Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Power of Forgiveness

We live in a crazy, high demanding lifestyle and overly connected world, during our day to day rat race that we call our lives, we may step on a few toes, anger a few associates, upset a friend and maybe do something that makes most men sleep in the dog house that evening.

How many of us have been down that road?

When was the last time you thought about forgiving someone? Forgiveness is an important part of life, not only in the business world, but in our personal lives as well. When you forgive a colleague, associate or loved one for their wrong doings against you, it will really set you free. Many times especially in business someone does something to make you upset; it could be an employee, a client, a friend, business partner or just the courier guy. Can you imagine back to how you felt when those feelings were happening. Was your blood boiling? Did you notice your temperature going up? Did you lose your lose focus on what you are doing? Were the feelings of anger taking over and was that the only thing you could concentrate on.

Usually overtime, cooler heads prevail and you can begin to focus of your role, your job or the things that really matter in your life. Have you heard the old saying, write the letter but dont mail it, or draft up the email and put it in your drafts if it feels right in 24 hours then you can send it. However, if it doesnt and the feelings of frustration having surpassed, you can simply delete the message from your drafts, no harm, and no foul.

When you offer up forgiveness to the party that wronged you, or the employee that made the error that lost the big deal, or the client that left you and didnt have all the facts together, you begin the healing process of letting go.   Another area we fail to realize is important when it comes to forgiveness is to forgive those that should have done something but failed to do it. I am sure it has happened to you in the past when you were expecting a friend or a loved one to come to your aid or rescue and in your time of need and they simply failed to show up. You need to forgive those people in your life. Go ahead dump all that emotional garbage and forgive those people that who simply failed to show up in your time of need. We hold onto that for way to long.

The other over looked area of forgiveness, you need to learn to forgive yourself. How much personal pain are we carrying around? How many times do we fail to forgive ourselves? Small Business owners and people in general are their worst critics, this thinking really limits your abilities and most importantly what you can achieve. You must learn to forgive yourself for your own shortcomings and get on with what matters the most.

Forgiveness is a very powerful force in the universe, not being able to extend your forgiveness to others for what they have done to you, what they have failed to do and most important forgiving yourself will limit your growth both as a person and as a professional. Let go of the baggage that you have been hauling around and weighs you down! Get that monkey off your back and lighten up, focus to your success and you will succeed.

Stuart Crawford is the Director of Business Development for IT Matters Inc., Calgary, Albertas award winning Microsoft Small Business Specialist. He can be reached at or via their website Stuart just released his second book for the Small Business IT industry entitled Do you have IT? Get it online today at

Ludwig Beethoven

Energy Enhancement Meditation

Usually first step is to Open the Heart, and on this planet only perhaps 50% of the people have started to think a little about others instead only of themselves.

This means that the other 50% of the people perhaps are entirely selfish so now you can understand all your problems with relationships! Opening the Heart is the First Initiation on the path of Enlightenment and in it the Solar Plexus starts to empower the Heart with its energy. Blockages stopping the flo1C69w of Energy include Anger.

Anger is totally removed!

Then Master Relationships. This is the Second Initiation and entails the Second, Abdominal or Relationship chakra starting to power the Throat Chakra, the source of our creativity. And then open the pathway between the Base Chakra and all the Head Chakras. This is commonly called Enlightenment itself. The Crown Chakras purpose is to access the Soul or Higher Self through the Antahkarana or the Energy Connection from the Crown Chakra to the Higher chakras above the head, or The Highest Heart, Prajna Paramita. ENERGIZE!!

Once Relationships have easily been mastered then The Third Initiation, Enlightenment happens in the same Lifetime!

The problems of the World are now so intense that there needs to be a speeding up of evolution to create more evolved and Happy Beings. The problem is that most people are Not Happy!

The problems of the World come from a Lack of Evolution, a Lack of the Opening of the Heart, of Caring, of Sympathy, of wanting to help, Of wanting to reduce the amount of Pain in Humanity. If you have no Heart which is the Case of more than half of Humanity, then Selfishness, Anarchy, War, Revenge, Jealousy, Envy, Torture and Psychopaths will rule! And this has been the case for all the History of this Earth! This speeding up of evolution can only come with a Heart to provide by Right of Being Born, of All Basic Needs to every member of Humanity.

As a Good Family gives its Sons and Daughters Everything for their Evolution. These Basic Needs Are Food, Housing, Money, Education And Meditation Teaching, also Security, And Human Rights.

Meditation will Speed Up all other techniques, Hatha Yoga, working on the health of the body, Pranayama, working on increasing energy and happiness, Dance or Martial arts, for instinctive grace and movement. In Energy Enhancement we start with meditation and move on into The Kundalini Kriyas of the Hindu and Taoist Masters. Then Samyama, working on removing all the problems of: Energy Blockages, Cleaning the Psychic Body, Cleaning the Inner Traumas and Memories, Creating Incredible Relationships.

We need to work first on Meditation and the Grounding of Negative Energies. As Gurdjieff said, "First Mastic. Then Mystic." Which is the ability to digest all negative energies.

Extra energy comes from outside, from the teachers usually, "Hanbledzoin," as Gurdjieff said, is the Energy, The Bled, or Blood of the Masters, and is necessary for the integrative process. This is the Buddhafield. This is the origin of Shaktipat. This is the origin of all access to the symptoms of Kundalini Energy.

These specialized energies are available to complete the psychic bodies, to fill them up, to complete them. These energies can only come through properly Authorised Teachers. An Advanced Synthesis of Successful Meditation Techniques is a new Higher Frequency of Energy sent by Ascended Masters and Highly Evolved Devas or Angels to speed up the evolution of this planet.

All Advanced teachers can be judged by all students to have Advanced Meditational Experience after years of Training. It is the first test of the Student to choose the Right Teachers.

Some teachers teach that it is necessary to take energy from other students. They never mention the Opening of the Heart through the Removal of Energy Blockages like Anger and Depression. They Never mention the Purification of the Antahkarana and Connection with the Soul. Energy Vampires only want to steal energy from others and increase Trauma and Pain blockages to do this.

Instead of taking over Twenty years of Meditation, Advanced Techniques allow the process to be speeded up with the Advanced Techniques from a Synthesis of Successful Meditation Techniques taught to all advanced practitioners of Meditation for over 5000 years.

Good Teachers of Meditation must transmit Energies to help the Evolution of their Students. This Uppadesa is sometimes called Shaktipat and can come by word, glance or in Silence.

Good Teachers will always teach Advanced Techniques to Remove Aches and Pains, Negative Emotions and Trauma, Open the Heart, Connect to the Energies of the Higher Self and thus Access Higher Levels of Energy.

As the Ancient Text of the Siva Samhit, iii, 10-19: says, "Now I shall tell you how easily to attain success in Yoga, by knowing which the Yogis never fail in the practice of Yoga. Only the knowledge imparted by a Competent Teacher through his lips is powerful and useful; otherwise it becomes fruitless, weak and very painful.

Why spend time on techniques which give no results?

As Gautama Buddha Said, "Meditation is for those who believe in the reality of Enlightenment, and understand the Urgency of the Situation." So, do not hang around. If you believe in Enlightenment, then you need to find the best and most Speedy Way!

Speed Up The Process of Enlightenment with Advanced and Effective Meditation Techniques, a Syntheses of Ancient and successful techniques over 5000 years old. The roots come from many ancient disciplines available in most Ancient Cultures all over the World, and include -

Alchemical V.I.T.R.I.O.L, the first Formula of Alchemy, in reality a guided meditation to give you Incredible Energy!!

Yoga to make you Flexible, Strong and increase the years of your long and happy life.

Meditation to Access Peace and Clarity within.

Kundalini Kriyas

Taoist Meditation Techniques including the Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Orbits.

Kundalini Tantra and Energy Circulations of Kriya Yoga

Creating the Antahkarana so you can access the Incredibly Intense Energies of the Soul.

Soul Infusion and Connecting to the External Energies of the Highest Heart.

The Grounding and Purification of Negative Energies

Psychic Purification of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual Bodies.

The removal of Energy Blockages and implants to Remove all Aches and Pains

The creation of the Light Body so you can have more Radiance.

The use of the Ancient Egyptian Technology of the Merkaba.

Golden Pyramid Psychic Protection to Stop Energy Vampires.

