Thursday, June 12, 2008

Helpful Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Many of us have habit of putting a task to the side for a later time only to find out it never gets done.

Procrastination is one of the most difficult habits to beat. We procrastinate for a variety of reasons:

1. When we think that the work isnt important and can afford to wait or be delayed.

2. When we are busy with something else which we think is more important.

3. When we do not enjoy the work involved or when it is tedious or difficult to do.

4. When we arent sure if the work will be effective or worth the effort anyway.

5. When the things needed to complete the work are not available or incomplete.

6. When we just plain forget about it.

7. When we are just plain lazy.

Theres also many other more specific reasons why we procrastinate, but those are the main ones.

However, as hard to beat as it is, we stand to gain more and virtually loose nothing if we can overturn this habit.

Here are some tips that might help you get started:

1. When you think that a job can afford to be delayed, remember that it can also afford NOT to be delayed. We all know the good feeling we get after completing all our jobs for the day and spending the rest of the afternoon relaxing.

2. If you have time to spare after completing something else more important, use that spare time to attend to some quick things on your To Do list.

3. Remember that putting off work that is difficult only makes things more difficult. A leak on the roof isnt harmful if it doesn't rain; but when a quick storm blows in and water goes everywhere inside the house youve got even more things to fix.

4. When you are not sure if work that needs to be done will be effective or isnt worth the effort, you must seek the advice of other people who know more about the topic at hand. Procrastinating won't help, so get to it.

5. Make a To Do list of all the work that needs be done and post it on the refrigerator door as a constant reminder.

The bottom line to end procrastination is:

We all feel lazy at times and tend to delay work that needs our attention. Actually 'starting' the job is the most difficult part, but once you have started then it doesnt seem all that hard to finish.

Every time you feel like procrastinating, force yourself to get the job done. Its tough, but you will reap the rewards in the long term.


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