Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't Let Goals Overtake Your Life

You know, one of the worst things that anyone can do is to allow their goals to run their life. One of the keys to living a really and truly successful lifestyle is to achieve balance and if your goals become too much of an obsession, it can be easy to let them take the place of your family and your relationships. And when this happens, it can become easy to lose sight of what really matters.

Why do we set goals in the first place?

It is to improve our lives AND the lives of those around us. Our families and our friends as well as our community will benefit when we improve upon our lives. But, they will lose any of those benefits if we become so narrow minded as to only see what we are not trying to achieve and not the entire world around us as well.

There are many people who will use goal setting and achievement to make themselves feel better about only themselves and that will only ensure one thing. You may achieve your objective but you will also lose something as well.

Set goals and do what you have to in order to achieve them. But do not forget that as humans, there are other things that are just as important. You cannot hug a goal, but you can hug your friends and your family. To live a truly successful life, you must allow yourself the time and the freedom to enjoy life as well.

Learn how to attract love, money, or happiness or all three in YOUR LIFE NOW! Go to and SIGN up for the FREE newsletter and BOOKMARK the site and return as often as you can! You can attract the life that you truly desire! All you have to do is learn HOW!

Law of Attraction Secrets

Bryan Appleton is an investor/entrepreneur who has dedicated himself to teaching others how to achieve their dream life. He is also a proud single father with one son.

You can publish this article as long as you leave it intact and in full as well as keeping the url link clickable.

Repairing a Leaking Toilet

Let me explain how a toilet works. First when you go to flush the toilet a little arm pulls a rubber flapper up and lets the water drain into the toilet bowl. The water draining into the toilet bowl forces the old water out along with the number two or number one waste and extremities.

If the toilet sounds like it is running there is a good chance that the seal between the rubber flapper and the plastic rain at the bottom of the toilet is broken somehow. The sound you are hearing is water running around this ring and in to the toilet bowl.

This leak is actually causing no damage to the toilet itself but is wasting water. Hence the water bill will be a little higher if you don't fix the leaking toilet. The best way to find out if this is actually your problem is to take the toilet tank lid off. Then stick your hand down into the toilet bowl and press gently on the rubber flap.

If the water stops leaking or starts running faster this is your problem. Turn the water off to the toilet. There will be a shut off valve on the wall under your toilet bowl in the bathroom. After you turn the water off removed the plastic flap and examine it.

You will be looking for a warped toilet flap or of some sort or grooves on the flapper itself. Take the toilet flapper down to your local home improvement store and buy a new one. Go home and replace the new toilet flapper and this should solve 90% of your leaking toilet problems.

There is one more thing it could be. With the toilet tank lid off, check to see if water is overflowing into the little round plastic pipe. This plastic pipe should have a small hose running from the float valve assembly into it.

If the water is over flowing from the toilet tank into this little plastic pipe you will need to adjust the float.

First thing you will need to do is while the toilet is running lift up on the float lever arm. If the water stops you can simply bend the metal arm of the float lever. The purpose of bending the arm will force the float deeper into the water there for stopping the water from rising over the small tube in the center of your toilet.

There are few parts to a toilet and most parts can be purchased at your local hardware or home improvement centers. Toilet repairs like this can be made simple and the parts used to replace are inexpensive.

Happy Toilet Repairing.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more House Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Some Great Plumbing Ideas

Will All Men Ever Hate Jesus

Primal Leadership - A Book Summary

Primal leadership takes center stage in this book. This concept goes beyond the set of conventional competencies on the making of a leader. Beyond bottom line figures, this book takes a leap forward with the concept of primal leadership through a keen and in-depth understanding of emotional intelligence and its link to leading and building emotionally intelligent organizations.

The authors explore the idea of leadership as an emotional
function. They propose that the fundamental task of a leader is to create resonance at work, thereby unleashing positive traits and attributes in people. Emotionally intelligent leaders bring organizational success to the fore because they inspire, motivate and foster commitment in people.

Harness the power of primal leadership in this book and bring out the emotionally intelligent leader in you.

Primal Dimension of Leadership

The use of emotion in leadership functions is a primal task that sets leaders apart. Great leaders move people by channeling emotions in the right direction, whether it is in formulating corporate strategy in the boardroom or a series of action items in the shop floor.

Resonance Effect

The positive channeling of emotions that empowers people to be top performers is called resonance. The culture of resonance brings out the best in people. On the other hand, when leaders negatively drive emotions dissonance is created. Dissonance is not conducive to harmonious working relationships as it can undermine peoples potentials.

Key to Primal Leadership

Emotional intelligence is the foundation of making primal
leadership work. An emotionally intelligent leader knows how to handle himself and his relationship with the people he works with in order to drive up performance.

Good Moods, Good Work

A good mood is essential for a team to function effectively. It is crucial for a leader to foster positive working relationships because emotional conflicts in a group can hamper a teams performance.

A study of CEOs from Fortune 500 companies revealed that
positive overall mood of top management people leads to better cooperation and better business performance. This argument takes the view that it is top management that creates the conditions for workers to work well.

Resonant Leader

For emotionally intelligent leaders, resonance comes naturally in their dealings with people. Their actions reinforce synchrony within their team and within the organization. The strength of an emotionally resonant leader lies in the emotional bond he forms which allows people to collaborate with each other even in the face of change and uncertainty.