Satchidanand, Director of Energy Enhancement, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation!

He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!

Wayne Dyer Inner Wisdom

Friday, June 27, 2008

You Won't Get It, Until You Know What It Is

The biggest frustration amongst people seems to be not having what they want in life.

Yet they have exactly what they wished for.

Your mind is like a powerful computer. Much more powerful than anything man made that exists today. The purpose of your mind is to provide the outcome that is programmed into it, by you. It will always give you the programmed result - that is a law of nature.

And this is where the trouble starts.

Most of us have no idea how to effectively program this computer, and those that do, program it with ineffective programs more often than not.

Do you realize that the only difference between your success and that of say a Donald Trump or a Bill Gates, is the way that they think.

Whether they did it consciously or not, their thought patterns follow a set of guidelines that led them to the success that they enjoy. These patterns are burnt into their minds, and they will not alter them for anything. It is who they are. Like them or not, they are effective in their chosen fields.

So what does this have to do with you, and more importantly, can you use this knowledge for your own good.

Well the short answer is Yes.

You can use this knowledge, and are actually doing so every single day.

Your life is exactly as your mind thinks and reacts to circumstances on a continuous basis right now. So the good news is that you are already doing it, you cannot help yourself, it is human nature.

The bad news is that the thought patterns you have running in your mind, are not giving you the results you consciously want. They are giving you the results that you have programmed into your mind, mostly subconsciously.

This is why goal setting can be so important. With a clear goal in mind, your thought processes will at least be aligned in some direction most of the time. This can and does make a huge difference to your results.

Lets use the computer program analogy once more.

A computer will process information based on a specific set of rules and criteria. That is basically what a computer software program does. If you have a program that says if A happens, always do B, you get a predetermined predictable result. You know that a certain input will give you a specific output.

With our minds, not having a goal is like saying, if A happens, do B , or C or D or whatever strikes your fancy. The result is confusion and wasted energy. Spinning around without going anywhere.

Now life presents us with A today, B tomorrow, an C,D,A the next day. If you however have a set of actions ready for whenever A happens (by having a set goal) you automatically move toward your desired outcome every time A occurs. You might not have moved far, but you did move a small amount toward your goal, every time A happens.

At least you are moving in a certain direction, that you have predetermined, by simply deciding what you actually want, and then setting a goal to get there.

Goal setting is a huge topic, and not quite as simple as described. It is however very worthwhile, and just may make the difference between contentment and a life of frustration.

So find out what you want and why, then work towards that goal.

Kevin is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

Hale Dwoskin

Self Development And Growth

When starting out the the area of self development and growth, one of the most important anAA8d basic skills to learn is the skill to deal with issues in your life.

Many sources often overlook the process of how to change. The process is long and hard, and often you will lose motivation and forget your goals for self improvement. While you may yearn for instant gratification and instant change, the reality is that it just wont happen overnight. Habits take a long time to form and break; deeper psychological issues that a long time to resolve.

Often when people deal with their issues, they're dealing with it in a LOGICAL manner. This doesn't motivate you because motivation is EMOTIONAL. When you feel emotionally affected towards the issue, you will have the drive to resolve the emotions. This is the basis for my model of dealing with issues.

Without further ado, here it is: Dealing with issues, the 4 steps.

1. Figure out what the issue is.

This first point is ridiculously obvious, but incredibly important and oftentimes looked over. In many instances, we believe that we're dealing with one problem when in reality we're actually facing problems with a deeper inner issue.

For example, in the world of dating and relationships, the actual act of meeting members of the opposite sex can be quite daunting. The possibility of rejection, the fear that they will dislike you is present. No one likes to think that they are incompetent with the opposite sex, and this is the issue that may arise and challenge them if they approach and get rejected. So they sit at the back of the bar with their friends talking about how they're 'pimps' and 'could pick up anyone in this bar' but 'they don't want to' because 'no one here is worth it'.

What is happening here is an avoidance of the real issue: they depend on other's approval and reactions to feel good about themselves. An issue of low self esteem and low self confidence.

This issue would not be realised without some serious hard thinking and the ability to see things for what they really are. Your mind and ego will throw up a million different cognitions to throw you off the real issue because the truth hurts your sense of self.

This first point is ridiculously simple yet hard to realize.

2. Experience the issue.

This is different. I swear by this technique 100%.

When you figure out what the issue is, it's going to try and hide. It's going to throw up excuses as to why you have those cognitions. You're going to want to avoid the issue. Yeah that's right, you know what I'm talking about. This is the nerd realising that they suck with women but rationalising it as due to their studies or the fact that they "don't have time", then using that as a constanB07t excuse not to GO OUT and MEET women. Or the woman who has emotional issues that affect her relationships but blames her relationship problems on her looks.

By experience the issue I mean to feel it fully. You KNOW it's there, you aren't going to avoid it. You just broke up with your partner? It feels crap. Don't avoid having the feelings. You're scared of chatting up that cutie? Don't avoid the issue. Immerse yourself in the experience of feeling like that.

Only then do you have a solid base for your motivation to get the problem fixed.

3. Act on resolving the issue

After experiencing the feelings that you don't want to feel, make a decision to ACT upon the issues. After all, just pointlessly making yourself feel bad is... pointless. So what did you do? Make a commitment to take steps forward in solve the issue. If you're afraid that people will 'reject' you then approach people until you emotionally realise that 'rejection' by a stranger means nothing more than the fact that you approached them in the wrong way. If you're avoiding exercise because of an underlying issue of laziness, get out there and exercise! Do you actually WANT to be unhealthy? How does being unhealthy feel?

Experiencing the issue should give you the MOTIVATION to ACT on the issue. If you don't act, you'll just stay the same. Do you really want to feel the way you felt when you were experiencing the issue? I doubt it.

4. Figure out your other issues

In self improvement, it is critical to remember that your problems will NEVER end and you will ALWAYS have issues to deal with. Reality is harsh.

If you're serious about improving yourself, keeping this in mind will help you a lot. You will always have something to fix. Take a break once in a while, moderate how much you work on yourself, but never forget that you always have something to improve. Read "The way of the superior man" by David Deida. It gives a good description of this point.

I'd dare say your not as good with women as you wish you were, your looking for something that can take you above and beyond 99% of men for free, it's here, you just have to reach out and grab it.

Have fun,

-- Solace

Secrets Of The Power

What Does It Take to Be Great

It takes the wisdom to know that you are here for Higher reasons that your logical mind my not remember or even fathom.

It takes the courage to speak your truth, and it takes patience with others when they are not coming from a place of love and support.

Being great is not a matter of ego. Quite to the contrary, being great takes vision to fulfill your beingness with the brilliance and vision you hold within.

It takes harmony, and supporting others to recognize the greatness they hold within. It is a reemergence of the spirit of cooperation, and aligning with others to make many dreams come true.

It stems from a non-threatening or threatened paradigm, where a win/win for all is the only way to play.

It shatters the egos need to own, and embraces the souls re-emergence to share with all others.

Being great boasts no ego. It is achieved in the spirit of sharing, of serving, and of illuminating the hope within others when they have lost all hope of their own.

Being great needs no recognition as the rewards of a life lived in this process far outweigh the egos need for stature. The soul knows its stature, and its possibilities are limitless, boundless and eternal.

Being great is not an outcome. It is lived each moment. It is filled with a child-like wonder that helps others to remember the child-like wonder they once had.

As you read these words, remember that your greatness lies within your heart, and in your Divine connection to the guidance you receive that gently nudges you to honor who you are. Not by doing more, but by BEING more.

What greatness do you hold within that you 5B4would like to bring out? THAT is the greatness you are, and no one else can be you. Remember that!

Copyright by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

Barbara Rose, PhD. most widely known as "Born To Inspire" is the best selling author of "Know Yourself", "If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!", "Stop Being the String Along", "If God Was Like Man" and Individual Power. She is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation, relationships and spiritual awakening. Barbara is a pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication, the study and integration of humanitys God-Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. Her highly acclaimed books, public speaking events, tele-seminars, widely published articles, and intensives have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. She is the founder of IHSC -Institute of Higher Self Communication, inspire! Magazine and Rose Humanitarian Alliance. Barbara holds a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and works in cooperation with some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. Visit her website

Tenets Of Buddhanature Doctrine

Who Is In Your Circle of Influence

We have heard that old saying, You are judged by the company you keep. And that saying is important in our business life and our personal life. It is a fact that we allow ourselves to be influenced by ou5B4r peers. And for that reason, parents will pay attention to who their kids have as friends; employers will do background checks on job candidates; private schools will do in-depth parental interviews prior to admission of their child; private clubs will often restrict membership to individuals nominated by current members; and why police will ask who is in a victim's circle of influence when they investigate a crime.

