Saturday, May 24, 2008

What An Illness Can Teach You

The first part of our lives, we come to learn the ways of the world.

The second part is spent unlearning.

Some of us are faster learners than others, and unlearners. The trick is to remember the unlearning because if you don't, you get stuck in delusion.

For instance, I'll use the example of illness, one of the Big Ones.

We learn early on to have an aversion to getting sick.

Yet we may get more attention, people take care of us, we may get to stay by ourselves to contemplate the delirious thoughts rumbling round and round in our heads.

Most recently, I was in bed with a fever of 103 degrees. I used "The Work" of Byron Katie and Ho'oponopono to heal my thoughts about the illness.

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that simply requires the inner chanting of four phrases: I love you, Thank you, Please forgive me, (for the part I played in bringing about this "problem"), I am sorry (for the part I played).

Byron Katie's "The Work" is a process where a "problem" is scrutinized with Inquiry, or a series of questions, that puts the responsibility right back where it belongs--inside yourself.

The 4 questions of Byron Katie's "The Work"

1) Is it true?

2) Can you absolutely know for sure that it's true?

3) How do you react when you think that thought?

4) Who would I be without that thought?

---and turn it around---


I awoke at 3 a.m. one morning with fever and said to myself: "I feel terrible."

"The Work" began to immediately flow through me, as if called by the Creative Source.

Is this true?

Yes, it is true.

Can I absolutely know without that it is true?

Yes, without doubt.

How do I react when I think the thought: I feel terrible?

Well, I create a story of how terrible I feel, how frustrated I am because the fever won't break, how I want to do other things but can't. I just am not enjoying myself.

Who would I be without the thought: I feel terrible?

I'd just be me, lying in bed with a fever, turning to look out the window, witnessing hundreds of lightening bugs blinking majestically there, like a mid-year Christmas light display.

I'd just be lying here saying: Thank you body, thank you fever;

I love you body, I love you fever; I'm sorry and forgive me for the part I played in bringing about this illness.

Turn it around?

I don't feel terrible.

I feel enlivened.

I feel like the inner fire of the fever is changing me forever.

I feel like the fever is the gateway to transformation.

I feel like the fever gave me this opportunity to spontaneously use "The Work" without even trying to use it and that "The Work" was using me.

Ho'oponopono effortlessly flowed through me like music to my soul.


I was sick a few days after that, but didn't complain to people about my illness, didn't want to, thus did not create a story that would make people say, "Poor you."

I didn't have to dramatize the illness with a Poor me, martyr complex that takes longer to undo than it's worth.

I got to simply be sick, listen to thunderstorms, and the rain gently falling on the vibrant green of summer.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog:

Ten Commandments
Greeks And Persians

A Different Corner

I dont know what to think sometimes
Coming home is such a painful drive
Door opens, you greet picture perfect fine
but I see another none too shy

Telling me with a smile that shines
same old guests are again coming tonight
Guess its a sign of the times
when you can play before haunted eyes

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Cant turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

Doorbell strikes to hit right on time
Last to know I want to die
Im getting tired of reading signs
Getting tired just like his wife

What good is silence to me now
what good is violence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I caught what I caught yesterday
Cant turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

I cant and I dont
I dont and I wont
I wont and I shant
I shant because i cant believe you any more

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Cant turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

by Suki Cheema

Category: Saffron Collection

George Washington
George Washington Carver

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What An Illness Can Teach You

The first part of our lives, we come to learn the ways of the world.

The second part is spent unlearning.

Some of us are faster learners than others, and unlearners. The trick is to remember the unlearning because if you don't, you get stuck in delusion.

For instance, I'll use the example of illness, one of the Big Ones.

We learn early on to have an aversion to getting sick.

Yet we may get more attention, people take care of us, we may get to stay by ourselves to contemplate the delirious thoughts rumbling round and round in our heads.

Most recently, I was in bed with a fever of 103 degrees. I used "The Work" of Byron Katie and Ho'oponopono to heal my thoughts about the illness.

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that simply requires the inner chanting of four phrases: I love you, Thank you, Please forgive me, (for the part I played in bringing about this "problem"), I am sorry (for the part I played).

Byron Katie's "The Work" is a process where a "problem" is scrutinized with Inquiry, or a series of questions, that puts the responsibility right back where it belongs--inside yourself.

The 4 questions of Byron Katie's "The Work"

1) Is it true?

2) Can you absolutely know for sure that it's true?

3) How do you react when you think that thought?

4) Who would I be without that thought?

---and turn it around---


I awoke at 3 a.m. one morning with fever and said to myself: "I feel terrible."

"The Work" began to immediately flow through me, as if called by the Creative Source.

Is this true?

Yes, it is true.

Can I absolutely know without that it is true?

Yes, without doubt.

How do I react when I think the thought: I feel terrible?

Well, I create a story of how terrible I feel, how frustrated I am because the fever won't break, how I want to do other things but can't. I just am not enjoying myself.

Who would I be without the thought: I feel terrible?

I'd just be me, lying in bed with a fever, turning to look out the window, witnessing hundreds of lightening bugs blinking majestically there, like a mid-year Christmas light display.

I'd just be lying here saying: Thank you body, thank you fever;

I love you body, I love you fever; I'm sorry and forgive me for the part I played in bringing about this illness.

Turn it around?

I don't feel terrible.

I feel enlivened.

I feel like the inner fire of the fever is changing me forever.

I feel like the fever is the gateway to transformation.

I feel like the fever gave me this opportunity to spontaneously use "The Work" without even trying to use it and that "The Work" was using me.

Ho'oponopono effortlessly flowed through me like music to my soul.


I was sick a few days after that, but didn't complain to people about my illness, didn't want to, thus did not create a story that would make people say, "Poor you."

I didn't have to dramatize the illness with a Poor me, martyr complex that takes longer to undo than it's worth.

I got to simply be sick, listen to thunderstorms, and the rain gently falling on the vibrant green of summer.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog:


A Different Corner

I dont know what to think sometimes
Coming home is such a painful drive
Door opens, you greet picture perfect fine
but I see another none too shy

Telling me with a smile that shines
same old guests are again coming tonight
Guess its a sign of the times
when you can play before haunted eyes

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Cant turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

Doorbell strikes to hit right on time
Last to know I want to die
Im getting tired of reading signs
Getting tired just like his wife

What good is silence to me now
what good is violence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I caught what I caught yesterday
Cant turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

I cant and I dont
I dont and I wont
I wont and I shant
I shant because i cant believe you any more

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Cant turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

by Suki Cheema

Category: Saffron Collection

Wayne Dyer Inner Wisdom

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How To Get A Lot Of Friends On MySpace

If you are a MySpace junkie like myself, your MySpace profile is one of the most important things in your life. You may have worked months to build up a friend list and have tons of comments. But have you ever visited a friends profile, and saw that they had over 1000 more friends than you? Even more, they have 20 new comments every day? You probably wonder how they became so popular so quickly. Well its much easier than you think.

Todays new status symbol isnt your car, your clothes, or even your home. Todays new status symbol is having tons of friends on MySpace. Building this friend list can be tedious and boring, especially if you dont have many friends in real life that are on MySpace. But the fun part of MySpace is making new friends, or even just showing off your profile. Having a huge friend list allows you access to tons of people at one time. You can post bulletins to tell everyone at once whats going on in your life. You even can invite all these people to your gig or party. Better yet, you can post comments on their profile and let people that arent even on your friend list see what you have to say. This friend list becomes very important if you are a social person, so why not make it as huge as possible.

You can start by spending a day surfing MySpace and browsing for people that meet a certain criteria. Then adding them manually as a friend and waiting for the response. Now if you are adding friends for the purpose of just being able to send bulletins of comments, this can get very boring. This is how I discovered MySpace friend adding programs. There are tons of programs out there like FriendAdder that will automatically add up to 500 friends per day, send comments, send messages, and search throughout the MySpace world for keywords that you choose. Programs like these have made making MySpace friends so effective and easy.

