Thursday, August 27, 2009

Feng Shui As a Way of Life

Most people think of feng shui as a decorating term, and in many ways, that's what it is. Feng shui can be much more than that, however; it can actually become a powerful influence on who you are and how you live your life.

If you're familiar with feng shui, you already know the key to its success: energy. Feng shui is all about manipulating the energy, or chi, around you to redirect positive influences in your life.

When you decide to adopt feng shui as a way of life, though, you'll start finding ways to incorporate those principles into your every day.

Step One: Become aware of the basic principles of feng shui.

The first step in any undertaking is education. By becoming aware of the basic principles of feng shui, you make it much more likely that you'll be able to adapt those principles in your everyday life!

Step Two: Create a space for restful chi.

You don't have to totally "feng shui" your home to start applying its principles in your life, but it is essential that you create a space that you find peaceful, enjoyable, and relaxing. This can be as simple as a corner of your living room centered around a comfy chair. Regardless, this needs to become your fueling center for sheng chi (positive energy).

From here you'll need to spend a few minutes of each day (ideally in the morning) "recharging" in your peaceful spot. You can recharge in any way that works for you: meditation, prayer, or just sitting quietly. The point is not to read, or watch television, or think about anything but becoming one with the peace you've created in this space.

Step Three: Carry that peace with you.

You may think, "It's one thing to feel peaceful snuggled in my armchair; it's another when my boss is screaming at me for the fifteenth time this week." But you might be surprised! Spending a few minutes cultivating peace within yourself will give you the inner strength you need to endure many hardships during your day.

Step Four: Deflect and avoid negative energy.

As you become aware of the powerful peaceful energy surrounding you, you'll probably experience an increase in y our awareness of other people's energy -- and, in accordance with feng shui, other places' energy. You'll immediately begin to recognize the people and places that bring about negative feelings and interrupt your inner peace. You have three options in that situation:

  • Avoid: If possible, give that person or place a wide berth. For example, if you have a friend who's been making your life miserable for years, maybe it's time to let that "friendship" go.
  • Deflect: When people send negative energy in your direction, it's often an expression of their own inner turmoil. Whenever possible, recognize that this negativity is part of their pain and is not directed at you. Always remember the Fox's question from C.S. Lewis' Till We Have Faces: "Would you like to be [her]? No? Then she is to be pitied."
  • Change: Try bringing your newfound peace into a space and watch it change. It's amazing what a friendly smile and "Good morning!" can achieve on even the grumpiest person.

And of course, if you're talking places, it's time to bring the full force of feng shui to shine.

Learn the secrets of feng shui and live a more fulfilled life with this ancient wisdom!

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