The major point of all the above is this: who you associate with will say as much about you, your ethics, your integrity, your honesty, your core values, your beliefs, your passion and your future intentions as your actual personal behavior does. And as a business owner or business leader, you are being observed every minute of every day. Colleagues, clients, vendors, suppliers, et al are all scrutinizing, watching, listening to those people you influence. Therefore, this is a serious matter for consideration when you decide who will be in your circle of influence.

We know that it is difficult and sometimes very painful to break off and end relationships. This is especially true when those relationships are long-standing ones with friends, colleagues, employees, and others who have greatly influenced our life. And we need to remember that effective leaders, winners and high achievers gain their positions of stature by a very deliberate and well thought out process of selecting who they associate with in t364heir business and personal lives.

Another part of the harsh reality you must face, as you advance up through the ranks of success and leadership is that many of your former friends and colleagues may not be making the upward journey with you. Some of them will fall and fade away for a variety of reasons. A major risk to advancement and growth is sticking with the masses that get stuck in a time warp and stop growing and maturing. By hanging around with these people you will be infected and may actually stall or destroy your own growth. So you must decide that you will either maintain stagnant and no growth relationships or you will move on to more challenging and fulfilling relationships. In fact you must make this choice since you cannot have it both ways.

Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach challenges you to stop and look around you. 5B4 Who do you see? Who is there? Who is in your circle of influence? Are they losers, whiners, blamers, lawbreakers, cheaters, low achievers, liars, etc? Or are they winners, trusted friends or colleagues, high achievers, honest & law-abiding people, etc.? Now is a great time to review your circle of influence and ask yourself if the people you see there are: helping or hindering you and your efforts; are building up or demolishing the image you desire; positively or negatively impacting the achievement of your business and personal visions; and providing positive support or bringing a negative attitude to you.

Furthermore, Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach reminds you that it is your life and it is your right to choose who will be in your circle of influence. Ask yourself if you are making wise choices about your circle of influence. And be brutally honest with yourself when you answer that question. Your choices and your answers are critical to your future. Know that the people that you have in your circle of influence will speak more loudly about you than any words you can say.

Glenn Ebersole, Jr. is a multi-faceted professional, who is recognized as a visionary, guide and facilitator in the fields of business coaching, marketing, public relations, management, strategic planning and engineering. Glenn 5A6is the Founder and Chief Executive of two Lancaster, PA based consulting practices: The Renaissance Group, a creative marketing, public relations, strategic planning and business development consulting firm and J. G. Ebersole Associates, an independent professional engineering, marketing, and management consulting firm. He is a Certified Facilitator and serves as a business coach and a strategic planning facilitator and consultant to a diverse list of clients. Glenn is also the author of a monthly newsletter, "Glenn's Guiding Lines - Thoughts From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach" and has published more than 275 articles on business.

To find out more about the benefits & rewards of effectively working with a strategic thinking business coach, please contact Glenn Ebersole through his web site at or

Sathya Sai Baba Reported Miracle

Easy Guide to List Building

When you own an online business, you know how important it is to be having an always-maintained build list of e-mail addresses on your server. You know as a businessman that you need these addresses to potentially market your products to them at any given time. But what if these e-mail addresses on your built list begin to wane and diminish? What actions are you going to take to make sure that your perpetual source for prospective clients remains intact and working? Well, just like any otherwise moves to take, all you have to do is to re-build the list by capturing newer and fresher addresses through your marketing strategies. To build a responsive and actively participating list, here is what you can do:

Create an E-book. E-books are a good source of e-mail addresses because people would like to just read books. What is good about writing e-book is that it does not require too much time to create one since all you have to do is put a manual books content into your e-book. If there is one thing that you should work on getting an e-book, is to ensure that the quality of the e-book does not suffer.

Write article materials. Articles do not go obsolete as a source of feedback and traffic. Day to day, there are new topics that need to be discussed and talked about. When an article material is well written primarily based on facts, people just love to react on it.

Join forum channels. People who are on forum channel utilize this area to get some answers to some of their questions or inquiries. It is best then that you join this channel and participate and direct them to your landing page for further inquiries to capture their information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

There are several contingencies that come into play when you want to manifest your desire

Journaling To Track Your Successes

Often times people will start out on projects or set goals and after sometime lose the sight of the end result. They get distracted or they just do not know where they actually started nor how far they have come. For this reason they have little idea of how far they have to go to reach the end result. Using a journal to track your successes in any project or goal can assist you in reaching your desired result. Even the experts in the fields of motivation and inspirational personal growth suggest using the writing down of your successes as a tool to keep you on track.

To write down your successes or accomplishmentsACD helps you to first of all recognize that you have successes. Sometimes when you go through your day, you do not realize that simple little things are in fact a success. This makes you more aware of the things that you do or say that take you one step closer to your desired result.

Writing down your successes creates milestones that you can look back on and see how far you really have come in your journey to your future. There are times when discouragement will get the best of us. However, with a road and markers to look back on it is easier to continue forward and with more enthusiasm than you would have had if you had not taken the time to write down the successes you had in your everyday life.

To write down your successes regularly also encourages habits of success. Once these habits are in place then you become more motivated to do more and be more in the realm of your day. In many cases people who take the time to write down their successes reach their end result and reach them quicker. This allows them to start new projects, have more goals, and dream much bigger than they thought they could.

Once you realized the value and the importance of writing down accomplishments a person can then celebrate their successes. Treat your self to something special when you complete the desire goals you have set. Cheer and applaud! It is amazing how great we feel when we get that kind of recognition for finishing what we start.

Where you have come from determines where you will go

Check out this valuable tool that can assist you in tracking your successes at

For more resources and to learn more about being the best you that you can be visit

From Internet Entrepreneur and Writer Bonnie Holscher

Benjamin Franklin

Shifting the Paradigm of Knowledge

Much is written about knowledge being power and that is still true. Yet, if individuals and businesses in todays knowledge driven economy truly wish to be successful a shift is required to being able to apply knowledge.

One of the most frequent challenges that I hear from potential and current clients whether they are small business owners or multi-billion dollar corporations is implementation or the inability to take action. These individuals have a tremendous wealth of knowledge, yet their efforts are brought to a screeching halt because of the inability to implement or to apply knowledge.

The question then arises how do you bridge this challenge. From my experiences this answer is two-fold. First, individuals nB2Feed to change their belief systems that knowledge is power to applied knowledge is power. This is not easy because of the F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) of failure. No one likes to fail. . However, to improve our performance (the application of knowledge) requires us to learn from our past mistakes and to move forward. John Maxwell provides great insight into overcoming the fear of failure in his book entitled Failing Forward.

Secondly, a process needs to exist to ensure that the knowledge is applied. From my perspective, I recommend goal planning and goal achievement through a proven tool. This tool, a goal sheet, takes the knowledge and provides both a structure and a process to implement or to take action. Many individuals have a long list of dreams and goals, but far fewer consistently achieve their hopes and desires.

With the end of the year coming to an end, possibly now is the time to assess if you need to shift your paradigm to one where applied knowledge has greater power. If you havent achieved your goals or dreams from taking that cruise to increasing sales by 50%, then ask yourself is this because of a lack of knowledge or because of the inability to apply knowledge?

Copyright 2005(c) Leanne Hoagland-Smith,

This article may be freely published. Permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).

Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. CEO of ADVANCED SYSTEMS located outside of Chicago, IL, is the Learning & Process Specialist. With over 25 years of business & education experience, she helps her clients to double their performance. By uniting systems, strategies and people to create loyal internal customers, Leanne delivers ROI solutions in 4 key areas: financials, leadership, relationships and growth & innovation within a variety of industries including education, healthcare, manufacturing and professional services. As co-author of M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Potential: 7 Capacities for Living an Amazing Life Beyond Purpose to Achievement due for 2005 release, Leanne speaks nationally to a variety of audiences. Please contact Leanne at 219.759.5601 or visit if you are seeking to connect your passion to your purpose to double your performance for unheard of results.