This is also great for web promotions as well. Create a MySpace profile about what you are promoting. Then use an automatic friend adder to bring people to your profile. This is such a great way to increase traffic to your profile and potentially gain new fans or customers.

So instead of adding friend the old fashion way, why not automate it. This has made my MySpace experience so much better, and has allowed tons of people worldwide to see what I have to say at a push of a button.

PaulG is an expert on internet social groups, especially MySpace. Add up to 500 MySpace friends per day, leave tons of comments, messages, and gain traffic to your MySpace profile by checking out FriendAdder Try it out for free!

Also, check out MySpace Trends for more great tips and ideas about MySpace.

Wayne Dyer Inner Wisdom

Monday, May 12, 2008

Learn Self Hypnosis Techniques

Although most of us associate hypnosis with the client sitting in a comfortable chair with the hypnosis therapist standing or sitting giving suggestive commands. There are actually lots of self hypnosis techniques that you can learn and apply on yourself, and this way gain full control of your mind. To put it another way these techniques will help you become your own mind manager. Below follows a description of the core of these techniques which you can alter and adjust to fit your needs. This technique pretty much consist of the same core method that the hypnosis therapists are using on their clients. Be aware though, that you should be very careful about which statements you program into your sub-conscious mind. So take your time and select these statements very carefully.

The first thing you have to decide is the purpose for the self hypnosis: What are you really trying to find out or accomplish? As soon as you have defined your goal with the self hypnosis session, you must keep to this goal. Never select more than one goal at a time and resist the temptation of solving all your problems in one batch. You simply will not be able to do that but instead create even more problems by trying that. So how should the statements or suggestions that you're going to implant into your sub-conscious mind be?

They must be positive and represent something good. Never use suggestions like "I'm going to learn to bungee-jump no matter how scared I am". This will only make you even more scared. So cleanse out all negative words when you formulate your suggestions and substitute them with positive words like "I really look forward to bungee-jump and thus have the fantastic feeling of freedom when I fly in the air."

The suggestions you formulate must be easy to remember. Let's say you want to communicate better with other people, then for example you can make a suggestion like, "I am a damn good communicator." Now, write it down and then add all the reasons why you want to reach this goal plus what you expect will happen when you reach it. Each time you repeat the statement, visualize that you succeed to strengthen the message in your sub-conscious mind. It's also important that the suggestions you make are short, direct and specific like "I will only eat healthy food".

When you perform your self hypnosis sessions make sure you are not disturbed. Disconnect the phone, lock the doors and make yourself comfortable. You might lay on a bed or sit on a chair with straight back.

  • Focus your attention on a point slightly above your eye level
  • Take a few deep breaths while you repeat the word "relax" for yourself
  • When you breath out imagine that you're getting rid of all the bad air that have caused all the trouble inside you and that you substitute it with the fresh air you breath in
  • Close your eyes and try to focus on a few (3 to 5) sounds you can hear like water running in the pipeline, the wind that blows outside, the rain tapping on the roof etc. Also be aware of what you feel for the moment like the temperature of your skin, the weight of your body against the chair or bed etc.
  • Start the descent to your subconscious mind by imagining that you are walking down a ten step spiral staircase to a beautiful garden which awaits at the end of your descent. For each step you take you have to pass layers of clouds and you feel more and more relaxed and all your worries are gradually leaving you. When you dismount the last step, you put your foot on a green lawn which have a glow on it from the rays of the sun.
  • You should now be sufficiently relaxed to start the repetition of your suggestions or statements to your subconscious mind. Repeat each suggestion three times with a short break in between. When you're finished with your suggestions, imagine that you slowly climb back to the top of the staircase.
  • Now the self hypnotic session is over and you are back in your ordinary state of mind.

Try it out. If you feel that hypnosis can help you accomplish whichever goal you have, redo it and make it a regular practice for your own self improvement.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. He runs the website Terje is a Sociologist who enjoys contributing to the personal growth and happiness of others. He tries to accomplish this by writing about self help issues from his own experience and knowledge. For example, hypnosis and other self improvement methods as well as developing higher self esteem.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Age Philosophy

With high religious fervour today in the world, the philosophy of Success through Mind Power will help to condition the mind to achieve your lifes goals more easily. Even prayerful people are better mentally conditioned. That is for those who believe in prayers. A mind properly conditioned is free from fear, doubt or worry, those being the negative and destructive emotions that hinder success. Eliminate these and you usher in faith, an essential ingredient for what many can call miracles.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, Success through Mind Power is there to help you to attain your lifes goals because the philosophy is based on the simple principles of time tested practical psychology, devoid of any forms of bias. You are conditioned mentally to face lifes challenges and excel, no matter seemingly hopeless your situation.

The 21st millennium is still new to us. Some people described it as the Aquarian age. It is claimed to be the period when as from the magical Year 2000, many good things would come down to our planet Earth and affect it very positively. The age was long predicted to compel men to do good even against their will. Oppression by such institutions as governments would phase out, and so would oppressive regimes around the world. More importantly, man would be moving closer mentally and psychologically to matters of the mind and spirit, away from material preoccupations.

To some degree, these predictions have materialised. You only need to look around the world to see how past dictatorships have faded away. Religion, including fundamentalism, is today playing a greater role. It is evident that things of the mind are gaining in popularity. I make bold to assert this because I know how people of all classes embrace my philosophy of success by learning to use more of their mind power. My own country, Nigeria, is currently experiencing economic and psychological depression, which accounts for the proliferation of churches as people grope around for material and spiritual salvation.

The philosophy of Success through Mind Power is not another religious crusade, I must add. All religions, without exception, draw from the philosophy when they preach faith and perseverance. Therefore, no conflict exists between the philosophy and your religious belief. If anything, as was earlier stated, acquiring the philosophy would enhance the mind use of a prayerful individual.

The philosophy comes in handy for the attainment of success because it is motivational, inspirational and problem solving. I can assure you that you can use the philosophy to solve a wide variety of everyday problems. The advantage of this philosophy is that it erects no barriers whatsoever. It is at home anywhere in the world. There are no race or religious barriers either in the application.

Success in any human endeavour starts in the mind. Once mentally registered strongly, it translates to physical reality. Conversely, failure or lack of achievement is triggered off mentally also. It is an old adage that whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. This unwritten law of nature constitutes the pillar upon which our philosophy of Success through Mind Power is built. The philosophy itself is not a novel one. It was well known to ancient peoples in Egypt and parts of the Middle East, where this knowledge was used as a prosperity secret. Besides, it was used in those primordial times to forecast events and protect people against famine and epidemics. In more recent times, inventors like the famous Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and the worlds richest man, Bill Gates, have all applied this philosophy to their advantage and that of mankind. Any one can use it to his best advantage by following the simple ten-step principles of the philosophy. These are all clearly spelt out in the book Success through Mind Power.

Franklin D

The Manglik Factor in the Horoscope

Mars holds a very important planet in our horoscopes. It is the planet of action and our capacity to project emotion - its nature is that of a brave warrior, one who is also ruthless. A correct balance of Martian energy is the most desirable in all lives - but unfortunately, only a lucky few possess this dynamic balance. Mars is the planet of emotional excitability, which can become violence. Generally speaking, Venus is the planet of emotion sensitivity, which can become refinement while Mars represents the malefic side of our emotions.

On the positive side, a strong Mars is necessary to give us the energy, independence, will and self-confidence to carry out our endeavors. Without this we would have no real interest, passion or motivation to carry out anything to an end and accomplish its objective. On the negative side, the same aggression brings about competition, argument and conflict - which, if unchecked can lead to domination, violence and injury.

