Sunday, March 22, 2009

Why You Should Buy Everyone You Know a Copy of the Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude

I am a huge lover of books. Huge. I have surrounded myself with bookshelves filled with fiction, non-fiction, historical biographies, autobiographies, quotes, National Geographic Magazines, old text books, and so on. I leave no genre untouched and no genre leaves me untouched.

One of my favorite books to return to again and again is the one I'd love to tell you more about: Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude - How to FInd, Build, and Keep a YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of Success This is one amazing little book.... It's a little gold powerhouse and I love everything about it. I love the artwork, I love the quotes, I love the positive attitude of the author, and I even love that the book is 199 pages long instead of 200. It would have been terribly easy for the author to have said, "199? Let me go back and breath a little more wind into one or two of the paragraphs..." But 200 would have been far too typical and far too ordinary for such an exceptional book.

I have three daughters who are, like most young people, very busy. Between school, jobs (for 2 of them), boyfriends, friends, and homework - my girls are coming and going just about all day and all night. Because I read a great deal of books (I honestly couldn't keep a running count if I wanted to), I occasionally come across books I very much want them to read. They know where to look for what I term "exceptional books" - on an antique bookshelf in our home office. They know that the books they see stacked on this special family heriloom are "exceptional" and that "mom" would love for them to read them. It never fails to touch me when I see one of them walking through the house with one of these books in their hands or when I find them sprawled across a bed or floor reading one.

After each had finished reading this Jeffrey Gitomer book, they noticed that I still kept it on the antique shelf along with newer books. My oldest finally asked me why I hadn't moved what she called "The YES! Book" to another shelf. I told her the reason was that I would be recommending it for the rest of my life AND that they should return to it often for a YES! fix.

You become what you think about all day long. - Earl Nightingale

When I first read "Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude," I felt like I could tackle hell and all its demons with a toothpick - before I'd even reached page 20. I carry a notebook in my purse where I keep track of books I want to buy, At the top of the list there's a standing order: Anything written by Dean Koontz, Mitch Aplomb, John Grisham, Nicholas Sparks, and Jeffrey Gitomer. The "and Jeffrey Gitomer" was added after I read this book. If Mr. Gitomer writes it, I will read it.

He has a special way of looking at the world and a special way of sharing this view with his readers. I actually consider myself a very positive person, but I was encouraged to be even more so after reading this wonderful book. As he points out with a brilliant combination of wisdom and wit, most of the things we complain about simply aren't worth the attention we give them. We're making stars out of them when they should be fading way into the background.

As I said, I read countless books each year, but if I were to make a list of the Top 10 Books That Will Change Your Life, this book would not only be on the list, it'd be riding very, very high.

As Jeffrey Gitomer, himself, says, "At the beginning of any task, more than anything else, your attitude will affect its successful outcome." Our attitude is as pivotal to our success as anything, more so than most. This book will help you succeed in any and all areas of your life - at home, at work, and at play. You'll feel, and enjoy its benefits in every aspect of your life for the rest of your life.

I'll close with one of my favorite snippets from the book. It's in a section that deals with being more positive at home and in your relationships. The following "Attitude Actions" are given in response to the question, "How can I be more positive at home?"

  • Praise others.
  • Don't belittle.
  • If "familiarity breeds contempt" lives at your house, kill it.
  • You know the buttons. Don't push them.

I also love his "note" that follows these tips: "Home attitude determines work attitude."

Read this delightful, fast-paced, hilarious book today - each of your tomorrows will thank you for it.

As someone once said, "Self isn't something one finds, it's something one creates." So, why not create a masterpiece?

My name is Joi and I'd love for you to follow me to Self Help Daily. See you there!

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