Ludwig Beethoven

Ever Hear of The Socratic Method

Do you think we live in a controlling society, where the goal of bosses, parents, and teachers is to twist logic and reasoning to make others conform and do things their way?

Does the media support the economy in training society to be worker-drones and not question authority?

Is control in the eyes (and mind), of the beholder; we have independent will to choose regardless of others?

You have the ultimate volition and responsibility if you are willing to accept the consequences of your acts right?

Who Was Socrates?

Maybe he lived and maybe he is a mythical figure invented by Plato and Aristotle. He never wrote a book or put his ideas on the Internet so we are dependent on his Athenian friends for verification.

The dates given for his life are 470 to 399 BC, when he allegedly chose to drink hemlock (poison), instead of accepting exile from Athens. He was convicted of the crime of Impiety to the Gods, and corrupting Athenian youth through his teaching.

Athens had just lost the big war to Sparta the Peloponnesian War and Athens was looking for a scapegoat. The government was run by the 30 Tyrants who preferred to blame, execute or exile Socrates, than accept the label of governmental-incompetence for losing the war.

His Method

Four key elements:

a) Stimulate organized thinking through probing questions.

b) Keep the conversation focused on self-understanding leading to logical conclusions.

c) Always be intellectually fair with the person questioned.

d) Periodically summarize what has been concluded and its implications.

e) Remember the Socratic Method is skeptic1107al and questions flip answers and beliefs.

Is There Always a Single Answer?

Socrates and those present day teachers who use his method, use a conversational approach. They attempt to draw out the reasoning and correct answer from the student. They do not lecture the students, but interact through deft questioning.

The system is empirical and inductive, practical yet based on the life experience of all people. Socrates seeks to draw out the student to understand the implications of his/her beliefs, by deductive thinking comprehending its logical consequences.

One size fits all?

There is no single answer that works under varying circumstances. Change re- quires a new set of ideas and analysis. In law the judge is given discretion based on varying circumstances.

The Socratic Method is not a set of laws that we follow blindly, but reasoning leading to focused analysis and the best response.

Why Bother With This Method?

Lecturing is boring for both the instructor and the listener. The rate of speech of a professor is about 150 words per minute, while note-taking by the listener is no more than 25 words per minute. We, the listener, get lost in a flood of information and quit listening because we cannot keep up.

Question and analysis is interactive, leading to mutually satisfying conclusions.

The secret is Feedback. When we respond to questions by thoughtful answers, we invoke our basic instinct curiosity. Back-and-forth feedback monitors growing personal comprehension. It leads to an improvement in self-esteem.

Remember questions are specific and logical, and require a united effort between our left and right hemispheres. Lecturing is a reversion to childhood when your parents and teachers told you how and what to think. Q&A the Socratic method - is a joint-venture between adults.

Are There Any Rules?

a) Make the questions intriguing and mentally arousing.

b) Questions must lead someplace incremental steps to reasonable conclusions and implications.

c) Look for logical steps in thinking, not lockstep answers.

d) The goal is personal understanding, and being open to change of opinion through personal growth by logical thinking.

e) Make the student see the illogic of their own thinking, to correct it and move forward to better ideas.

We do not want to provide cues to the right-answer because the system is a matter of learning to think skeptically and find our own way to reasonable solutions.


Speed reading is a psychomotor skill that permits us to read three (3) books, articles and reports in the time our peers can hardly complete one.

Half the students who become drop-outs do so because they cannot keep up with the assignments. There are not enough hours in the day for them, to read and learn. Daily, they keep falling further behind. They read and remember information too slowly because they have no strategy beyond reading one word at a time, sub- vocalizing, regressing, and forgetting what they read within minutes of completion called porous concentration.

The Socratic Method is a strategy to train yourself to use questions and answers in pursuit of lucid analysis. Our experience is - it produces better long-term memory and focused attention.

Personal growth a learning skill goal occurs from the consistent use of probing question and listening for ideas, through logic and reasoning. If you want to grow you want to learn. Learning consists of gathering information and cross-examining it with solid questions, and analyzing what sticks to the barn door.

See ya,

copyright 2006

H. Bernard Wechsler

Author of Speed Reading for Professionals, published by Barron's Educational, business partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading, graduating 2 million, including the White House staff of four U.S. Presidents.

Wayne Dyer Inner Wisdom

Thursday, June 26, 2008

How to Build Your Confidence for Selling

In my early days of selling, I was a winger. I guess everyone knows what a winger is, but in case this is a new term for you, wingers describe not just salespeople, but people in general who rely on their ability to think on their feet and their ability to come up with the right words or expressions without any preparation at all.

I was a winger in college and my grades should have taught me that winging it through life was not the most effective path to success.

Then when I became a salesperson, I once again frequently chose to wait until the last minute to prepare for a big presentation.

As with most of us, just one life-changing event can teach us an important lesson that common sense should have taught us much earlier in life. In my case, this life-changing event took place in New York City in front of about 200 of my fellow salespeople.

Heres the scenario: Along with my fellow salespeople around the country, I was invited to attend the kickoff of what was promised to be one of our companys hottest new product lines. The company had chosen the name Ruco for this exciting new siding product. Ruco was made of a form of lightweight expanded concrete, but it looked a lot like wood from a distance. But in addition to looking a lot like wood, an installer could cut it with a saw and drive a nail through it. And to cap off the list of features Ruco possessed, it provided insulation benefitsjust like real wood.

Each salesperson was mailed a demonstration kit in advance of the sales meeting with instructions to practice the demonstration often enough prior to arriving at the sales meeting to show off our presentation skills in front of the entire national sales force. I received the kit and the instructions just like all of the other salespeople, but unlike the others, I didnt practice at all. I figured that if I was lucky enough to avoid having to go first, I was enough of a quick-study to wing it and get by just fine.

My plan didnt work. In fact, my presentation was a disaster. Ive never been so humiliated in my life. It was extremely obvious which salespeople practiced their presentations and which ones were like me -- wingers. One particular salesperson, when demonstrating how easy Ruco was to nail, hit his thumb with the hammer and blood shot all over the Ruco. Another was so nervous that his hands were visibly shaking when he held a lighted blowtorch underneath the Ruco to illustrate its insulation qualities.

In hindsight, this was one of the most important days of my selling life because it was on this day that I made the decision to never again rely on my wits to get me through a product presentation.

Today, before standing before an audience of salespeople, I spend several hours preparing. Even though I may have presented some of the same material before, I always practice. I always prepare. I never again want to experience the feelings I felt that day in New York City.

How about you? How are you at presenting one of your companys key product lines? How long do you practice before standing in front of a prospect to make a key demonstration. Is it obvious to your potential customer that this presentation was not iimportant enough to you to adequately prepare?

As the great sales trainer Jim Rohn says, when you take your business too casually, youre likely to become a casualty. So I encourage you, do your homework. Practice. An important presentation can be as important to your sales success as opening night can be for a Broadway actor. So dont blow it by taking your profession too casually.

Bill Lee is author of Gross Margin: 26 Factors Affecting Your Bottom Line ($21.95) and 30 Ways Managers Shoot Themselves in the Foot ($21.95) Plus $6 S&H for the first book and $1 S&H for each additional book. To order, See Shopping Cart at

Ludwig Beethoven

Building Your Coaching Business - HIGHLY Successful Networking -- The Right Way and Wrong Way

Networking - Right way and wrong way

I've discovered some things about networking. Although it CAN be VERY successful if done right, most of the time it is done wrong and the results are nearly zero, at least not worth the time that it takes.

So, here are some hints that can take your networking through the roof. Actually, a "professional marketing" person in one of my last "Building Your Coaching Business" classes hadn't been able to make her networking work....up until we changed some things. At that point she went from one so-so interested person per networking event showing interest, and less than one client in 6 months, to 5 people jumping up and down wanting to schedule an appointment from every networking event and more business than she had ever had.

Develop Your Niche Market and Powerful, Compelling Core Marketing Message

It all starts with developing your target niche market and your powerful, compelling core marketing message. Everything starts there, so if you haven't done that yet, then get that article. Email me if you haven't already received the article on how to do that. Because, once you develop that your networking results will go up 5-10 times what they are now.