Mars indicates premature death; as with loss of partner, particularly so when Mars is afflicted by "Kuja Dosha". This affliction of Mars in a chart commonly makes the horoscope to be known as a Manglik horoscope. It is caused by placement of Mars in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th house of a natal chart. There are of course conditions when this affliction of "Kuja Dosha" is reduced to some extent. These are:

  • Mars in 1st House is in Aries
  • Mars in 4th House is in Scorpio
  • Mars in the 7th House is in Capricorn or


  • Mars in the 8th House is in Cancer
  • Mars in the 12th House is in Sagittarius

The very obvious and only means to cancellation of "Kuja Dosha" or malefic effect of a Manglik horoscope is that the person with such a horoscope marries another with a similar affliction. Recourse to divinity, especially to Lord Hanumaan is said to be effective armour against malefic effect of "Kuja Dosha".

Our FREE report analyses the status of Mars in a horoscope with respect to its position in the Horoscope, its special status (namely Exalted, Own House or Debilitated) and the existence of generally malefic aspects / conjunction of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. To create your own Mars Report, visit the following page:

Madhushri mukerjee is one of the astrologer with There was a lot of articles written by her for cyberastro. You can republish this article in your ezines,websites and newsletters. THe resource box, content must not be changed or editied

Wayne Dyer Inner Wisdom

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Simple Flick Of The Switch Of Your Attention From Inattention To Conscious Attention

You will not see who you are - this "you" of you - while you keep on persisting in believing this mind that is busily informing the mindbody that you think you are. You are not this mind informed mindbody that you find yourself traveling around through. No amount of thinking is going to deliver you of the beauty of your self - the heart of existence. You are literally going to have to surrender, let go of and leave alone your ongoing and momentary attempts to try and be who you think you are to come to the clarity of who you already are - there is no getting around this one.

Who you are is this "motion of seeing" that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, right now. Who "you" are is already here, in this very moment. You can actually and truly be completely free from the bondage of this prison of your own making, if you are so wanting. Letting go of what was never true of "you" and consciously being this one that is this "you" of you is completely available to you, right here and right now.

If you do not want to be who you are then you need not do anything differently to what you are currently up to and doing in your daily and momentary living. However, who you are is already true of you and this "you" of you is the "motion of aliveness" that is flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved with.

You are to find this one that is seeing through your eyes - the seer - by consciously aligning your focus of attention to this very "aliveness" that is flowing through your eyes in this moment. Then you are to stop at and as this one that is "you". This you can do because it is "you".

Learning to move from this "you" of you is what frees you up to this "you". Who you are is already here. You need not "try" to be who you are; you simply need to realize that "you" already are; you need to "be" this amness of you.

It is a simple "flick of the switch" of your attention; from you believing yourself to be who you think you are to the realization - energetically - that "you" already are; from the inattention of unconsciousness to conscious attention; this on a momentary basis.

Because who you are already is, you can actually "stop and drop" what you are not and "see and be" who you already are. Will who you think you are help you along with being who you are? No. Not at all. Au contraire. Who you think you are works flat out in distracting you from the "seeing and being" of who you already are. This running commentary of your mind is an adept at the art of distraction - it is what it does. It will have you looking at anything, anything at all, rather than have you "seeing and being" this "you" of you.

Of course, an ever growing of uncaused happiness is not the result of living this attempt to try and be something that is not you, either. Pain and suffering, falsehood upon falsehood, fear and desire, guilt and doubt is what is served up as the daily menu. All the while, "you" are already right here and flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, closer to you than the nose on your face. The heart of existence, the beauty of the divine one, is this "you" of you.

Try visiting Elyshas website for more free information and self help products to help you step out of the suffering mind and enter your Heart. Elysha is available for those of you who are ready for a radical change in your spiritual consciousness right now.

Law Of Attraction Is Magick

Self Control & Decision Is Your Key To Change

In order to change circumstances and events in your life, you must not only be prepared to change but you must change. People often think that they can manifest millions or attract a dream relationship without the drive to change in order to accept their new desires.

In my experience change is required to bring new and better things into your experience. If you are happy and content with what youve got then feel free to wallow in what you have already achieved. If you desire to have more then be prepared for change.

How many times have you got all fired up about something and then only to find that your enthusiasm has dissipated into the ether? How many times have you made a firm decision and really meant it and said:

Im going on a diet

Im quitting smoking

Im not going to eat that cake

Only to find that a few days (or even a few hours) later, youve given in to your own self-control and have gone back to your comfortable routine that youre used to! This happens to everyone and its only because you havent exercised your self-control muscles enough.

Everyone has the power to decide upon something and stick to it. Consider a different situation for a moment. Youre in a life or death situation and someone is ordering you to go on a diet, to quit smoking or to eat only healthy foods. Do you think you would do it then?

Of course you would! There are two elements that help you decide that its okay to keep smoking or its okay, you can start exercising tomorrow.

The first is self-talk. It can be quite easy to talk yourself out of something that you havent practised for very long. Your new decision has not really become a part of you yet and thus your self talk can go into overdrive and easily rationalize why you shouldnt start the new habit just yet. When faced in our life or death situation, self talk has no place whatsoever. In fact you demand that it shuts it mouth as the situation is very serious to you and your will and emotion overtakes your self talk completely.

The second is lack of proper planning. Lets say you make the decision that youre going to start exercising on a regular basis. You say to yourself, Im going to wake up early and go for a run every morning. The problem is, youve not planned this properly. What are you going to do when it rains? How long are you going to run for? Where are you going to run? Why are you running? What will you do when you dont feel like running? If you plan every possible decision that your self talk will tempt you with, youll have an answer for everything and if youre definite about your decision then you will follow through with it.

Next time you make a decision, ensure you plan properly and ensure you are definite about your decision. Ensure that failure is not an option.

Gary Evans is a Law of Attraction practitioner, author and owner of the company Good To Feel Good. Gary is dedicated to helping you attract anything you desire through successful application of the Law of Attraction.

Get your free copy of Gary's 7 Proven Steps To Success e-course by visiting:

Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What Is Enlightenment

The concept of enlightenment, I find with some humor, is one which is filled with much non-enlightened thought: that is, thought based in separation and "ego". Firstly, the concept is a label for an experience decidedly without labels. It is an experience of utter freedom - but whatever thought you have of what enlightenment is will always be accumulated from others. It is again, something someone else tells you is a better way.

Second, in most people's thoughts it implies an end to growth, conflict, and issues. Once this magical state is achieved then there is nothing more to learn; one can live in bliss. It is thus a more new age equivalent to the concept of heaven.

Lastly, there is the assumption that enlightenment is "better" than what you are experiencing at this very moment, in the Now. It is separate from what you are in this instant. It is somewhere you have to get to. Some others' references to enlightenment:

  • In Hinduism, it is moksha, a final release from one's worldly conception of "self".
  • In Buddhism, it is the end of suffering. The mind is free from craving, anger, and other afflictive states.
  • In David Hawkins' levels of consciousness in Power versus Force, it is the level at which non-duality is perceived.

It is the latter which seems to describe it for me, but there is of course value in all of them. When reading, it is always easy to intellectualize the concepts, which is very hazardous when dealing with something beyond the intellect. The key is the usage of perception in the description. It is not something you take a pill for, to transmute "bad" energies into "good" ones. Channeling To give the perspective from the "other side", we asked about enlightenment when channeling :

We find no particular merit to the term "enlightenment" other than in acknowledging for you the possibility for greater awareness of Love. You are already complete simply as you are. By this, we mean that you are All That Is, and nothing less.