Four Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence

The creation of resonance is a hallmark of primal leadership that can only be fostered by emotionally intelligent leaders. For a leader to promote prime resonance in a group, it is important to understand the four EI competencies. Interestingly, these competencies are not innately inherent but are learned abilities. According to research, an effective leader typically demonstrates at least one competence among
the four dimensions.

1. Self-Awareness

2. Self-Management

3. Social Awareness

4. Relationship Management

Approaches to Leadership in a Nutshell

1. Visionary

2. Coaching

3. Affiliative

4. Democratic

5. Pacesetting

6. Commanding

The Five Discoveries of Self-Directed Learning

1. First Discovery: My ideal self Who do I want to be?

2. Second Discovery: My real self Who am I? What are my strengths and gaps?

3. Third Discovery: My learning agenda How can I build on my strengths while reducing my gaps?

4. Fourth Discovery: Experimenting with and practicing new behaviors, thoughts, and feelings to the point of mastery.

5. Fifth Discovery: Developing supportive and trusting
relationships that make change possible.

Final Notes

Primal leadership is anchored on emotions. These emotions have underlying neurological explanations to them such as the open loop system. Thus, a leader must work hard to obtain emotional intelligence competencies that will make him a resonant leader
because resonance is the key to primal leadership.

A resonant leader builds a culture of resonance by emonstrating emotionally intelligent abilities that permeate throughout the organization. A resonant leader aims to live a resonant life for him and his people in order to make resonant work. It is this kind of work that builds an emotionally intelligent
organization a kind of organization that can survive the changing business climate because it has built-in processes that can sustain change.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

Regine Azurin is the President of, a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs. "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers for Busy Executives and Entrepreneurs


BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001- 2005, - Wisdom In A Nutshell

Finding Something You Don't Like About Yourself - Creating Habits

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

Here's a list of things people don't like about themselves. If you're one of those people that has a hard time finding something wrong with yourself, you could always ask one of your friends for some suggestions. I'm sure they would like that.

1. The need to lose weight. This of course is one of the worst problems with Americans. Most people need to lose weight and let's not forget there are some people that need to gain weight.

2. The need to stop gambling. As more Indian reservations are allowed to build gambling casinos and of course as the Internet gambling gets larger, I've noticed some people with gambling problems.

3. The need to stop drinking alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has been going on for many years. These people have an excuse for why they drink and most of the time it doesn't make sense.

4. The need to stop smoking. This could be one of the most difficult things I've ever seen my friends and family deal with.

5. The need to stop excessive behaviors. For example, gossiping, cruelty, bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, partying etc. You get the idea.

6. Don't forget the dreaded shopaholic. Most shopaholic's seem to have large credit card debt and can't seem to stop this vicious circle of buying and owing money to their creditors.

7. Working long hours or the workaholic. Sometimes this is a necessity but I would suggest that you change your lifestyle if possible. Reevaluate your reasons for working so hard.

8. Religious fundamentalists. People that spend too much time at their place of worship and soon find themselves feeling guilty if they're not doing something spiritual.

9. The need to be on time. This would include people that have problems giving themselves enough time to get ready for work or school.

10. The need to stop doing drugs. I thought by now, approaching my 50s, that drugs would no longer be a problem in the United States, but it is. It's one of the most damaging things people can do to their lives.

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Ask And You Might Receive Or Ask

Festering Emotional Wounds - How Disturbing Memories Can Remain Bothersome For Years

Imagine being about 6 years-old, when you ask a friend to play with his or her toy. He or she says, "No." As an adult, you know that if this scenario had happened in your life, it happened because 6 year-olds are basically selfish and do not know how to share. As a 6 year-old, however, you would not have known that that was the real reason. As a way of making sense of the senseless, you might have adopted a negative belief about yourself, as it related to the situation. In other words, you may have suggested to yourself that "I am not good enough." Or, "I am not likeable."

This interpretation may have meant little, except when later, a parent says, "No" and a teacher says, "No." Now, one may begin to use this random life experience, in order to support this erroneous set of beliefs that "I am not good enough" or "I am not likeable."

Within adolescence, a teacher may say, "No" or a date may say, "No." Now, as one enters early adulthood, one may not simply think these things to be true, but one may begin to feel them to be true. The beliefs that we feel to be true tend to guide our actions. If we feel it to be true that "I am not worthy" and "I am not likeable," we are probably not heading in a direction that is consistent with our desires.

The things that we feel to be true tend to guide our actions, as we allow things to happen and do things, consistent with the beliefs. Although these beliefs seem to offer an explanation, however, their assertions are not true. Yet, it may be initially difficult to believe otherwise, since these initial beliefs seem to offer a plausible explanation. The truth, based upon the wealth of one's other life experiences, however, insists that despite what happened, "I am worthy" and "I am likeable." In great part, therapy is a way to resolve disturbing memories, in order to release the erroneous beliefs. As a result, one is finally able to begin to embrace the truth that "I am worthy" and "I am likeable." These new, healthier perspectives begin to guide one into the more positive direction of one's intentions. Gerald Solfanelli is a Pennsylvania licensed psychologist and certified hypnotherapist in full-time private practice. As a presenter for PESI, he provides national continuing education workshops for mental health and educational professionals. He also hosts his own website that helps visitors simplify their overall healthcare, by improving their emotional health with popular psychology-related links, best-selling e-books, hypnosis and other FREE self-help programs.