Now, the other parts are where you network, and how you network.

Where you network - How You Network

Make sure that you network with your ideal niche market, or where others that also touch that market are networking. Networking just to be networking is not going to generate much.

Network where you can make a difference. Networking is all about meeting people that are in your target market, or are in contact with your target market, and where you can make an impact on them, their life, and their business. People buy only from those that know, like, and trust (they also make referrals the same way). Therefore, the people that make the most difference to them are the ones that they will go wild helping with referrals...and that should be your focus.

Chamber networking - I've learned that chambers CAN have some of the same narrow thinking as small business, some of the same thinking that destroys small business. So, finding the right chamber, or networking group is EXTREMELY important. How do you do that?

Find chambers that want to partner with you to make a difference in their members' lives and businesses. A really great way to stand out in a chamber is to partner with the chamber to offer seminars that help people and companies.

Make sure that you are on important committees in the chamber where you can help lead new seminars, or at least work with people on a volunteer basis to help them. Give them a sample and watch them jump into your shopping cart.

Going only to "networking" events without building the relationships and visibility will become an extremely inefficient way of networking. It can work better once you've developed that powerful, compelling core marketing message...but if you start with a strategy to also build relationships through committees and partnering with the chamber you'll find some pretty spectacular results....if you are in the right chamber, or networking group that feels the same way.

Some chambers can have some pretty narrow thinking. Some will limit your reach "because they can't support one member over another." Your job is to either help them overcome this thinking and make a major impact on them and their members, or move on to another chamber where you can make a difference.

Some chambers have told me that: "We tried seminars before, and no one showed up." I've found that most of the time it was a local financial planner, or CPA, or another field, that was giving a very dry SALES pitch...and no one wants to hear that, the seminars didn't work. Whenever I've been given that answer, I usually point out that my seminars are "standing room only" and I'd be more than glad to help them achieve that. In fact, I will set down with my competitors and we'll all build a series of seminars that will FILL the chamber every time. (Don't worry about helping your competitors. You will be the one standing out...I guarantee it. It was your idea and your success. And, if you follow my suggestions, your seminars will be full and the others will still be just OK.) In fact, make sure that your success is seen by the top people in the chamber, and by the members of the chamber. You will become a star for doing this.

(NOTE: check out my articles on marketing seminars. If you are going to make these seminars successful then follow those seminar marketing approaches.)

Of course, there still are chambers that won't go that case move on. You are in the wrong place. Some chambers, even after experiencing the successful seminars will shoot themselves, and you, in the foot. I've seen chambers that, once a coach becomes pretty visible, will say something like, "We've had complaints from other coaches that you are getting too much visibility. We have to let others have the stage." And then they had it back to those that were complaining, and the seminar attendance drops to zero. Pretty soon, the chamber will be saying, "Our seminars don't work, so we aren't going to do them anymore."

Some chamber will say, "We can't back one business over another." I'm not one for backing down. I'll stand on the value I bring to the chamber, to their members, and to the growth of the chamber I've brought to them with additional members and growing businesses, but....some are narrow thinkers...move on when you can't continue to make a difference. Look at it this way, you now have a huge track record and can do this with, or without the move on. Your job is to find the best networking opportunity and not just accept what I call THE NORM in networking...reach further.

Business Network International -- Another really great place to network, and probably THE BEST is a BNI (Business Network International) group. The same things apply here. Make sure that your ideal target market is in that group, or someone who is working with your ideal target market. Be very selective about choosing which BNI club you join.

I have had discussions with hundreds of other coaches who have worked in BNI clubs. The discussion usually goes something like this.

Some will tell me BNI didn't work for them. When digging deeper I find that their target market wasn't in that club. Sometimes the club was made up of very small businesses who always perceived they couldn't afford the coach, and they also perceived that they didn't do business in the same economic level as the was a waste of time.

Find the RIGHT BNI Club-The MOST Successful Networking

However, by finding the RIGHT BNI club it can be one of the most successful marketing tactics you can do. I encourage you to take that way beyond what you find in that club however. When you finally find the RIGHT club, your job is to become the best leader in the club, to show that club how to grow even bigger, to show that club how to bring in bigger and bigger, and better and better companies. Join the leadership team. A really great opportunity is to become the educational director where you can show them ways to network better and to grow the club. Become a SUPER Coach by showing that club how to become a SUPER BNI club....guess what? People will beg to spend time with you, and you will be a star in the club. After all, anyone who can make this much difference in the club should be making that much difference with the clients....RIGHT?

Networking isn't just about networking and meeting a few others. It is about networking with the most powerful people you can meet, and then make the most significant impact on the club, their lives, and their business....and you will be seen as a SUPER Star coach.

Challenge everyone you meet to reach further than they've been reaching. Challenge the networking group to reach further and become greater, and lead them to that new vision...You will become a SUPER Star coach!!


Do you want to learn more about how to increase your coaching businesses?

I have just completed my brand new guide to coaching marketing success. You'll also get a free invitation to join a mastermind group of other coaches as they build their business. Hear what works and doesn't work.

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Alan Boyer coach's coaches, who want more business than they can handle, or at least more than they imagined...before this.....The reports have been "5-10 times more clients in just a few weeks, and still growing.

Wayne Dyer Inner Wisdom

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Helpful Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Many of us have habit of putting a task to the side for a later time only to find out it never gets done.

Procrastination is one of the most difficult habits to beat. We procrastinate for a variety of reasons:

1. When we think that the work isnt important and can afford to wait or be delayed.

2. When we are busy with something else which we think is more important.

3. When we do not enjoy the work involved or when it is tedious or difficult to do.

4. When we arent sure if the work will be effective or worth the effort anyway.

5. When the things needed to complete the work are not available or incomplete.

6. When we just plain forget about it.

7. When we are just plain lazy.

Theres also many other more specific reasons why we procrastinate, but those are the main ones.

However, as hard to beat as it is, we stand to gain more and virtually loose nothing if we can overturn this habit.

Here are some tips that might help you get started:

1. When you think that a job can afford to be delayed, remember that it can also afford NOT to be delayed. We all know the good feeling we get after completing all our jobs for the day and spending the rest of the afternoon relaxing.

2. If you have time to spare after completing something else more important, use that spare time to attend to some quick things on your To Do list.

3. Remember that putting off work that is difficult only makes things more difficult. A leak on the roof isnt harmful if it doesn't rain; but when a quick storm blows in and water goes everywhere inside the house youve got even more things to fix.

4. When you are not sure if work that needs to be done will be effective or isnt worth the effort, you must seek the advice of other people who know more about the topic at hand. Procrastinating won't help, so get to it.

5. Make a To Do list of all the work that needs be done and post it on the refrigerator door as a constant reminder.

The bottom line to end procrastination is:

We all feel lazy at times and tend to delay work that needs our attention. Actually 'starting' the job is the most difficult part, but once you have started then it doesnt seem all that hard to finish.

Every time you feel like procrastinating, force yourself to get the job done. Its tough, but you will reap the rewards in the long term.


Matthew Roberts (the author of this article) has set you up with a special gift on his website.

In an exclusive personal interview he uncovered the secret success strategies of multi-millionaire John Di Lemme. For your FREE 18 minute extract of this interview, head on over to

Themes In Confucian Thought

How To Make $1000 In 30 Days

There is thousands of people searching for home business or similar terms, like how to make money online and so on. The search results is quite overwhelming and it is hard to believe that it is possible to make this much money with a home business online.

One key factor in order to be successful is to choose only one money making business and stick with it. Most people have problems with this since it is so easy to get sidetracked by other business opportunities online.

The opportunities are there you just have to realize that to be successful you have to be focused and disciplined and make a plan. Like I said stick with one business model and stay away from the hypes that you will find when you are doing research. You will not get the job done if you are reading sales letters all day long. You will not make any money at all if you do not practice and learn how to work with the business model you choose.

You need to be patient and work towards your goals. Set your goals so you can believe it is possible if you do not believe in something it is almost impossible to get the job done. Start by setting your first goal to make $30/day. The goal to keep the dream alive should be more long term but also believable.

When you figure out how to make $30/day and you know exactly how to do this it is easy to duplicate this as many times as you want. Lets say you build a website that generate $10/day all you have to do is build 3 more and you will be making close to a $1000/month.

