Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bridging the Miles As a Long-Distance Grandparent

The honored duty of the grandparent has been idealized through time. It's the older generation's place to be a strong, guiding force of love and positive influence in the lives of their children's children. From Norman Rockwell paintings to storybooks that illustrate the role of the older generation, the job has been well defined in a highly stylized manner throughout time.

But, what happens if the rigors of modern life get in the way of a sage grandparent passing on knowledge and unconditional love? When miles make picturesque days of playing impossible to pull off on a regular basis can the grandparent still be a major factor in a child's life?

The answer is a resounding yes if the grandparents in question work at bridging those miles. There are plenty of things grandparents can do to let their beloved grandchildren know they are always there for them even if they can't be the regular Saturday night babysitter.

Many of the techniques grandparents can use to knock down the walls that separate them from their grandchildren do involve technology. When a combination of low tech and even high tech moves are put into play, Grandma and Grandpa can be very real and very powerful forces in the lives of their grandchildren even if they only see each other in person once a year or once every few years. The costs involved don't even have to be high.

Some of the techniques others have successfully used to stay in close contact with their grandchildren and foster strong bonds despite the miles include:

Letter or note writing - This very simple, affordable and low-tech means of communication can enable grandparents to share advice, tell stories and simply let grandchildren know they are always in their thoughts. This is a great way to remain "there" in spirit, if not in person.

E-mails - Many grandparents are using computer technology to make letter writing instantaneous. In addition to e-mail conversations, some are using instant messaging programs and even video communication over the computer. For tech savvy grandparents, there are even voice communication programs that can facilitate real-time conversations without long distance telephone bills attached.

Video mail - A video camera, a few tapes and mailing envelopes can enable grandparents to send more personalized "letters" through the mail. This is a great way for grandchildren to see their grandparents on a regular basis and learn from them the importance of family ties.

Telephone calls - Don't discount the importance of regular chats. Whether they take place on the phone or computer, they can help grandparents and their grandchildren keep up with day-to-day events and assist in fostering a tight relationship.

Special occasion reminders - It's important to remember special occasions with a call or card even if a present cannot be afforded. Birthdays, holidays and milestone events such as graduations should not go without acknowledgment.

Even when miles separate and make regular personal contact impossible, grandparents can still remain strong and positive forces in the lives of their grandchildren. When a little effort is made to bridge the miles, a close relationship can develop in spite of them.

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