Within this completeness, of course, is a universe of range for experience and perception. You can experience complete separateness and disunity. You can never actually be less than All That Is, but within your entire being you can experience extremely limited perceptions. The perception that most people would call "enlightenment" is simply an awareness of the fundamental interconnection of All That Is. Because it is a perception, from this state there is nothing that happens to you (an external force operating upon you) but rather simply experiences of you meeting your Self. Externally this looks identical.

There is thus no true need to transform negative emotions or thoughts, because you are All That Is, which includes them. Having different perceptions of what these energies are leads to radically different experiences. It is hard to see the interconnection and oneness of All That Is while disowning parts of yourself, but it is still possible to choose this. Indeed, while having expanded perception you see the beauty and wonder of all choices.

This perception is of course not an end, but rather a beginning. Greater perceptual awareness will always lead to more energy, more growth, more freedom, and more possibility. The perception of oneness is not the same as the experience of it, which is what the soul craves; to know Self through experience. This you are already doing.

And so, we wish you to understand that you are already engaged in the process of knowing and loving your Self, whatever you may be doing. Enjoy your process. It is the process that is important, not the "result". From here comes the old adage: you are already enlightened, but you simply do not perceive Who You Are.

Those who advertise It is of course true that those who advertise their state as enlightenment as "better" are not likely to be in this state, for then they would not see it as "better". It may be there are those who perceive true oneness are in a state of pain. Ramana Maharishi had painful cancer in the final year of his life, but was said to be peaceful and serene through the pain. Again, it is the Zen koan: "Zen is like a finger pointing at the Moon". It is much more helpful to know the moon: point towards your Self.

And so if you perceive Who You Are, are you really any different? Is it any better? Again, that is your choice. There is nothing lost and nothing gained, for you are always Who You Are.

Matthew's website is Loving Awareness: A Journey to Wholeness. If you wish to peruse more of his writings, please visit that site and subscribe.

He is a channel, teacher, writer, coach, and sometimes activist living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He is a founding member of the federal Work Less Party of Canada. He is a world traveler, having been to most of the continents on the Earth. He considers himself as a basically simple person who tries to look into the framework of life. Sort of like the Tao Te Ching if you added some interpretive dancing & clowning to it. Playfulness is his modus operandi, and he's learning how to relax, have fun, and be perceptive, and be balanced at the same time. Matthew is totally with the Dalai Lama when he says "my religion is love" - he strives to practising loving-kindness towards everyone, including George Bush. Really, he needs it. Yes, Matthew even hugs Republicans! But then, he doesn't perceive 'evil' as such anyway, seeing the universe as being a tremendously loving place, without slipping into being naive. To contact Matthew please email him at


Three Jewels of Buddhism

There are many items that are sacred within the dharmic religion of Buddhism, but the Three Jewels of Buddhism are the very cornerstones of this religion and its beliefs.

Several parts of Buddhism make up the core of this religion. They include the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, both of which are beliefs that were developed by the Buddha when he was enlightened by meditation. The Three Jewels of Buddhism are similar, but they can also be seen as the three things that Buddhists actually give themselves to in order to belong to this religion. The Three Jewels are Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

The Three Jewels are also known as the Gachchamis. The first of these, Buddha, is stated as Buddham, sharanam, gachchami and means I go to the feet of the Awakened One. The Buddha, as referenced in this jewel, can be taken to mean the historical Buddha, or to mean the Buddha's nature or ideal within everyone. Buddha can also be taken to mean Buddhahood or the attainment of Buddhahood, meaning finding the pinnacle of your spiritual and life potential. The name the Three Jewels or the Three Gems also comes from the Buddha, who was known as the Diamond Mind.

The second of the Three Jewels of Buddhism is Dharma, and the Gachchami for this is Dhammam sharanam gachchami, which means I go to the feet of Dharma, the Eternal Law. The word Dharma literally translates into the Teaching, and it is the laws and teachings that were handed down to Buddha's followers by Buddha himself. In the Theraveda tradition, Dharma consists only of these laws, but in Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism, there are other parts of Dharma that are recognized. These include not only Kangyur (the teaching of the Buddha) but also Tengyur (the commentaries of Buddhist practitioners).

The third Jewel is Sangha. Sangha translated into English literally means the Community, and the Gachchami for Sangha is Sangham sharanam gachchami, which means I go to the feet of the Sangha, the Awakened One's community. In Tibetan Buddhism, Sangha is used to refer to all of the people who practice Buddhism and use the Buddha's teachings to benefit themselves and others. In other sects of Buddhism, such as Theraveda, Sangha means the community of practitioners and devotees that have fully realized the nature of their mind - Realized Sangha as well as those who are working towards that goal Ordinary Sangha.

The Three Jewels of Buddhism are often seen represented within a lotus flower within a circle, or surrounded by the dharmic wheel and placed on a representation of the Buddha's foot. This important aspect of Buddhism is one that all sects subscribe to.

Read free dahli lama quotes daily for peace and enlightenment at

Ideas For Your Life

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Get Motivated and Stay Motivated

"Most people ask for happiness on condition. Happiness can only be felt if you don't set any condition." Artur Rubenstein

1) Practice patience, perseverance, and prayer. There's a story of the person who prayed, "God, please give me patience, and hurry!" In this day and age of cell phones, fax machines and instant gratification, it's easy to want what we want NOW. No one is willing to wait anymore. However, as we mature, we discover that it often takes patience, perseverance, and a lot of hard work to get the things we really want. Whether it's a promotion at work, losing weight, or having a great relationship.

If you believe in God, pray for patience, persistence and guidance. God sees the big picture. We don't. Often, looking back, we see that many of the things we just "had to have" weren't really right for us anyway.

2) Learning how to overcome procrastination helps you get motivated and stay motivated. I believe deep down most people know what they're supposed to do to improve their lives. But we procrastinate doing that activity. We just don't want to do it. Whether it's getting rid of the clutter in our home or office, cleaning up our eating habits or cleaning out the garage. Most of us know there's something we need to do that we've been procrastinating. Yet, by procrastinating a task, we end up cluttering our minds further by thinking about what we should be doing.

Again, if you have certain spiritual beliefs, just ask for the courage to do it. Turn to God. This is not something I discuss in my speaking engagements as my audiences are diverse businesspeople from different backgrounds. But asking for strength works. By admitting your weakness you will often gain strength in overcoming procrastination. And getting help in many other areas of your life as well.

Stop trying to do it all yourself. Give yourself a break. Give up some of the control. Take it in baby steps. For example, clean up just half of the garage. Or, begin that exercise program just three days a week for 30 minutes a day. Too often we fall into the "all or nothing" mentality. If we can't do it all at once, well, we simply don't do it at all!

3) Practice positive thinking.Think about what you're thinking about! I read on the internet that the number one thing people would like to change for the new year is to have a more positive attitude. Thoughts lead to words. Words lead to actions, and your actions determine your approach to your career, relationships, health and just about everything else. Positive thinking is something you often have to practice.

I am a worrier. And of all things, a motivational speaker! It's my job to help people become more productive, improve morale and stay motivated. In many cases, it's also my job to help them increase profitability. Worrying is a habit I've tried to consistently break. After all, worrying is negative thinking. Worry doesn't solve anything. It doesn't add a single day to your life. I make a conscious effort to think about what I'm thinking about. I shift my thinking to the positve whenever possible and it's becoming more of a habit. Becoming more aware of your thoughts is half the battle.

4) Eat right in order to feel happier, healthier, and stay motivated. We all know what to eat but often need to be reminded. Too many junky foods produce junky negative thoughts. Start your morning with protein to stabilize your blood sugar. Increase your daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Switch to organics whenever possible toavoid exposure to harmful pesticides. If you travel a lot this isn't always easy. Do the best you can. Remember, moderation is the key. The minute you have that all or nothing approach, you set yourself up for disaster by beating yourself up for not being perfect.

