Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Roller Coaster of Life

As Summer winds down, look around. You're still on the roller coaster. Nine months have gone by since you strapped in for this year's ride. Can you look over your shoulder and still see the person who took your ticket and told you to 'keep your hands inside the car at all times'? By this I mean: has your train barely pulled away from the station? Did you begin the year with great intentions and never really make much progress toward them?

Or have you already taken so much action (clicks) toward this year's goals that you have climbed the big hill and are already enjoying the ride?

If so...feels great, doesn't it?

If not, there is still time.

Here are a few action ideas:

1) Dig back to last January and revisit your intended goals for the year
2) Evaluate your progress (or lack thereof) thus far
3) Re-dedicate yourself to TAKING ACTION toward them

One little decision or action, every day, can make all the difference in the world and bring you ever-closer to your desired outcome.

There is no need to be discouraged if you have not yet enjoyed the ride you dreamed of. Expanding beyond one's current comfort-level can be a daunting task, even with the best of intentions. Thinking outside the box can be a challenge. Actually 'living' outside the box can be downright death-defying for some!

The journey starts with just one step. Start small, just nudge your boundaries. Little successes can give you the confidence you need to climb into that roller coaster for a bigger, better ride.

There are 3 months left the year...plenty of time to click, click, click your way up that hill.

Believe me; the view is much better from the top, especially in the moment just before that last click sends you on a wild, exciting rewarding ride!

And once you've ridden this one all the way 'round, you'll want to get back on over and over again.

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