Included within his site is also a FREE hypnosis for smoking cessation instant audio MP3 download, links to discount coupons for other quit smoking aides, and free e-book access to best-selling quit smoking publications. Solfanelli is a member of Pennsylvania's Pre-approved Tobacco Cessation Registry. His American website is accredited by the HON Foundation, a non-governmental agency in special consultative status with the United Nations that promotes health trustworthy information.

(c) Copyright 2008 - Psychologist Gerald A. Solfanelli. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Structural Framing Beams

Let's start with the beams. They can be Glulam, Parallam, Microlam or even wood beams. What are all of these and why do I need them in my house. The beams are used to hold up parts of the house and are located in your walls, roofs and floors. Beams are used to transfer a load from one point to another.

Structural framing beams allow the architect to create large openings, floors and roofs in your house. The beams are also used to support the weight over the doors, windows and other openings in your home. These beams support massive amounts of weight in some cases and are even made of steel if needed.

Another growing problem is the lack of old growth trees in the forest. If we just used wood beams with out using the new engineered beams we would have to cut down a lot more of the bigger trees. So you can add these guys to your Christmas list. The lumber or wood engineers have come up with all sorts of alternatives for new building products. These new beams are just some of them. Keep up the good work guys...

Glulam is a engineered wood product comprised of wood laminations, or 2 x 4s that are bonded together with strong, waterproof adhesives. If you use a Glulam beam on the buildings exterior you will have to order a exterior Glulam beam. In this case the manufacture will use special exterior rated glues for the beam.

When ordering any wood engineered beams specify to the lumber yard what you are using the beam for. Exterior or Interior of the building. If you use a interior glulam over time there is a good chance of the beam delaminating or cracking apart.

Parallam is made from almost all of the wood on the log using veneer strands that are aligned parallel for maximum strength. The end product is a rectangular beam; which is longer, thicker, and stronger than solid-sawn lumber. They are often used as beams, headers, columns, and posts, among others uses.

Microllam is an engineered wood product that uses multiple layers of thin wood assembled with adhesives. It offers several advantages over typical milled lumber: it is stronger, straighter, and more uniform. It is much less likely than conventional lumber to warp, twist, bow, or shrink due to its composite nature. Made in a factory under controlled specifications, Microllam products allow users to reduce the onsite labor. They are typically used for headers, beams, rim board, and edge-forming material.

These beams come in all sorts of different lengths, widths and heights. They are engineered to hold amazing amounts of weight. They really are great engineering marvels.

Tip: I have had to replace almost all of these types of beams over the years due to some form of damage. Like anything else in your home if it is used improperly there is a good chance your are going to have some sort of failure. I have seen people add weight to these structural beams with no thought of them ever failing.

If you are planning on building a room addition, rebuilding your roof, adding a floor or any other type of construction where you are adding a addition load to your house. You might want to consult with a building contractor or structural engineer.

Thanks Greg For Another Super Article On Home Building. For more great articles visit Greg at

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry. Causes of Structural Failure

Ask And You Might Receive Or Ask

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Goal Setting - Why is Goal Setting So Important For Internet Marketing Success?

If you are going to make money in any endeavor, you will need to learn something about goal setting. This is the single most important thing you will ever think about during the course of your money making efforts and your internet marketing career.

I will focus the remainder of this article on Internet Marketing since that is what I know best. You need to know, first how much money you intend to earn, and second, what exactly you need to do to earn it.

In addition, it helps if you know why. I needed to pay the bills, my kids needed new bicycles, and I seriously needed a vacation. I knew what I was working for, do you know what you are working for?

When I started my affiliate business, my short-term goal was to earn $200 a month on a consistent basis, because I knew that if I could achieve that level of success, it would go a long way toward helping me pay off my bills.

Medium-term I was looking for about $3000 per month, because then I would be able to decide if I wanted to keep working at my full-time day job or not.

Long-term, I was, and still am looking for $15,000 per month. I have a plan for its achievement and a time limit for reaching it. And I will get there.

So what about you, what are your goals and what are your income streams? Do you know how much you intend to earn from each of your businesses.

Do you have a written plan for their achievement?

I want you to download my free report which will teach you, step by step, how I earn money online

Is Money a Big Part of Organized Religion?

Where do you think most modern day religious organizations would be without money? Is money really a big part of modern day organized religion or is that something in the past. Why do certain scriptures require their believers to donate a portion of their earnings?

Does this money improve the lives of religious believers? I'm asking these questions because most people won't. Most people don't even no where the money they earn is going. If you donate money to a religious organization and they choose to hire someone to install stained glass windows throughout the sanctuary, is this really going to help the congregation. Is this a want or a need?

When does a religious group become too powerful for its own good. Do you think the Catholic religion, which at the time of me writing this article, is the largest organized religion in the world, by itself, is very powerful or driven by finances. This organization has seeked wealth and power for centuries, creating an establishment that has its hands in everything all over the world.