See your doctor to find out what types of vitamins and minerals you should be taking. Studies show that even when we're eating at our healthiest many of us are still missing vital nutrients. Drink more water. If you're under a time crunch, and who isn't these days, try eating raw nuts such as almonds or pumpkin seeds for protein and iron. Dried fruits such as apricots, raisins and cranberries contain vital nutrients and add lots of flavor. I do this all the time when I'm conducting day-long speaking engagements. It's vital for me in keeping up my energy and blood sugar levels not to mention improved mental acuity. Find out what works for you because everyone is different.

How To Get Motivated and Stay Motivated...Choose To Be Happy In Spite of Your Circumstances

5) Make a decision that you will be happy in spite of your circumstances. Don't wait until everything is going your way in order to be content. Otherwise you will spend much of your life discontented. Avoid the "when script." For example, "When I get that promotion then I'll be happy." Or, "When I get pregnant and have children then I'll be happy." How many times have you heard people say, "Once the kids are grown and out of the house THEN I'll be happy!"

There's always that illusive "when script" projecting into the future. And just because you count on something positive to happen, doesn't mean it always does. People aren't perfect and can disappoint you. You can lose your job. Your money can disappear. Things won't always go your way. It's okay to plan ahead and set goals for where you want to be. Just make certain you're also happy where you are now.

6) Don't compare yourself to others. We tend to compare the worst in ourselves with the best in others. Don't compare your insides to someone else's outsides. This is especially true for women. In our society, we're bombarded with magazines and media projecting an unrealistic standard of what we are supposed to look like. Many magazines feature ads with supermodels who are six feet tall. Even worse, the photos have been airbrushed and retouched dozens of times. Focus on developing your own unique gifts and talents. If you're too focused on trying to be like other people, you will become discouraged, give up, and lose sight of your dream.

7) Rest, relax, and recharge completely. It's one thing to get motivated, but to stay motivated you need downtime. If you're sleepy on a weekend afternoon, take a nap. In our fast-paced American society, this is virtually impossible during the work week. America is one of the few countries in the world that doesn't take an afternoon break. Lots of scientific research has shown that lack of sleep negatively affects mood, stress levels, mental acuity, weight, and overall performance. If you're tired, you're more likely to snap. You won't be a pleasant person to be around.

8) Exercise plays an important role in getting and staying motivated. For example, many participants in my speaking engagements tell me that walking outdoors during a short lunch break is enough to reenergize them. Exercising outdoors is especially beneficial in helping reduce depression during the winter months.

While you're exercising, and driving to and from work, listen to your favorite music. One of my favorite songs is "It's On," from Boney James "Pure" CD. Very upbeat music with lots of saxophone, and serves as a huge energy booster and mood lifter for me! I'll often play it after finishing a project. It's a small but very positive reward.

9) Get out of yourself. Be grateful for what you have. Do you have enough clothing, food, and a roof over your head? Probably so. Do volunteer work, or spend time listening to a friend or family member in need. By helping others you realize that whatever your "trauma of the day" happens to be, really isn't so important after all.

Focus more on what you have, not on what you don't have. Today, make a conscious decision to be happy in spite of your circumstances.

Colleen Kettenhofen is a speaker, workplace expert, & co-author of "The Masters of Success," as featured on the Today Show, along with Ken Blanchard and Jack Canfield. For free articles, e-newsletter, or to order the book visit Topics: leadership, success, difficult people, public speaking. Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars. (971)212-2412.

Norse Paganism

Dealing with Difficult People: 27 Secrets & Strategies You Can Apply Today

No one can get your goat if they dont know where its tied up.
Zig Ziglar

1.Listen more effectively. Listening is the number one tool in communication, especially when dealing with difficult people.

2.Step back and analyze the situation from an outside perspective. When we are less emotionally involved and "cool our jets," the answers come for how to effectively deal with them. Whether dealing with a difficult boss, dealing with a difficult co-worker, or spouse.

3.Ignoring often doesnt work. The tension becomes so thick you can cut it with a knife.

4.Choose your battles. There are times when you have to let it go. Know when to speak up and when to pick your battles.

5.Criticize in person, praise in public. Never publicly criticize someone as you will look like the bad guy and the difficult person will only become more upset.

6.Maintain respect for them even if you disagree or dislike them. At least acknowledge what they say. Think about how you would want to be treated.

7.Seek first to understand then to be understood.

8.People often wont care what you think unless they think you care. At least attempt to see it from their perspective.

9.Maintain high expectations and standards if you are managing this employee. If you dont do this you will be seen as enabling their unacceptable behavior.

10.Strive for greater communication. Often, its not that there isnt enough communication, its that its bad communication. Work on improving your conflict resolution skills. If you are a manager, consider training everyone in conflict resolution skills. One of the main reasons teams fail is because some of the people on the team don't like each other, or aren't skilled in how to handle conflict effectively.

11.Invest in communication skills courses and conflict resolution skills courses to improve the part you can control you.

12.Dont lose emotional control. Antagonists and passive-aggressives will often try to push your buttons.

13.Avoid being around difficult people when theyre in a bad mood. If theyre always in a bad mood, try being around them when they are in a better mood!

14.Accept, change or reject. Know that ultimately you only have three choices. 1) Accept the situation knowing it wont change. 2) Attempt to change your relationship with them by changing how you react. 3) If its really affecting your well being, it may be time to reject the situation and move on.

15.No buts allowed! Dont follow giving them positive reinforcement with, But on the other hand The word but only negates everything positive you just said.

16.Non-verbally position yourself at their eye level. For example, if they are sitting when you talk with them, sit. If they are standing, stand. Converse at their level.

17.Avoid the word need when possible and use want instead. Saying politely and tactfully, John, I want to have the project in to me by noon so that we'll meet our deadline. "Want" is more assertive as long as it's in the right tone.

18.Watch your tone of voice. Avoid an autocratic or sarcastic tone. The Latin root of the word sarcasm is "sarco" meaning tearing of the flesh!

19.In face-to-face communication, words account for only 7% of what people notice and believe about you. Tone is 38% and body language 55%. So a full 93% is tone and body language.

20.Give sincere positive reinforcement when they do something well. Show genuine appreciation. Often difficult people are difficult because they feel unappreciated.

21.Avoid absolutes such as, You always and You never. It puts people further on the defensive.

22.Dont take it personally. Often theyre difficult because of something going on with them.

23.Watch your mental state. Dont let them drag you down. A little of that can be normal but dont allow it to go on.

24.Remember the person who constantly angers you, or constantly intimidates you, controls you.

25.Mutually agree to move on. Agree to disagree. If this isnt possible, at least move on in your own mind.

26.Attempt to understand whats driving that difficult behavior. Get at the root cause, even if you only try to figure it out in your own mind.

27.E + R = 0. Event + Reaction = Outcome. You cant control the event, but you can control the outcome based on how you react or respond. Be careful how you respond.

For example, theres the story of the couple who were divorcing. A neighbor said to the wife, "Do you think youd ever get back together? She replied, "No, because we have said things to each other that are so horrible, that even after apologizing they could never be taken back. There's no way we'd get back together."

The moral of the storybe careful what you say. Once those words are out, they're hard to take back.

The disease of me often results in the defeat of us.
Pat Riley of NBA fame

Colleen Kettenhofen is a motivational keynote speaker & co-author of "The Masters of Success," as featured on the Today Show, along with Ken Blanchard and Jack Canfield. She has spoken in 47 states & 6 countries. Popular topics: difficult people, success, presentation skills, leadership, life balance. To order the book online, or for more free articles visit Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars.