It might sound difficult to make $1000 in 30 days that is why it is good to break it down. Break down $1000 into 30 days and it will be about $33 a day. It is a big difference and it is your mindset in terms of what you believe that will make you go after the money and get the job done.

Take your home business seriously and take a few hours each week and work with it. When you see graduate progress and keep working on your business model you will be able to make a lot of money on Internet. What is so good about an Internet business is that you can automate almost everything. It will take some time before you are there but it is worth the time to learn this kind of business.

Just imagine working your own hours and to be able to take a week of work whenever you want to. This is the kind of thoughts that keep most home business owners and entrepreneurs going.

One easy way to start a home business website is to use scripts. All you have to do is fill in your affiliate id and some website information and you have a complete website ready to take orders. There is one script that you can use to sell mobile phone ring signals it is working very good since many people want new stuff for there mobile phones. Look at a Demo Here

All On Directory: Dog training, DVD Reviews, Divorce, Single moms, Education, Natural Remedies, American Indians, Perfume, Real Estate, Fly Fishing, Golf Training, Voip, Travel and Adventure

Predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet

Want Steady Sales, Even in Slower Markets? Market Before You Have To

What happens when you wait until the last minute to do anything in life?

  • You become stressed out, trying to get something done too quickly;
  • The project is rushed, causing items to be overlooked, poorly done or completely missed;
  • You often do the wrong thing... just to do something!

  • This is no way to run your life - and certainly is no way to run your business.

    When we wait until we NEED business to do some marketing, it's the same thing as pushing off a necessary task until the last moment... and it causes all the same kinds of stress, with one additional stressor - financial stress... the kind of stress we can all live without.

    Marketing is not a one-time, do-it-as-you-need-to event. It is a constant reminder to the world that you're still in business, that you're going to be there for your customers for the long-term, and that you are a good businessperson.

    There are many reasons to make marketing a part of your daily/weekly/monthly business practice:

    • Marketing takes time. It is an "awareness" program that constantly and consistently promotes you, your services and your brand.
    • Marketing is different from sales. Marketing does not necessarily produce income now; effective sales efforts produce income now. If you need business now, you need effective sales efforts, not simply marketing efforts. However, good marketing sets you up as the "vendor of choice" for future sales.
    • Marketing helps customers choose you (rather than your competition) when they're ready to buy. Customers are not always ready to buy at the exact moment your marketing and sales efforts reach them. By getting (and keeping) your name out there, and consistently and reliably maintaining top-of-mind awareness, customers are more apt to choose you when they're ready to buy. If you disappear after one sales call, or one marketing campaign, customers who are not ready to buy at that moment will forget about you. Consistent marketing ensures that they don't - in fact, can't - forget about you.
    • An effective marketing plan helps you stay on target with regard to timeframes and budgets. If you don't have a sound marketing plan, but will simply try anything and everything that "sounds good at the time," you will probably get a poor return on your investment, and will likely miss your sales targets, as well as taking a chance on being out of business very quickly... not to mention there will likely be no cohesiveness to your message and branding if you do everything "piecemeal."

    Marketing doesn't have to be mysterious or difficult. But it does take planning, budgeting and a vision of the message you want to distribute in the public eye. Good marketing plans include your vision, mission and commitment, as well as identification of your target markets, unique offerings and where and how you want to market your products.

    Target your best potential customers and keep yourself in front of them on a regular basis. You can do this through:

  • Traditional mailings (not just one-shot, but consistent periodic mailings);
  • E-mails (offering advice, services and free information, such as that found in e-zines, e-newsletters and blogs);
  • Print ads, such as those in print magazines, newspapers and newsletters; and
  • Radio and TV ads.

  • Start small, especially if your budget is limited: identify the most cost-effective solutions that fit your budget and goals at this time... and include plans for how you will grow and continue to expand your marketing and target audience over time. And don't forget the fact that good old-fashioned sales efforts can help you build your target customer base quickly, making your marketing efforts more successful much more quickly!

    Sandy Geroux is a national speaker, trainer and author of Its My Dream And Who Am I To Stop Me? An award-winning salesperson, she helps others achieve breakthrough performance with her programs on effective risk-taking, goal-setting and achievement, sales and customer service. Visit her on the web at or e-mail her at


    Wednesday, June 11, 2008

    A Day Along the Rio Mantaro (En English and Spanish)

    And so, down the River's mouth,
    we went, alongside of the river's road

    by automobile, slowly-the day
    weighed with rays of the morning's sun.
    We parked the car when we reached
    a bridge, rustic red, with towers;
    flat was the waters before us with

    a stillness, and boats racing
    and rowing by (a holiday weekend,

    at hand, with friends...).

    The light from the sun, now shown
    on the embankment, between me

    and the river-boats drawn
    without sound: I watched the splashes
    from their oars-; rocks green to gray

    in the far!...
    A cool breeze smooth, caresses calmly

    across my face,
    the boy leaps up through the brushes,

    a flower in hand for me.

    It was all part of one day (revived)

    along the Rio Mantaro,
    in the Spring of 2006.

    Notes: No. 2015, written in Huancayo, Peru, 10-11-2007, to be published in the forth coming book, "Silence over a Restless Valley," in July, of 2008. Life is really made up of simple, days, seldom is it the other way around. And simple are my poems to match the days. But each day is of its own, unique, never to be replaced, except by memories, which seldom can match the beauty of the original print.

    Dedicated to the boy and his father who accompanied us, my wife and I for a weekend afternoon to see the boat races down the Rio Mantaro, in Huancayo, Peru, in the spring of 2006 (Kike and Jose Arrieta).

    Spanish Version

    Un da, A lo Largo del Ro Mantaro

    Por el Poeta Laureado, D.L. Siluk

    Y as, hacia la desembocadura del ro,
    fuimos, por el camino a lo largo del ro

    en auto, lentamente-el da
    pesaba con los rayos del sol de la maana.
    Estacionamos el auto cuando llegamos a
    un puente, rojo rstico, con torres;
    tranquilas estaban las aguas delante de nosotros con

    una calma, y all una carrera de botes
    y remos (un fin de semana feriado,

    a la mano, con amigos...)

    La luz del sol, aparece ahora
    en las orillas, entre el ro

    y yo-los botes corren
    silenciosos: yo miro las aguas salpicadas
    de sus remos-; rocas de verdes a grises

    a lo lejos...!
    Una fresca brisa suave, me acaricia suavemente

    cruzando mi cara,
    el nio salta de los arbustos,

    una flor en sus manos para m.

    Todo esto fue parte de un da (revivido)

    a lo largo del Ro Mantaro
    en la primavera del 2006

    Nota: La vida est hecha realmente por das simples, muy raro es lo contrario. Y simples son mis poemas para coincidir los das. Pero cada da tiene sus propias cosas, nicas, irremplazables; excepto por las memorias, que raramente pueden coincidir con la belleza de la impresin original. Poema # 2015, escrito en Huancayo, Per el 11-octubre-2007, para ser publicado en el libro pronto a publicarse "Silencio Sobre un Valle Inquieto" en julio del 2008.

    Dedicado al nio del poema y a su padre quienes nos acompaaron, a mi esposa y a mi un fin de semana en la tarde para ver la carrera de botes en el Ro Mantaro, en Huancayo, Per, en la primavera del 2006 (a Enrique Rey y Jos Arrieta)

    By Poet Laureate, D.L. Siluk

    See Dennis' web site:

    Ray Kroc

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    Love Is a State-of-Mind: Six Tips to Find It

    Do you remember the last time you were in love? Think back to the very beginning with all the excitement, tingles, energy and amazement. When you fall in love the world looks more beautiful, lifes flaws disappear, you feel vibrantly alive, and the possibilities seem endless. Love is much more than two people together in relationship. Love is truly a state-of-mind.

    If you are in the process of looking for love, putting this important concept to work for you can make all the difference. Sometimes frustration can creep into your search which can cause your energy and attitude to plummet. The Universal Law of Attraction states Like attracts like. That means its a lot easier to find love if you are a loving person and maintain a loving state-of-mind.

    So how can someone create a loving state-of-mind prior to finding the real thing? Here are six, powerful tips to help achieve a positive outlook. Some ideas will improve self-love, while others enhance your attitude. See what appeals to you and put it to work to keep your spirits up and lovable.