Is it fair to have religious leaders living a life of luxury, while some of their followers suffer and go without food or shelter. Should some of this money go towards the aid of others who choose not to believe in the religious culture of their patrons?

Why do some people give money to their religious organization, even though they can barely survive. Are these people driven to contribute money because someone makes them feel guilty? Some of these people give money and time, even at the expense of their own family. It's just not fair, when I see people who are barely scraping by but give faithfully to an organization that promises them a better life after they die.

Your rewards for living a good life on Earth will be received after you die and are allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does anyone have any proof of this? If you choose to base your life entirely on faith instead of seeking knowledge and wisdom, or even questioning your religious doctrine, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Money plays a big part in organized religion and honestly does a lot of good throughout the world. Christianity has had a large impact on the United States of America but only time will tell if it was a good thing or not.

If you have extra money and desire to give it to a religious organization of your choice, feel free, but if you're giving 10% of the money you've earned and really can't afford to, I wish you would take the time to research what your church actually spends it's money on. If your church is building another church in Mexico but you don't have enough money for food, clothes or other necessities, I would suggest that you let other people donate their extra money instead.

It might not be mentioned anywhere in your religion, but I'm sure your God or the ultimate Almighty power of the universe you believe in, does not want anyone to suffer or go without, because your religious organization chooses to make you feel guilty if you do not contribute a certain amount of money, for whatever reasons they can possibly come up with.

If everyone that believes in this interpretation has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't Jesus be suggesting a life kind of like Mother Teresa but without any money. She wouldn't be allowed to ask any wealthy people for money, let alone use it if she acquired it somehow.

Have you ever ask yourself is there any Hope in Religion .

Would it be safe to a sound that by asking for money from a wealthy person would mean I would not be going to happen. Does it say anything in the Bible about using money from a wealthy person for great earthly deeds and you get to go to heaven but he does not. If this is starting to sound a little confusing, welcome to my world. There are very few people that follow organized religion, that even ask these questions, let alone seek the answers and find the truth and keeping an open mind to future information that possibly could change the old answer that they accepted as a truth but now realize, the possibility that the old information could be wrong.

If you were a religious leader and could not answer some of the major questions that you yourself had, would you continue living a life of confusion or seek relentlessly to find the answers until you are satisfied. Knowing that if you were satisfied with the answers to your questions and now your religious beliefs have changed considerably, would you retire or quit working with the religious organization you were involved with.

This is one of the biggest obstacles for most people that seem to get comfortable in their religious environments. If the interpretations of a you Bible verses are incorrect and can be proven, either scientifically or through translation errors, does this mean that there are more verses in the Bible that could be incorrect or misleading.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Religion Articles

How Self Help Tapes and CDs Can Help You Become a Happier and More Positive Person

We are bombarded with depressing news all day via the newspaper, the news channels, the radio and even by word of mouth among people. With all the negative activities going on around us it is refreshing to have something positive come our way. That is where self help tapes (or self help cds) on positive thinking come into use. These products are very useful to keep the mind positive even amidst all the chaos happening in the world.

The best thing about these products is that they are books that you don't need to take time out to read. We all know how hard up on time we are usually. Therefore, we will never be able to make time to specifically read books on personal inspiration. On the other hand, these self help tapes are very useful for personal motivation. Therefore, all you need to do is put them on wherever you are, and continue doing your work while enjoying the luxury of motivational talk for inspiration.

There are many publishers who have such motivational texts converted into self help tapes for your convenience. Now you can cook, eat, bathe, work on the computer and feed your baby while listening to these tapes and receive our daily dose of inspiration amidst all the terrorism, violence and sadness of the world. However, while buying any of these you should be sure of what you want. A good idea is to read reviews and find out what other people are saying about a particular product.

If you want to find a way to achieve success and happiness in your life, check out my review of some of the most effective Self Help Tapes (or Self Help CDs) available.

Read my Quantum Mind Power Review To Find out More about this powerful program.

You dont want to miss out on this Amazing Secret when you can discover the answers Today!

Planning Your Bathroom Remodel Budget - Home Improvement Ideas

As a bathroom remodeling contractor, I get calls from people, that have no idea what they want or how much anything is going to cost. Here's some simple tips that can be very helpful when planning a bathroom remodel budget.

Bathroom Remodeling Investment

In 2008, the average mid-range bathroom cost around $16,000 and you could recoup around $12,000 of your original investment upon the sale of your home. According to a popular remodeling magazine, larger bathrooms using expensive fixtures, tile, bathtubs, woodworking, toilets and showers had an average of $52,000. Upon the sale of a home, you could recoup around $36,000 of your original investment.

Finding out How Much Things Cost

My first suggestion, would be to visit your local home improvement center, lumber yard or plumbing supply warehouse. Larger stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, seemed to provide you with value pricing but don't have a large selection. While doing some research on the Internet I noticed that some of their pricing is outrageously, outrageous. Some plumbing supply warehouses can provide value but beware others won't.

Create a List of Bathroom Remodeling Parts

You can get a good idea of your bathroom remodel costs for your budget by making a list of bathroom parts with pricing and then adding them up for a grand total. If you're a total bathroom remodel budget is $15,000 and you have a $6,000 bathtub with $4000 worth of tile, you could have a budget problem.