Be calm and live in the moment

Monday, May 5, 2008

We Have to Understand the Success Stories

We can make our life much easier if we follow the rule: "learn from the mistakes of others". The other point of view is to forget about this rule, because only a few people know exactly how to use it. The rest of us, as usually - learn from our own mistakes; who knows, maybe it's a part of our personal self-improvement? But there is another strong tool; it is called "We Have to Understand the Success Stories". There are thousands such stories of great achievement, and their number is growing every day. In other words, every man who reached his life goal or reached financial independence making a huge sum of money has his own success story. And now, the secret is that studying these examples makes you successful, because with every story like that, you understand the principles of becoming rich, you understand the way people are growing their wealth, you become really inspired, and you just accumulate experience, the experience every one of us needs most of all.

There is a saying: "we are that we eat". Think about it and you'll realize that this is very true. Also you can refer this quote to your intellectual and spiritual food which may come from different sources, like books, good movies, discussions with clever and intelligent people. As we are speaking about success stories, you should realize that consuming such meals everyday, gives you the spirit of a winner. It happens so because, involuntarily, by reading such positive material we are being influenced in an indirect manner, we begin to be modified through our subconsciousness.

It's the best school of becoming rich and successful in your business. These stories will teach you all the best qualities a real businessman should have. Why? Because the people from these beautiful stories already possess all these qualities. You just have to read carefully, understand the moral, and make the story become your reality. Believe that it's easy. Who said that you can't possess all these good qualities? Just think that all of them were made for people just like you. Just imagine that punctuality, organization, motivation, optimism, wisdom, desire for money, success - it's a part of you and your life. This great school is here, it's free, just go and read it, study it, everything depends on you.

Let's see what exactly can you learn from these success stories: First of all you get inspired, and inspiration is the fuel which gets you through all the difficulties you meet on your way to wealth. After inspiration comes the motivation: make a plan of the things you wish to own after earning your first million. The next is knowledge; the knowledge of the principles of becoming rich and successful. You'll understand the way a rich man thinks, the way he works; you will assume all the good qualities that such a man possesses. You'll find the straight way in order to gain an immediate success. And the most important is that you'll get the experience which will show you the shortest way to your dreams.

Success stories leave their prints on us. These prints lead to self-confidence and self-confidence increases our power of influencing people and things around us, to attract the things and events we need in order to become what we want to become. Move on, go and write down on a piece of paper your own success story. You have all the right to do it. Nobody can stop you. Go and become successful, rich and happy.

Visit"> in order to find out everything you need to know to become rich and successful.

Dalai Lama

Keeping in Touch with Your Customers Online

All of us like to feel that the businesses we frequent understand our deepest desires and dislikes. One way that they do this is by keeping in touch. Since most business can not afford to call or send someone to your home or office, this is accomplished via mail or email.

Doing it Like it's 1999

For the sake of cost and efficiency, most customer contact has moved to the Internet. This started by identifying leads, contacts or prospects in your CRM system (if you were lucky enough to have one) and sending out a bulk "targeted" email. The email would take the form of an invitation to a seminar, or perhaps a new product announcement.

Enter Email Marketing 2007

Unfortunately, due to abuse of email by unsolicited marketers or "spammers", our customers now guard their inboxes like Castle of Carcassonne. Many of these policies are set by their personal ISPs, like AOL, or by internal corporate email filters. What are we legitimate marketers to do to get our legitimate messages through?

Make Sure You're in the Address Book

It is a good idea to contact all of your current customers and ask them to add you to their Outlook (or other) address book. Messages coming from these addresses tend to not get rejected. If you use a special email address for email marketing or "e-blasts", advise them to add this address as well in advance of your next campaign. If you collect email address from a web form, place this address book message on your "thank you" page, as well as instructions to "whitelist" you if their email provider allows this feature.

Train Your Customers to Opt-In

"Opting-in" is the email marketing term for voluntary addition to a campaign or mailing list. An automatic response system will automatically generate one of these confirmation emails and send them to your customer. Although not absolutely required, opting-in is a good practice as an email marketer, as it almost assures your customer will not accuse you of spamming. Just make sure to unsubscribe them just as easily.

Deliver Your Message While You Sleep

Now back to those automatic response systems or "autoresponders". Autoresponders allow you to write a multi-stage marketing campaign in advance and deliver this to your customers over a series of days or weeks. So by the time your customer reads the final installment of the "Top Five Benefits of Widgets" campaign, her credit card is already in hand.

Keeping Things on Track

Perhaps the most important part of any marketing campaign is measurement. Even direct mail campaigns in the late 1800's used postcards with different messages to test effectiveness. Some of the better commercial autoresponders support built-in tracking, so that you can test slightly different campaigns and adjust your marketing accordingly for the next campaign.


Autoresponders can be a powerful tool in your email marketing tool kit. They are flexible information management and delivery systems that can do a lot of the "heavy lifting" in a complex campaign. Bringing autoresponders into your business may just bring you enough new business that you are ready to party like it's 1999!

Andrew Morris covers unlimited automatic responder technology.

Conceptions Of God

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Can Your Beliefs Change The World?

Beliefs shape and mold your life. Sometimes all it takes to change your life in an instant is to adopt an empowering belief.

When you adopt empowering beliefs, you can change your world and even influence the whole world, too.

When Bill Gates found out that an Albuquerque company needed BASIC software to develop a personal computer, he called them up and said he would deliver what they needed. He committed himself, then took massive action. He had a belief, an irrational one, that he could invent what he had promised to deliver. Within a few weeks, he and his partner had written up the program. They made the personal computer possible. This singular belief made him a billionaire by the time he was thirty.

His belief in what was possible, despite a complete lack of evidence, changed not only his reality, but that of the entire world.

Belief-shifting can even shatter permanent and pervasive world-views.

In 1954, when Roger Bannister broke the global and historical belief that the human body could not complete the mile in under four minutes, he changed the entire world-view about what was possible. Prior to his feat, the permanent and pervasive belief was that the laws of physics and physiology limited such an endeavor. After his feat, thinking people began to question the idea of anything labeled impossible.

After he broke the four-minute barrier, amazing things started to happen. Within a year, 37 other runners had done the same. The next year, 300 runners did it. The impossible suddenly appeared possible.

Beliefs are not necessarily true nor false, because evidence can always be marshaled in either direction. When we have experiences, both pleasurable and painful, we create generalizations on what they mean, and these then form beliefs. Yet, it is our interpretation of the experience that determined the meaning we got from it, and that, in turn influenced the generalizations that went to shape our beliefs. Someone else could have had a similar experience and interpreted it in a completely different way. In a war, one person could see all human life as worthless; another could see the sacred element in all human life; yet both are witnessing and suffering through the same carnage.

The important thing, then, is not to focus on whether a belief is true or false, but to focus on whether it is empowering or disempowering.

Here is an example:

When Marva Collins was a teacher of second-grade students in what was considered the ghetto of Chicago, she made the observation that her students did not like to learn. In fact, they actively resisted the process of expanding their little minds. This observation was in line with what the other teachers also experienced. However, her interpretation of the situation was completely different. The school district viewed the children and the neighborhood as the cause of this antipathy toward learning. Marva saw it as the result of an archaic and unstimulating learning curriculum.

She began to teach children as young as four-year-old, classic works of literature like Shakespeare. Since this upset the Chicago city school system, she had to form her own school to carry out her own curriculum. She founded a private school called Westside Preparatory School. To everyone's surprise, her young students thrived on this challenging and demanding work. Instead of becoming confused and inarticulate, their thoughts became more lucid and expressive. They became versed in the literature of ancient Greek, the revolutionary ideas of Leo Tolstoy and John Steinbeck, and other works that American culture usually reserves for college Freshmen.

Literally anything is possible for you--if you believe in it. All you have to do is believe. The act of belief will create the means to carry out your plans. The process of consistent belief will furnish the evidence to prove your belief as true. When your beliefs become a conviction, then you will move heaven and earth to achieve your objectives. And nothing and no-one can stop you.

Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas with you. Hunting everywhere for a life worth living? Discover the life of your dreams. His book Never Ever Give Up tells you how. It is offered at no cost as a way to help YOU succeed. Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.


How to Convert Telephone Calls into Powerful Presentations

You can multiply your ability to persuade by 400%, whether your audience is 1 or 100. Web-based presentations add a visual element to teleconferences. Instead of just talking to prospects, you can simultaneously show them and tell them. According to a Wharton Business School study, this dual mode communication makes your message up to four times more effective than using just your voice. Present from your office:

Web-based presentations can be as effective as in-the-same-room presentations, but are free from the costs and frustrations involved in traveling.

Talk to your prospects using your current telephone orfor large groups a rented bridge line. You and your audience view your visuals using a standard web browser and Internet connection. You control whats displayed on your audiences computer screen! Your screen contains a menu listing available visuals. You control presentation content, pace, and sequence. You can spend as much or as little time as desired on each visual. You can show all of your visuals, or just those needed to respond to attendee concerns or questions. No limits on audience size:

No audience is too large or too small for a web-based presentation! You can easily and cost-effectively show and tell 1-to-1 as you speak to individual prospects, or you can present to hundreds at a time. No advance scheduling:

Your visuals are available 24/7. No reservations are required to present. Convert any telephone call into a presentation by inviting your caller to immediately access your online visuals while talking. More than one set of visuals can be prepared and ready for instant use. Preparing your visuals:

Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create your presentation. Presentations can be as simple or complex as desired. In addition to creating visuals for your core presentation, consider creating contingency visuals available for showing as needed. This permits you to customize your presentation on the basis of questions from the audience or callers.

You can easily add and edit visuals. This permits you to customize the title or specific visuals with your clients name or client-specific contents and prices.

After completing your presentation, upload it to the server where your visuals will be available online to you and your clients, prospects, or employees. Access:

Only those who know the specific location of your presentation on the web will be able to access your visuals. You can communicate the URL during the phone conversation or you can send it to a group via e-mail before an event.

Unless you are also online, visitors will not be able to navigate through your presentation. Applications:

Any presentation task you would normally accomplish in-person can now be done on the phone and online:

Demonstrations. Do a better job of describing the benefits of your product or service by showing as well as telling. Interactively walk prospects through the steps youll use to help them solve a pressing problem or achieve a desired goal.

Previews. Increase attendance at teleseminars and live events by previewing the contents and benefits of attending.

Proposals. Deliver client presentations in an interactive environment. Use your voice to build enthusiasm and address concerns or questions as they arise.

Continuous contact. Keep in close touch with clients and prospects while helping them make informed purchase decisions and best use of their purchase.

Training. Keep employees and your sales staff motivated and up to date on your latest products and services.

Its all about relationships. Web-based presentations are just another way you can put todays low-cost technology to work building and maintaining close ties with customers and prospects. At low cost, you can communicate with added impact from your office.

Let Roger C. Parker show you how to attract qualified prospects and retaining clients by creating the right messages and choosing the right tools. Visit or call Roger at 603-742-9673 for information

Martin Luther King

Three Sweet Poems, and Two Not So Sweet [now in: SPANISH and English]

1) End Poem

Wherever you are today
Is where you were meant to be;
Its where God, dotted the
i and the t!

2) Gods Angels

God asked his angels:
Why do you look so sad?
Responded one angel:
Sir, we cant find the shade.

3) An Empty Space

Out of wisdom one will wait,
travel far for love; the thirst
will not kill them. When death
arrives what will you tell it
explain: why the empty space?

Shyness and fear will not
explain your surrender to your
mysterious veil. Out of wisdom
one will wait, travel far for love;
the thirst will not kill them. But
they will find it, be it in a winter
blizzard, or a cozy restaurant.

4) Onto the Mountains
(The Andes)

I shall blend-in, into the

Into the faintest thin


of the mountains!
Like the moss on moistened


Like a leaf blown far from


(freshly fallen)!
I shall blend-in, clinging

To the mountains
Into its faintest thin


5) Dead Children

Breaking stones
Who breaks stones?
Only shadowy faces
With grieving bones.

I have lost my
Children to the devil
All but one; and
Now I break stones
With a grieving face
And aging bones.

You can visit Mr. Siluk's site, and see his travels, books, and likes and dislikes; also you can visit most of the internet book dealers, as well as ebay for more information on his writtings.

In Spanish

Translated by: Nancy Penaloza

1) Poema final

Dondequiera que t ests hoy da-

Es donde se propuso estar;

Esto es donde Dios apunto la

i y la t!.

2) Los ngeles de Dios

Dios pregunt a sus ngeles:
Por que parecen tan tristes?
Respondi un ngel.
seor, nosotros no podemos encontrar la sombra.

3) Un espacio vaco

De la sabidura uno esperara,
Viajes lejos para el amor;
La sed no los matar. Cuando la muerte
Llegue que le dirs de esto?-
Explicando: Por qu el espacio vaci?
La timidez y el miedo no
Explicaran tu rendicin a tu
Misterioso velo. De la sabidura
Uno puede esperar, viaje lejos para el amor;
La sed no los matar. Pero
Ellos se encontraran, ser ello en una ventisca
De invierno, o en un restaurante acogedor

4) Nios Muertos
Rompiendo piedras

Quin rompe piedras?
Solo caras sombras
Con huesos penosos.
He perdido
A mis Nios para el diablo

Todos excepto uno; y
Ahora rompo piedras
Con una cara penosa
Y huesos envejecidos.

Nota: Estos cuatro poemas [junto con la Sombra de Andes,] fueron recientemente publicados por la Revista Ezine; lectores anuales, tres millones [junio y julio de 2005]; y fue ledo por ms visitantes que cualquier otro poema publicado por aquella revista dentro de aquel perodo de tiempo.

Mr. Siluk lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Lima Peru with his wife, Rosa.

Anthony De Mello

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Approaching Women: The Simple Event That Changed My Life

It was a perfectly normal Saturday afternoon. I was going to visit my girlfriend later in the day, but until then it was time to run the usual slate of typical, mundane errands.

Even though I was in a relationship at the time, I had learned from my research on men and women that style was importantso I had some nice jeans and a button down shirt on. My belt and my shoes matched, and I was in Successful Guy Saturday Casual mode.

After a quick trip to the post office and a stop at the bicycle shop, it was time to go to Target. I needed several things, so I got a cart.

I had checked off toothpaste, light bulbs and a couple items from the automotive department when I happened to see someone I knew at the end of the aisle. I had only met her once, but she was a friend of my girlfriends. So I knew I had better say hello. After all, making nice with the girlfriends friends is always a plus.

She didnt appear to notice who I was, so as I reached where she was I tapped her shoulder with the back of my hand and said (simply), Hey!. She turned and responded back with a reciprocal Hey!, with a warm smile and that classic eyebrow flash that the body-language books talk about.

So it looks like even superheroes like you and I still have to shop for normal, everyday stuff at the Target, right?, I said, noticing a few stray items in her shopping cart.

I suppose!, she acknowledged with a laugh.

I continued with very typical small talk after that. As the conversation continued, I started feeling something strangeif not downright creepy.

My girlfriends friend, if my mind wasnt playing tricks on me, was starting to behave in a manner that I would ALMOST callFLIRTATIOUS.

I was caught off guard. After all, if what I was seeing was really happening, it was COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE. After all, not only was I dating this woman's friendthis woman was MARRIED!

So I maintained that 18 distance that social mores dictate is proper, while continuing with perfectly normal conversation. But soon, there was no denying the body language. She was clearly enjoying the interaction, and eventually made a comment or two that were unmistakably forward.