    1) Create an Altar Dedicated to Love
    Designate a sacred space and adorn it with a pair of pink candles, heart shaped items, a framed picture of lovers from myth, movies or literature. You choose the symbols with the most meaning for you. Have fun with this task. When you look at your completed arrangement, it should instantly elicit warm, loving feelings and reinforce that finding love is really possible.

    2) Heighten Your Feminine Charm
    Wear perfume, sexy underclothes or makeup to heighten your feminine charm. Put on your favorite outfit to feel fabulous. Get your nails done, have a facial or massage or try an aromatherapy session. Take a bubble or scented bath, light the room with candles and play soothing or romantic music. Indulge in whatever makes you feel more alluring.

    3) Focus on Your Best Features
    Select your best feature, focus on on it daily and be grateful for its beauty. Every woman, without exception, has her own unique beauty and reason to be loved. Do you have beautiful eyes, sensuous lips, delicate hands, curvaceous hips or walk with a graceful step? Celebrate what makes you beautiful to build your self-esteem.

    4) Practice Abundant Thinking
    Notice the number of stars in the night sky, grains of sand at the beach, blades of grass in your lawn (or any where theres a patch) leaves on a single tree, or even cars on a traffic-jammed highway. Look for situations or items that are too numerous to count, because they provide excellent evidence that the universe is an incredibly abundant place. When you feel abundant, you feel more generous and realize its safe to share what you have, because there will always be more!

    5) Think Loving Thoughts and Open Your Heart
    Try smiling at someone who catches your eye, letting a person cut in front of you in the grocery store checkout, allow a car to leave a four-way stop ahead of you even if you were there first, etc. These random acts of kindness shift your energy, and transform your life experience. This generosity of spirit might not be rewarded directly, but will come back to you, even if its just to maintain an elevated mood.

    6) Find a Reason to Laugh at Least Once a Day
    No matter what is happening in your life, there is always something to smile about if you take the time to connect with it. Some reasons might include: being healthy, employed, good weather, your favorite season, a happy memory, an upcoming vacation, friendship, family, a nice home, etc. Make a list of what is good and get in the habit of noticing what is going right with your world.

    Dont feel you have to try all of these methods, but know that the more time you spend lifting your spirits and maintaining a positive self-image and outlook, the better your chances of feeling good and attracting the love your desire. At the very least, youll enjoy whatever you do a whole lot more. Knowing love is a state-of-mind, makes it possible for everyone to experience it.

    Visit for savvy dating strategies to help you find the love you want and deserve. You can subscribe to the f*r*e*e bi-weekly newsletter and check out the book MANifesting Mr. Right: Its Never Too Late to Find the Love You Want by Dating Coach and expert Ronnie Ann Ryan.

    Other Book Recommendations

    8 Biblical Facts About Marriage

    1. Marriage is God's design. Genesis 2 18-24

    God's created work was not complete until he made the beautiful woman. He could have made her out of the dust of the ground as he made man, but he chose to make her from the man's flesh and bones. Now why do you think that is?

    A couples purpose and goals should be one and the same as the two work together to live out their purpose and, attain their dreams and aspirations.

    "So they are no longer two, but one.

    All throughout the bible God treats this special relationship of marriage very seriously. The goal and purpose for marriage is more than friendship; it is oneness. Meaning the two become one in flesh.

    2. Commitment was made to love and honor one another! Genesis 24:58-60

    Marriage was not just for convenience sake, nor was it brought about by any culture. It was instituted by God and has three basic aspects.

    (1) the man leaves his parents and, in a public act, promises and commits himself to his wife,(2) the man and woman are joined together by taking responsibility for each others welfare, and by loving their spouse above all others, (3) the two become one flesh in the intimacy and commitment of the sexual union that is reserved for marriage.

    Healthy marriages include all three of these established features.

    3. Marriage was intended to be permanent! Matthew 19:6

    Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

    Jesus focused on marriage rather than divorce. He pointed out that God intended marriage to be permanent and gave four reasons for the importance of marriage.

    1)God made them male and female,
    2)leave his father and mother and be united to his wife;
    3) the two will become one flesh,
    4) what is joined together let man not separate.

    God designed marriage to be indissoluble. Instead of looking for reasons to break it off, we should be trying to find reasons to stay married!

    6. Only death should dissolve marriage! Romans 7:2,3

    "For example, by law a woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage. So then if she married another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress."

    7. Marriage is good and honorable Hebrews 13:4

    "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."

    8. Romance in marriage keeps us from being tempted in marriage. Song of Songs 4:9,10

    It is important to look for ways to bring romance into your marriage.

    Romance keeps marriage exciting. Commitment keeps romance from diminishing away. The most important decision a person ever makes is at the altar when they commit themselves to their spouse for the rest of their lives.

    Angie Lewis, author of new release, Journey on the Roads Less Traveled ISBN 1413788904 Available Amazon and any online bookstore.

    Best Tarot Card Decks

    Monday, June 9, 2008

    A Walk in the Park

    If you want your marriage to be a walk in the park, you might actually want to consider taking a walk in the park every once in a while!

    Kids, work and other concerns can make it difficult to make a solid connection with your mate. But heres a little secret: youve got to prioritize. Every once in a while your kids, your job and other concerns can be put on the back burner without causing any serious damage. Set aside two or three nights a week for you and your mate to head out for an evening stroll at the park. You dont have to stay gone long; half an hour or forty-five minutes should be plenty of time.

    All you need to do is find a nice, quiet park where the two of you can walk and talk freely. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Laugh about your day. Discuss your goals and your dreams. Go people-watching (its kind of like bird watching, but you focus on people what they do, what they say, who theyre with instead.) Hold hands and treasure the opportunity to simply be together, undistracted by the rest of the world.

    When you set out from the house, dont leave empty handed. Take a cell phone in case your sitter (or oldest kid) needs to contact you in the emergency. Also, take a blanket along with you. After youve had the chance to enjoy a little evening stroll, seek out a nice soft section of grass that offers a great view of the night sky. Spread out your blanket and sprawl out together. Hold hands, whisper and admire the beauty of the moon and stars. Listen to the crickets chirp and see if you can spot any nighttime nature like bats or raccoons. Try to see who can find the first shooting star. For these few moments, the world is an oyster and your love for one another is the pearl.

    These walks in the park wont cost you a dime. But they are worth a million bucks. Those few moments of peace and companionship are enough to obliterate a bad day. Enough to relieve a weeks worth of stress. When your stroll is over and you walk back through your front door things will seem different, better.

    Thats because when you take the time to find solace in one another, everything is better!

    Kathy Stafford, Relationship Coach I show singles how to get married and couples how to STAY married Do you want more from your relationship? Go to for relationship articles, advice, and programs.

    Do you go from one failed relationship to another? Do you want to find that special life partner? Get Kathys new book, Relationship Remorse: Mistakes Women Make When Shopping for a Man. and learn the right way to find a loving and committed life-partner. Order the book at

    Copyright 2007 Kathy Stafford / All rights reserved.

    Ray Kroc

    How My Millionaire Mentor Helps Me Think and Grow Rich

    This article is about my millionaire mentor who helps me think and grow rich. He started out in debt with no job. Now he is a self made multi millionaire. A wise person once said 'You lead by example'. The best way to learn how to make a law of success of your life is to find someone that has already done it. That's what I did. He helped me in many ways in wealth creation.

    A good millionaire mentor quotes lots of facts. Here is a quote from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. In Australia by age 65, 96% of the population will be dead or dead broke. 3% will have financial independence, 1% will be rich. These statistics hit you like being slapped across the face with a bar of cold steel. When my mentor shared this with me I went into a state of shock. That was a good thing because it made me think. Then I took action because I didn't want to be in the 96% group who are dead or dead broke. Doesn't sound like much fun. Let me explain how I used this information to my benefit and how you can too.

    A coach shows you in such a way that it challenges, stretches, and sometimes even shocks you. Believe it or not you benefit from this. Eventually you come out of the experience having accomplished a lot more. This is why not having a coach is a huge disadvantage. The above quoted Australian Bureau of Statistics facts was used by my mentor to inspire me to take action. This is a classic use of the Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NLP ) technique called interrupting someone's pattern. A pattern interrupt is another name for it. It is achieved by experiencing a jolt or shock. Something out of the ordinary has an emotional impact which in turn interrupts behaviour. A good coach can use this to achieve positive results with who they are mentoring.

