Monday, June 9, 2008

A Walk in the Park

If you want your marriage to be a walk in the park, you might actually want to consider taking a walk in the park every once in a while!

Kids, work and other concerns can make it difficult to make a solid connection with your mate. But heres a little secret: youve got to prioritize. Every once in a while your kids, your job and other concerns can be put on the back burner without causing any serious damage. Set aside two or three nights a week for you and your mate to head out for an evening stroll at the park. You dont have to stay gone long; half an hour or forty-five minutes should be plenty of time.

All you need to do is find a nice, quiet park where the two of you can walk and talk freely. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Laugh about your day. Discuss your goals and your dreams. Go people-watching (its kind of like bird watching, but you focus on people what they do, what they say, who theyre with instead.) Hold hands and treasure the opportunity to simply be together, undistracted by the rest of the world.

When you set out from the house, dont leave empty handed. Take a cell phone in case your sitter (or oldest kid) needs to contact you in the emergency. Also, take a blanket along with you. After youve had the chance to enjoy a little evening stroll, seek out a nice soft section of grass that offers a great view of the night sky. Spread out your blanket and sprawl out together. Hold hands, whisper and admire the beauty of the moon and stars. Listen to the crickets chirp and see if you can spot any nighttime nature like bats or raccoons. Try to see who can find the first shooting star. For these few moments, the world is an oyster and your love for one another is the pearl.

These walks in the park wont cost you a dime. But they are worth a million bucks. Those few moments of peace and companionship are enough to obliterate a bad day. Enough to relieve a weeks worth of stress. When your stroll is over and you walk back through your front door things will seem different, better.

Thats because when you take the time to find solace in one another, everything is better!

Kathy Stafford, Relationship Coach I show singles how to get married and couples how to STAY married Do you want more from your relationship? Go to for relationship articles, advice, and programs.

Do you go from one failed relationship to another? Do you want to find that special life partner? Get Kathys new book, Relationship Remorse: Mistakes Women Make When Shopping for a Man. and learn the right way to find a loving and committed life-partner. Order the book at

Copyright 2007 Kathy Stafford / All rights reserved.

Ray Kroc

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