At this point I was going OUT OF MY WAY to not appear romantically interested in return. Yet, I couldnt help the thoughts that were racing in my mind. This woman was CLEARLY ATTRACTED to me. On top of the impropriety of it all, I was struck by the IMPROBABILITY of it all. This woman was 15 years my junior and at least FIVE INCHES TALLER than me!

Now, let me level-set here. My girlfriend at the time was a beautiful woman, and her friend was likewise very attractive. So here we had a situation where a woman who was NOT MY TYPE AT ALL, and indeed not one of the ones I would immediately picture going after a guy like me, was UNQUESTIONABLY INTERESTED.

At that point I realized that this conversation needed to endand SOON, for obvious reasons. To that effect I said, Well, time to get back to shopping. But Ill tell [my girlfriends name] you said hello.

There was a slight pause. Then a quizzical look from the woman.

Uhwhos [my girlfriends name]?, she wondered. I looked back with an equally querulous expression. Arent you Jennifer?

Umnooooooomy name is Felicia.

With my mind racing in several different directions, I happened to look down and noticed there was no ring on her left hand.

I spontaneously laughed, and explained to her what had just happened. The woman really was a dead ringer for who I thought she was.

She responded with warm eyes and a feminine giggle. So thatsIT...?, she said with one raised eyebrow and a motion of the hand to indicate continuation. I politely ended the conversation there anyway, of course, because I had a girlfriend, and returned to shopping.

But I was changed forever.


I had read time and again about how something like 90% of men have some fear of approaching women. Furthermore, I had read about how the single most important factor in GETTING OVER that fear is to simply GO OUT AND MEET WOMEN. The problem is that most of the time we as guys can't get out of our own way when doing soassuming we get up the guts to even try.

So, in one brief exerciseand by TOTAL ACCIDENTI had unequivocally proven what it takes to law of successfully meet women. Ironically, the law of success was OVERWHELMINGLY due to the fact that I wasn't trying to "pick this woman up".

So whats going on there?

Lets outline the key principles and components of that experience at the Target:

1) I had started the day making sure I looked my best. I was READY for an interaction with a womanif not the woman at the Target.

2) I had NO HIDDEN AGENDA with this woman from a sexual perspective. There was nothing about my approach that caused her to put her guard up. I was just making normal conversation. As such, there was a comfortable atmosphere surrounding the whole thing.

3) Based on the fact that I believed I already knew this woman, I was 100% CONFIDENT that I wouldnt be flatly rejected when I spoke to her. Think about it. If you behave as if you are sure that talking to someone will be met with a positive response, you will not be nervous or sketchy about it at all.

4) My opener with her was a simple Hey! with a light, backhanded whack on the shoulder. No fancy, contrived "lines".

5) This was not a bar or some other special pick up joint. This was the TARGET!

Bear in mind that this woman, although very beautiful, was not at all the type of woman I would ever see myself approaching or see myself with. And consider that it took virtually no direct effort to impress her. What appeared to impress her was the sincerity and confidence portrayed in simply wanting to talk to her.


There is no doubt that this woman perceived my approach as being related to her being a woman and me being a man. Although I was not even close to who the media would match her up with, the combination of facility, confidence and a low-pressure approach WORKED WONDERS. Ladies, that kind of attitude is what you look forward to when it comes to men approaching you, is it not? Dont shout me down for telling the truth!

After that day, I made sure that my accidental discovery became firmly embedded into my conscience. After that, talking to any woman I wantanywherehas been all about considering her someone I already know, and affording her the simple respect that goes along with it. No woman has ever been a stranger, ever since.

Guys: If you have any trepidation at all when it comes to meeting a woman you find attractive, learn from this lesson and I assure you your life will be radically transformed. You have the ability to meet any woman you choose to. Make it so.

Ladies: Heres to more guys learning what I learned that day. I know you all are patiently waiting

Copyright 2006 X & Y Communications

Want to hear more? Scot McKay is a dating coach in San Antonio, TX and founder of X & Y Communications, a one-stop-shop for dating resources. He is the author of the new book Deserve What You Want, and hosts the popular podcast series X & Y On The Fly. He may be reached at or on the Web at

Stone In Your Home

Understanding Your Life's Purpose

"What is my life's purpose?"
"How do I know what it is when I find it?"
"How can I create my life's purpose so it's 'right'?"

If you are asking these questions, you're not alone - I hear it quite a bit from my clients and other seekers. We are fortunate to live in a day and age where this is not only acceptable, but is possible for us to proactively ponder and then take action accordingly.

In order to have this conversation, there are a couple of things I need to share with you first. Here is a summary of what I know from my experience, teachings and world view:

We are here because we are spirit embodied in physical form we decided to come here and live our life's purpose tangibly. So our purpose is to be here and breathe.

We're supposed to learn and experience ALOT in every way so our spirit can grow and we can contribute to the greater collective consciousness.

Challenges are what help us to grow beyond our comfort zone, and without them, we are pretty boring humans. We're only stuck if we decide not to address them.

In the grand scheme of things, this human life is insignificant and exceedingly important at the same time. We are practicing being creative energy through living our lives.

All that being said, when we're not moving, we feel stuck. And then we feel like we're not living our life's purpose. So we feel vaguely unfulfilled, rather than being present with just being, and which pushes us to experience more, which is good as it is our personal contribution to the whole. We are one within ourselves, with each other, and with the universe. And yet, life's purpose isn't really what we're talking about here, is it?

So few words to express such a humongous concept to bring it back, we are here to breathe, to have experiences that benefit ourselves and the whole, and to practice the art of creation regularly (whether we like or are happy with what we are creating or not is a different issue). That is our life's purpose.

The real question behind the questions: what is my soul's unique expression and how can I be in the flow with it so I can make a difference in the world?

3 Things You Can Do Today:
1. Consider your challenges. What are your learning opportunities right now? If you look at previous challenges in your life, you will see that you probably couldn't figure out at the time what they were about you could only see their purpose post-challenge. Therefore, really see and explore what's in front of you now, and reframe it as your growth opportunity to get through it faster. Embrace it as the way the universe is taking you to what you need to know and the result you asked for because it is you who asked for it. If you don't like your results, it's time to change what you want because all that's happened is you got what you asked for on some level.

2. Look at unexpected comments. That is, look at what "people" have said about you throughout your life, regardless of the environment or circumstances. It's likely that your soul has been peeking or leaking out, and other people may have picked up on it for you. For example, one of my clients is wrestling with expressing who she is through her business. I asked her this question, and she couldn't tell me about any comments. When most of the way through our session, I got a message about her creating her own "law of success program" to teach others how she's achieved her dreams, she said "oh yeah, people have been telling me that". She was missing the messages because she had no reference point for them. What messages from your soul are you missing?

3. Re-examine your core interest areas. When you were a child or young person, it's likely that you had interests or dreams or goals that have lost their place as a life priority now. Take a look at them to find the seeds of your soul. In my case, I was always drawn to the "mysterious", to psychic connections, to understanding the invisible. I read books voraciously about explorers (which I am, only in an unconventional way), life oddities, unusual people and mysteries (I later learned that I was an English bobby/detective in a previous life). Anyway, I liked to understand the bigger picture in every way I wanted to understand people and their inside selves. I remember being about six years old, eating a peanut butter sandwich, and asking my mom "what are we here?". She thought I was babbling, but I had a clear picture of pure energy with a wistful certainty that there had to be a reason we are HERE. And now it's my life's work to help others understand that and to engage fully in being here by channeling cosmic creative energy into personal law of success.

So, my intention is to help you life your soul's expression, not just your life's purpose. It's a lot bigger than that.

Lynn Scheurell, Creative Catalyst, helps entrepreneurs remember who they are so they can align everything they do accordingly. This simple premise helps people create law of success from the inside out and by their own definition. Download a free report to learn "Your 6 Power Points for Personal Success and How What You Dont Know Can Cost You!" at

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