Figuring out the Labor

You will have to contact a contractor to get an actual cost for the labor. Sometimes you can double the cost of your bathroom remodeling parts to get a rough idea. If you have a list or a couple of lists and a few pictures of some sample bathrooms, this will make the contractor's job easier and often they can give you a labor price within a few days.

Give Yourself a Cushion

I would suggest leaving yourself a small financial cushion for any additional remodeling items. For example, you could see a different toilet, or instead of painting the walls, you now choose to wallpaper, you could incur additional expenses that you haven't planned for. If you know exactly what you want and stick to the original bathroom remodeling plan, you shouldn't need the cushion.

Financial problems often transfer into construction problems, so spend some time figuring out, how much money you want to spend on the bathroom remodel and try not to go overboard on the budget. I hate to see homeowners struggling with home improvement loan payments. Try to create a bathroom remodeling budget that is realistic and will not create a financial burden upon you or your family.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Meditating On Religious Scriptur

Do You Have a Good Sense of Humor? Take the Quiz

Plato once said that Life was meant to be lived as play. When I ask audience members if they have a sense of humor, I usually get 25 per cent of the group raising their hands. Yet, when I tell a joke, most of the audience laughs. Id like to expand your understanding of yourself and humor. Underneath the word PLAYFULNESS are more specific terms such as humor and fun. Humor is the ability to give laughter or be the instigator of playfulness. This is the more yang, or masculine principle. Fun, on the other hand, is the ability to receive laughter. This is the more yin, or feminine, principle of playfulness. A useful metaphor may be that humor is the plug, and fun is the socket. The ability to be playful with life is to have both. Some people are good at receiving laughter; they can laugh at jokes or irony, but rarely express humor themselves. These people have a good sense of fun. Conversely, some people use humor often to instill laughter in others, yet may not be able to laugh themselves. Several professional comedians fall into this category. They have a good sense of humor, but not a good sense of fun. The ideal is to have both.

What Are Your Attitudes Towards Humor?

Before building on your sense of humor, it is important to do a personal attitude inventory. Read each statement and think about how often this is true for you

A) Always B) Mostly C) Dont Know D) Never

1. Life is hard, mostly a struggle. A B C D

2. When I work I have a lot of fun. A B C D

3. I find I worry a lot in life. A B C D

4. My mental health improves when I'm having fun. A B C D

5. Having fun seems to just get me into trouble as a presenter. A B C D

6. I laugh at myself when I make a mistake. A B C D

7. I feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities. A B C D

8. I take my responsibilities seriously, but myself lightly. A B C D

9. When I'm having fun, other people seem positively affected by me. A B C D

10. When I'm doing something that is just for fun, it feels like a waste of time. A B C D

11. I thrive on adventure. A B C D

12. Im not playful when I work because there is too much to do. A B C D

13. I put off learning more about humor because I dont have time. A B C D

14. I am grateful for my life, and make each moment count. A B C D

15. When Im with a group of people socially it takes me a while to feel relaxed enough to be playful. A B C D

16. Using humor feels too risky. A B C D

17. Im concerned people will think Im stupid or foolish if I try to make them laugh. A B C D

18. People generally consider me a positive, upbeat person. A B C D

19. My audiences are usually poker-faced grouches who practice mirth control. A B C D

20. If Im having fun at the front of the room, others feel uncomfortable. A B C D

21. The people I spend most of my time with are fun-loving people. A B C D

22. I look for what is wrong with a situation, before I look at what is right. A B C D

23. I have a good sense of humor; I can easily make people laugh. A B C D

24. When I was growing up, my family was humorously challenged. A B C D

25. I have a sunny disposition. A B C D

26. I laugh easily. A B C D

27. When things go wrong, I eventually find some angle on it that is funny. A B C D

28. Whenever I start to enjoy myself, I start to feel guilty. A B C D

29. I tend to see the glass as half empty. A B C D

30. My humor seems to hurt and/or offend people A B C D

31. Im less self-conscious when Im having fun. A B C D

32. I like to stay in control. Having fun often seems too chaotic. A B C D

33. I balance work and play in my life. A B C D

34. I make sure I take time to enjoy myself each day. A B C D

35. Most women arent very funny. A B C D

36. Womens humor is just as valid as mens. A B C D

1. a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4
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Total Score = ______________


If your score was 117 or more, your attitude towards fun is a model for the rest of us.

If your score was 90-116, you are human. We all carry some negativity. You are still on your way towards a more joyous life. This book can help enhance that.

If your score was 63-115, your attitudes often repel wonderful, fun moments. Practicing new behaviors outlined in here, will help you re-write your inner script around fun.

If your score was under 62, you definitely need some help. But that's okay, there is lots of help available. And, each moment is an opportunity for making new choices.

Carla Rieger is an expert on creative people skills at work. If you want a motivational speaker, trainer, or leadership coach to help you stay on the creative edge, contact Carla Rieger.

Web site:
Tel: 1-866-294-2988

Home Selling Tips - Best Real Estate Advice Ever

One of the most important things to remember when selling your home is to keep it as clean as possible. If you need help or don't have the time to organize your stuff, you can hire a home staging professional in your area. Ask your real estate professional for more information.