    Another avenue my mentor opened up for me was my subconscious mind. The subconscious mind contains many drives and beliefs about money. I discovered many limiting beliefs in my subconscious about money. So I started to dig. What I found were many fears and beliefs that did not serve me. The subconscious mind is a vast and powerful part of the mind and it pays you to know about it. However it is ignored for the most part. It can be used to work for you to your benefit. My mentor showed me how to do this in a practical way that gave results.

    Did my millionaire mentor really help me make money? The answer is yes. Personally my awareness on the value of saving increased. So I saved more. My financial intelligence increased. So I purchased assets that only go up in value. My mentor gave me an education that will last for life.

    In the final analysis a good millionaire mentor helps you solve problems. They don't do it for you but they do open up a new world of possibility and opportunity. They do this through their coaching and communication with you. If your bank balance increases as a result of the association, isn't that what finding a millionaire mentor is all about?

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    Law of Distraction

    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    Two Poems on Life

    Surprised by Morning

    There is an unknown dilemma that is by us;
    day has come, and evening has arrived on time.
    As for the evening, shades of darkness fell,
    so I noticed looking through the glass windows.

    I sat quietly back in my white plastic chair
    on the Platform, and wrote this poem,
    thinking and looking:
    How did it all come about?
    How will morning be?

    At last I found myself in bed,
    the waters of my mind, rose and fell;
    then I wakeup, surprised, somewhat,
    morning had arrived (it was here).

    Note: No: 2008, October 2, 2007, written on the Platform, in Huancayo, Peru, 2.55 PM

    Upon His Death
    (An Elegy, before Death)

    Now close his eyesplease, for all his breath has gone.
    For, they will not open up here, on Earth again!

    For years, life has fed upon his ivory bones
    That with his breath gave in (to death) all at once.

    Deep inside our minds, we decay, suffer on!
    Until our minds, bodies and souls say: its enough.

    Now let him be, and his body let us bless
    That came to earth, at birth, and goes to heaven to rest.

    Short Commentary: Death comes sometimes slowly, or so it seems (or can be) for us folks watching this happen to our loved ones; perhaps it is harder on us doing the watching, than those doing the dying (?)

    We often try to get the last photographs, our facts in order; tell and listen to the last jokes, stories and simple conversations we will forever share, and preserve them deep into our memories. Yes, all these gathered images we truly loved of that individualand we wait; and until we die like them we simply endure. Its all called life!... No: 2004 (9-28-2007)

    See Dennis' web site:

    Christopher Columbus

    When I Was a Hippie (Part 4 of 5)

    You know, as I look back on my life now, the happiest times were when I was penniless. There is something about living on the edge . . . an intensity, a realness, a creativity that always wilts in the face of security.

    I finally reached town, and brazenly walked into a bank; full beard, dirty clothes, mismatched socks and all, and talked them into letting me make a collect phone call to Janet.

    . . . No answer; phone disconnected. Oh no! Okay, I had one more chance; that she had returned to Shasta Abbey. The guy at the bank raised his eyebrows but nodded that I could try one more time. I think he saw the desperation in my face.

    I dialed, and couldnt believe it; Yoda answered and actually accepted my call, telling me that Janet was at the Oakland Priory, an extension of Shasta Abbey in the Bay area. I called the priory and sure enough she was there, sick as a dog and in bed with the flu, but patiently awaiting word from me, and immediately wired some money for a ticket on my old dog.

    I hung up and looked into the eyes of the banker, and I dont know if either of us will ever forget that moment. There is something about helping people that beats hatred in so many ways.

    I was a master of escapes I could pull off simple ones, like losing myself in the music at a concert, or complex ones where I would surrender myself to someone or something completely, willing to sacrifice my life for them. Within these precious moments, my worries about myself would disappear. I only wished that I could make those kinds of psychological releases permanent without the uncertainty of a fleeting cause or tenuous relationship. What if I could prove in my heart that my self didnt really exist? Couldnt I then release this self forever and be free from its excruciating burden? The unwelcome alternative was to continue to believe in my self, where instead of a release; I could only look forward to eternal incarceration. It was futile, trying to escape this human condition so front-loaded with constant stress, by somehow making something happen. I didnt believe, yet, that everything, in fact, does change, even the feeling of release. Its all so impermanent, the good, as well as the bad. Perhaps true freedom isnt a condition of mind or something brought on by a cause. Maybe its just there, always, simply waiting for people like me to realize it.

    But I still believed in myself; I couldnt deny it. Things were changing, however, gradually and strangely. Loving kindness, compassion, gladness, equanimity, these were cropping up without warning in small ways. On the trip back to California, the bus stopped for some diesel fuel and a case of motor oil in one of those non-descript towns where you wonder why people live there, and how they make a living. I was tired of chips and candy bars so I ran across the street to a grocery store, praying for some yogurt or something. I hurried in, keeping a wary eye on the bus across the highway, when I noticed an old man, maybe in his late eighties, old enough to have a hard time getting around. He was carefully helping his frail, crippled wife slowly walk down the grocery store aisle with his arm around her, holding her hand. He was so gentle; a lifetime of shared experiences reflected in his patience. Maybe this was the only adventure they had left now, shopping at this local grocery store.

    I stopped in my tracks, and right there in the main aisle I wept unabashedly. The cashiers must have thought I was a just another crazed hippie, but how else could I express what I was feeling inside . . . this loving kindness? I only noticed it at times like these, when I recognized the underlying love in others. Only then did my relentless antagonism toward them lessen. But I couldnt maintain it this loving kindness, not yet, and soon I became wrapped up in myself again.

    So many times, I had thought that I was on my way toward being compassionate and loving, only to be disappointed time and again as my real self raised its ugly head. I would think about how compassionate and loving people behave, and then I would mimic them as if I was saintly. It was all a sham. I still considered kind people to be stupid, merely marks to be taken advantage of. But then, there were the occasions when my heart soared at the Abbey, allowing me to empty out all the baggage and meanness for a moment when I understood that perfect morality that was the epitome of perfection. I wanted compassion so badly, but the feeling never lasted. If I looked closely, all I saw was me; a person that was despicable. It was all about me, and I could care less about anybody else. But I could now at least see this, and it was a place to start from.

    After every lofty experience at Shasta, I would devote myself, however I could, to helping others at the monastery. I found helping others to be difficult, however. I would try to help various lay people who were visiting, and they either didnt appreciate it, or would become dependent on me to do things for them that they could and should have done themselves, making both of our situations worse. I was not cut out to be a do-gooder; it was more of a concept than a reality for me. My fledgling compassion had no wisdom yet to accompany it, and I wasnt following my heart, which wanted to take what I found within myself and use it to complement everything around me. I was using my mind to decide what a do-gooder should do, but that was way too contrived.

    No matter what I accomplished, a dissatisfaction remained that I could not overcome. Simply helping others was nice, but it didnt go deep enough. The one who thought that he was helping was the problem, and I had no idea how to approach that.

    I seriously questioned if I would ever sincerely develop those beautiful qualities of loving kindness, compassion, gladness, and equanimity. How could I while still harboring these persistent selfish desires? Could I ever acquire enough personal security, or must I forever fight for what I wanted, pushing others aside, always trying to be the first in line and the last in loyalty? What was the answer?

    This yearning in my heart was definitely growing, this feeling that Im on my way home but have forgotten where home is and how to get there. Is it possible that a psychic, unconscious memory of my spiritual roots was drawing me back? Was it by negation that I was discovering the little tricks in life that constantly fooled me and made me forget? Little tricks like the falsehood of permanence, or the promised happiness that always slips through my fingers like water, leaving me discontented and disoriented and the myth of something substantial behind it all? Were these things steadily pushing me toward truth? I was trying to travel unencumbered now, but I was still hanging on to something. What was it?

    E. Raymond Rock of Fort Myers, Florida is cofounder and principal teacher at the Southwest Florida Insight Center, His twenty-eight years of meditation experience has taken him across four continents, including two stopovers in Thailand where he practiced in the remote northeast forests as an ordained Theravada Buddhist monk. His book, A Year to Enlightenment (Career Press/New Page Books) is now available at major bookstores and online retailers. Visit

    Siddhartha Life And Marriage