Sunday, September 6, 2009

Self-Help - Happiness - Want a Good Day?

The Happy Musing for the Day: Sweet Holiday wishes touch us all.

The Holiday spirit is everywhere during the Holidays, inside and outside. Garlands hang from street posts. Sleighs filled with gifts are parked on neighborhood lawns. White lights twinkle around the edge of shop windows and colored lights dangle from the eaves of homes on every street. Children make paper chains to hang on trees. Cards arrive in the mail. Mothers bake sugar cookies and grandmothers bake gingerbread men. Presents are hidden under beds and in closets. Thoughts are of others. Smiles are everywhere. People are happy and wishing others the same. And every wish that goes out touches us all.

I once knew a man in Los Angeles named Harry. In fact his nickname was Never-A-Bad-Day-Harry because that's what he said when anyone asked how he was. The answer was permanently, "Never a bad day!"

Harry had come to this country from Sweden long ago. He was given a sum of money and shoved out the door. He was the black sheep of his family and they wanted no part of him. He got on a ship and sailed to America. By the time he arrived in New York he had lost all the money gambling.

From there he bounced around the country until he righted himself and landed on the West Coast. It was there that I met him. By this time he was settled in business and thriving. I was invited to his home for a party and was surprised to find that his entire place was covered with Christmas decorations - lights, trees, garlands, balls, bells, candles, tin foil and ribbons -- and it was the middle of summer. To Harry every day was Christmas. That's the way he lived. There was never a bad day. Perhaps that's the way we should all live -- full of good wishes inside and out.

Happy Holidays to you!

"Life is wonderful!"
copyright 2008 Sally Huss

You may receive FREE Sally Huss' Happy Musings weekly by e-mail and previews of Sally's new self-help downloadable books (10 GREAT THOUGHTS ON LOVE and 10 GREAT THOUGHTS ON FRIENDSHIP) by going to Also you may download her Have-It-All Formula FREE.

Sally Huss has been creating her bright and happy art, combining it with her whimsical and uplifting thoughts, for over 25 years. King Features syndicated these Happy Musings for newspapers 3 years ago.

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