1. Remove any clutter from the home and place it in storage. Do not store this stuff on the property if you don't have enough room. Storing clutter in closets or in your garage, will often make these areas look smaller. By removing clutter or even large pieces of furniture, the rooms will look larger.

2. Disconnect yourself emotionally from your home. This is a big problem for people who have lived in their house for long periods of time. If you've raised a family here, the children could have emotional ties also to the home. Some home sellers are looking for someone special to buy their home, if you've got the time and money to wait, you can be selective but be careful, because the longer you wait, the market could go up or down.

3. When your real estate professional is showing the house, it's always a good idea to leave the home until the potential homebuyers are gone. One example of this would be if you were in a bad mood or didn't have a good day and were a little upset at the world. Your mood could cause potential homebuyers to lose interest in the property. I've seen this more than once.

4. Make sure everything is operating properly. This would include doors, door knobs, windows, kitchen appliances, garage door openers, cabinet drawers, bathroom fixtures, toilets, faucets, lights, switches, electrical outlets and anything else that moves, slides, turns or rotates that is part of the home.

5. The Interior and exterior walls of the home should be in good shape. Make sure there's no termite damage, wood rot, peeling paint, broken windows or holes in the walls.

6. Make sure the flooring is in good shape. Some real estate professionals will suggest, replacing the carpeting with a neutral color. This method often works pretty good but I have seen plenty of homes that were re-carpeted and after the home was purchased the carpeting was replaced again, by the new owners. Just make sure the flooring is in good shape.

7. Here's a trick that definitely works a little magic when selling a home. Leave some cookies or a nice fruit bowl on the dining room table. There is no need to leave a sign that says "Eat Me". It gives the home a warm feeling, almost like a country atmosphere.

8. Even better than home selling tip number seven would be baking some cookies just before the perspective buyers arrive, it's not the cookies, it's the smell from the cookies that most people cannot resist.

These are just a few home selling tips but the most important is to keep the inside and outside of the home clean.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Don't buyers sell a home without checking how the problems with poor home repairs.

Effects Of False Prophets

5 Ways of Dealing With Depression Without Drugs

Feng Shui can be used to help alleviate depression and feelings of being "stuck," which are so common in today's society. Often, an individual just needs a gentle nudge to return to his correct path, where he can be his true self.

I should know; I've battled feelings of depression and low energy. A combination of Feng Shui, proper nutrition, exercise, meditation and re-connecting with nature alleviated my depression and placed me on a path toward fulfillment. My career has soared. I have a stronger drive for achievement and activity and I am truly grateful and happy. As a result, I've been fortunate to help many others welcome energy, drive and the feelings of joy and gratitude back into their lives. That is my true path.

1. Feng Shui Your Space: A Feng Shui consultation may be the first step in getting "unstuck." A Feng Shui consultant can recommend ways to shift the energy of a person and space, creating amazing transformations.

When I perform a Feng Shui consultation for a client who is feeling stuck or depressed, I pay close attention to the entrance of the space. The entrance should not be blocked, which prevents energy or chi from entering the area.

I'll also take a look at the work environment, specifically under a person's desk. That part of the office should be clean, clear and permit plenty of leg room.

I often introduce life energy into a space. You can do this in your home or office by adding living plants, fresh flowers, raw fruit or moving water.

There are also specific Feng Shui cures and remedies you can employ. For instance, you can use Feng Shui Wind Chimes To Help With Depression.

2. Reconnect With Nature: It's easy to lose your connection with nature and, for many people, this leads to depression.

Don't you feel rejuvenated after spending a day at the beach or a few hours hiking in the mountains? Try to make nature a small part of your life every day. Spend more time outdoors walking, hiking, cycling or simply sitting in the park appreciating the environment.

3. Diet & Nutrition: Chronic fatigue is an indication that the body's "batteries" have run down. Resistance drops and illness or disease may strike.

Often, fatigue is caused by a critical deficiency of active enzymes in the diet and an overabundance of "dead" foods: processed, preserved and over-cooked foods, eaten in incompatible combinations.

Many fad diets literally starve cells of nutrition and energy and permit toxic wastes to accumulate in the tissues. This prevents the body from generating and directing energy for work or play, since all available energy must be used to keep the body alive.

According to The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity, denatured, processed, preserved, canned and cooked foods should compose less than 50 percent of the daily diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains to give your body the energy it needs and combat chronic fatigue.
Sun Ssu-mo, the Tang Dynasty Taoist physician who correctly diagnosed and cured the nutritional-deficiency disease beriberi 1,300 years ago, a full millennium before European doctors did in 1642, wrote in Precious Recipes: "A truly good physician first finds out the cause of illness, and having found that, he first tries to cure it by food. Only when food fails does he prescribe medication."

4. Proper Exercise:

"The Tao of nurturing life requires that one keep oneself as fluid and flexible as possible. One should not stay still for too long, nor should one exhaust oneself by trying to perform impossible tasks. One should learn how to exercise from nature by observing the fact that flower water never stagnates and a busy door with active hinges never rusts or rots. Why? Because they exercise themselves perpetually and are almost always moving."

(Sun Ssu-mo - Precious Recipes)

In this passage, Sun Ssu-mo succinctly distills the essence of Taoist exercise principles. If we observe nature, we see that rhythmic movement is the foundation for cultivating essence and energy.

