Sunday, March 8, 2009

What is a Spiritual Scientist? The Character of Healthy Spiritual Science and Medical Intuition

Q: What is a Spiritual Scientist?

A: It can't be defined for everyone any more than "artist" or "spiritual" can be defined for everyone. There are as many ways it can be done as there are people.

We can characterize a spiritual scientist, however, by some COMMON BEAHVIORS. You don't need all of these to call yourself a spiritual scientist; you do need at least one of them:

- Solution-oriented, focus on solutions, not problems.

- Willingness to ask for spiritual assistance, ask for Light, for grace.

- Grateful for assistance offered, no matter where it comes from. Gracious in saying "no" to unwanted assistance.

- Willingness to use the scientific method, as much as possible in solving problems and health issues.

- Interest in expanding Imagination, Intuition and Inspiration.

- High willingness to heal on personal issues. This keeps practitioners real, keeps us human.

- Attends to and spends time upgrading personal habits on all levels

- Willingness to track personal behavior. Tracking or counting personal behaviors can be used two ways. Tracking can be used to count positive behaviors with the goal of increasing these behaviors on a daily basis.

Tracking can also be used to count negative behaviors with the intention to extinguish unwanted habits and behaviors. Negative behaviors are tracked towards minimizing them.

The most common form of tracking is a food journal diet journal: what did I eat; when did I eat it, and how much? Tracking is a very powerful tool for personal and professional goals.

Physical tracking sheets, if used, are simply tools to make the tracking of behavior more obvious and easy.

- Listening for the questions Life is asking us, listening for Life's challenges.

- Uses a tool box of self-healing "tools." These are approaches, lists, methods and techniques for staying balanced. A tool box is also useful for addressing negativity you wish to clear on yourself. A tool box does not prevent us from backsliding or falling down. It helps us get back up quicker.

- Enjoys testing, experimenting, double-checking and exploring both within the inner worlds of their own psyche; and, in the outer realms of God's body.

- A spiritual scientist learns to expect miracles, surprises and aid from unexpected directions.

Walk no path that does not have love it
at the beginning, on the way, and at the end.

What are your views on becoming the spiritual scientist? Feel free to send me your views or share them here.

NEXT ARTICLE: Becoming the spiritual scientist, the future of Medical Intuition

I See Into You Medical Intuition * Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA, Waldorf-trained * * Email: IseeIntoYou(at))

FREE phone consultation: 310.287.2813 * Paid session $35/30 minutes

FREE report: The meaning of Illness Is Now an Open Book available by email.

Consultations by phone or in person.

You know how people have health concerns? Bruce assists people with their health and other issues by communicating with their immune system. He translates what it says for you. Mostly this looks like connecting the dots between illnesses and unresolved issues. Then he shows you how to use forgiveness to throw off burdens, you no long wish to carry.

Books: Self-Healing 101!; Awakening the inner healer Meridian Metaphors; Psychology of the meridians & major organs; The Meaning of Illness is Now an Open Book; The Three Selves; Becoming Fully Human, Vols. 1 & 2; The Inner Court: Close-up of the Basic Self; Habits are Hell or Heaven Rudolf Steiner's Fifth Gospel in Story Form

William Walker Atkinson

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