested practical psychology, devoid of any forms of bias. You are conditioned mentally to face lifes challenges and excel, no matter seemingly hopeless your situation.

The 21st millennium is still new to us. Some people described it as the Aquarian age. It is claimed to be the period when as from the magical Year 2000, many good things would come down to our planet Earth and affect it very positively. The age was long predicted to compel men to do good even against their will. Oppression by such institutions as governments would phase out, and so would oppressive regimes around the world. More importantly, man would be moving closer mentally and psychologically to matters of the mind and spirit, away from material preoccupations.

To some degree, these predictions have materialised. You only need to look around the world to see how past dictatorships have faded away. Religion, including fundamentalism, is today playing a greater role. It is evident that things of the mind are gaining in popularity. I make bold to assert this because I know how people of all classes embrace my philosophy of success by learning to use more of their mind power. My own country, Nigeria, is currently experiencing economic and psychological depression, which accounts for the proliferation of churches as people grope around for material and spiritual salvation.

The philosophy of Success through Mind Power is not another religious crusade, I must add. All religions, without exception, draw from the philosophy when they preach faith and perseverance. Therefore, no conflict exists between the philosophy and your religious belief. If anything, as was earlier stated, acquiring the philosophy would enhance the mind use of a prayerful individual.

The philosophy comes in handy for the attainment of success because it is motivational, inspirational and problem solving. I can assure you that you can use the philosophy to solve a wide variety of everyday problems. The advantage of this philosophy is that it erects no barriers whatsoever. It is at home anywhere in the world. There are no race or religious barriers either in the application.

Success in any human endeavour starts in the mind. Once mentally registered strongly, it translates to physical reality. Conversely, failure or lack of achievement is triggered off mentally also. It is an old adage that whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. This unwritten law of nature constitutes the pillar upon which our philosophy of Success through Mind Power is built. The philosophy itself is not a novel one. It was well known to ancient peoples in Egypt and parts of the Middle East, where this knowledge was used as a prosperity secret. Besides, it was used in those primordial times to forecast events and protect people against famine and epidemics. In more recent times, inventors like the famous Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and the worlds richest man, Bill Gates, have all applied this philosophy to their advantage and that of mankind. Any one can use it to his best advantage by following the simple ten-step principles of the philosophy. These are all clearly spelt out in the book Success through Mind Power.

Franklin D

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