Balance and moderation are also key factors. How many times have you started a difficult or time-consuming exercise regime only to abandon it after a few weeks-or a few days? Start slowly so your early success will spark your drive to continue. In addition to structured exercise, look for ways to introduce more physical activity into your everyday life.

The Spring and Autumn Annals tells us: Essence and energy, body and breath, are indivisible: when the body does not move, essence cannot flow; when essence cannot flow, energy becomes stagnant.

Keep your essence moving like a mountain stream by practicing controlled deep breathing balanced with rhythmic physical movement. Body and breath will harmonize and vital energy will circulate to every organ and tissue in the body.

5. Meditation: Meditation purifies the mind and restores the spirit's primal powers by withdrawing all distracting thoughts and disturbing emotions from the mind. Meditation is to spirit what diet and nutrition are to essence - an indispensable tool for cultivating and conserving that treasure.

Emotions are regarded as major causes of disease in Chinese medicine. When unbridled by firm intent, they can cloud our minds and vandalize our precious reserves of essence and energy. To restore conscious awareness, one must empty the mind of all thoughts and pacify all emotions in the solitary silence and peaceful serenity of meditation.

In an article entitled "Mental Muscle" (Omni magazine, June 1992), Kathy Keeton writes:

"When the psychologists Charles Alexander of the Maharishi International University in Fairland, Iowa, and Ellen Langer of Harvard University, taught transcendental meditation (TM) to a group of octogenarians in eight Boston-area nursing homes, 100 percent of those who practiced meditation 20 minutes a day were still alive three years later, while 38 percent of their peers who did not meditate had passed on. This is reminiscent of legends of Himalayan yogis using similar techniques to live more than a hundred years...

Alexander is one of a growing body of scientists who believe that we can muster the power of our brains to stay healthy, to heal ourselves when we're sick, and, quite possibly, to extend our life expectancy."

Combining Feng Shui with proper nutrition, exercise, meditation and time to reconnect with nature will put you on the path to health, happiness, longevity, peace of mind, greater drive and ultimate success.

Ken Lauher, a gifted Black Sect Feng Shui consultant and speaker, empowers individuals and their environments to transform their quality of life naturally.

His inspiring and transformational work with well known actors, actresses, TV Hosts, singers, songwriters, CEO's, businesses, and corporations has made him a sought-after speaker on feng shui and life enhancement.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dog Creates Remodeling Nightmare

How many homeowners normally leave their dog in the backyard or they have full time access to the backyard through a doggie door. You're probably wondering how can a little dog create a remodeling nightmare for any contractor.

This wasn't the case this dog was a large Labrador retriever and tore up everything in the backyard constantly. The house remodel we were working on was a two story room addition over a single story house. This job lasted around six months and the dog was a daily reminder of how much attention a large dog actually needs.

Let's start with the first item of value the dog actually destroyed. It was my favorite tool bags of course that I have taken care of for over five years and deeply appreciated the fact that they were broke in just the way I wanted them to be. Kind of like a baseball mitt that doesn't quite fit right because of how stiff it is until you break it in.

While the homeowner of course apologized and never even offered to replace them. Oh but after that he did mention never to leave anything lying around in the backyard. Lesson learned of course and never forgotten. Well to make a long story short this large dog could chew up tools, lumber, plumbing pipes, electrical wire and was even able to destroyed the plywood fencing we would use to keep him away.

I'm going to stop right there with the remodeling nightmare created from this dog in hopes that other contractors can learn from my valuable lesson. As a contractor you should never assume that a homeowner will replace any damaged or broken tools and materials.

As a homeowner with a dog reading this article, think about having a place to enclose the dog if necessary while remodeling work is done on your home.

I love being around dogs and other animals but sometimes a problem like this can make life extremely miserable for both parties.

Greg Vanden Berge has been building and remodeling for over 30 years and his information has proven valuable to most contractors and homeowners all over the world. He usually tries to write at least two articles a day on home improvement or remodeling problems.

Greg is in the process right now of working on a home inspection website that will revolutionize the home inspection business. He is also working on a book to help homeowners and contractors as well as other home related professions in dealing with the home inspection process.

You can visit the home inspection website currently under construction at Home Inspection Help

Was Jesus A Good Example

5 Steps to Successful Transitions

Point A to Point B - life generally moves along as it should. The sticky parts are the transitions, the moments of instability when things change from what is to what is about to be. Life makes so much more sense when we finally realize that everything between birth and death is a transition! The sooner we make this universal truth real for students, the better they will handle the minefield of transitions they face every day.

Positive or negative, planned or unexpected, transitions force us to leave behind the familiar and adjust to new ways of living. The boss I just figured out gets transferred. I finally accept gas costing over $1.00 a gallon and, well, you know how that one ends! Change is everywhere, but it doesn't have to be exhausting. Here are five ways to make transitions exciting and creative rather than frightful and paralyzing.

1. Things are going to change. Day changes to night, your job, neighborhood, family and vacation plans change. Get over it.

2. Look at a bigger picture. What really is changing? What will this change cause to change? Often a transition is much broader than it first appears. Dorothy thought she was only had a tornado to deal with.

3. Gather your resources. Now is the time to take care of yourself and your business. A transition is not an event, but a process that always takes longer and costs more than you anticipated.

4. Use this Force, this is the only time you will have it. We are never totally without control. A transition means that something is moving so, rather than struggle, take advantage of the momentum to catapult you in the direction YOU want to go. For a great example of this strategy, listen to politicians. Whatever unwanted question they are asked, they structure the response to get across the information they want to give. The power is in the opportunity!

5. Anticipate. Few things in life are really a surprise. Look at people with lives and jobs similar to yours and see what might be coming for you. It's much easier to step into a transition with a controlled slide rather than to get dropped into one when it hits you from behind. New comers watch young executives with a few years under their belts. Parents watch others raising children slightly older than their own to see what to expect. Be ready.

Pat yourself on the back. If you're reading this article, you've already survived many transitions and come to recognize them as the difference between the leaders out in front and those who struggle with every step. Stepping into the transitions we can anticipate and bouncing back quickly from the surprises will position you ahead of the crowd every time!

Marcey J. Walsh is a national speaker and transition trainer. She is a team member of Russell J. White International and can be reached at or at 877-275-9468

Cost Effective Stair Building

What is the most cost effective way of building stairs? Why do the tract homes use on site methods of construction? When you think of a factory assembling a product on a assembly line you think why not a home. Why do they still build homes on lots or residential home sites?

If homes could be built in a factory cheaper than on site that is exactly what every home builder would be doing. They just haven't quite figured it out yet. When dealing with the large amounts of materials required to build a house and of course the expense of shipping. It is not cost effective to build a conventional home in a factory and ship it over long distances.

This is the biggest problem with cost effective stair construction. Most prefabricated stairs you will notice are spiral stairs. These stairs are smaller than most stairs that are used for multi level construction.

Spiral stairs are hard for your average carpenter to build. These stairs can be purchased from a factory easily and quite inexpensive.

The stairs in your average two story house are going to weigh about 3 times the amount of a spiral set of stairs that could be shipped in a cost effective way. Spiral stairs are not going to be the main stairway in a home and normally go up to a loft or an attic. Most spiral stairs don't meet the minimum building requirements for the main stairway in your home.

When building tract homes the lumber is shipped in bulk directly to the house site where it will be assembled. The lumber and other building materials will be shipped once. If it went to a factory and then assembled it would also have to be sent to the site on which the house was to be built. This added expense in shipping the materials twice is the problem for such a large and heavy item such as a set of stairs.

There are other prefabricated types of stairs that are built locally and the shipping usually is not a major expense. If you are building a stairway that is not to difficult to build for the average carpenter it will normally be cost effective to build the stairs on site. This would require having the carpenter build the stairs as part of the rough framing and then after drywall have the finish carpenter build the stair handrail system.

Visit us now for easy Home Constuction Help

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Impact Of Christian Mentors

Applying Programming to Life

I never knew I would be doing so much programming professionally. I grew up wanting to be an artist. Drawing was my thing; I drew a lot and loved doing it. I loved Disney cartoons and comic book superheroes. I didn't care about the great European painters. My parents would always say that artists didn't make any money and that I'd starve to death as an artist. I was way too young to care much about money so that didn't mean anything to me.

Life progressed and I basically fell into programming. I only learned how to code to make games--I also only drew because I wanted to make comic books and cartoons. I don't really do much programming outside of work these days and drawing has fell completely off the radar. I'm mostly engaged in politics, economics, money, and business now. But, I have been programming for a good many years professionally and on my own and there are a few incredible parallels to life that I've discovered.

You Don't Need to Know How

This is the single most important idea from programming that applies to life. You don't need to know how you'll get something done, you just need to believe you can do it. Very often when I am making a game, I have no idea how I am going to implement a feature. Either because I've never done it before or I've never heard of or seen anyone else do it. The latter is highly unlikely as I don't really do cutting edge stuff. The former is quite common. I consider this part of my job rather exciting--some people would have heart attacks. I'm not a veteran at making games and I never went to school for games or programming--my degree is in Marketing but, I can code.

In all the programming I've done, be it for a game or an application, there has been no feature that I've not been able to implement. It has very little to do with how good I am--I don't think I'm that good. Once you believe you can, your mind has this incredible power to find the means to get it done. I strongly believe that this is also true in life. Don't worry about how you'll reach a goal and absolutely don't think that you cannot. Just believe you can and as if by magic, you'll find a way to do it. There are a multitude of things in life that I've managed to accomplish without knowing how. I mean, I'm making games for a living. It had been a dream of mine to do that and like most dreams, it seemed far-off and almost impossible. I didn't know how I was going to do it and I didn't question it--after all, I was just a kid. I set the objective, believed it would come to be, and set forth towards it.

I know that this blind faith is ludicrous to some people. There isn't any other way for me to explain it. I know it works since I use it all the time. Of course, it doesn't mean things will all happen smoothly with no bumps along the way. To compare it to programming again, I'm often stuck for hours or days trying to figure out how to do something. It gets frustrating and almost impossible but, I keep at it trying different ways and thinking differently and then I find the answer. Always.

The problem lies more in the fact that we are more likely to give up on our own life objectives than on finding a solution at work. Think about it, I'm sure you have managed to solve a seemingly impossible problem at work by simply believing you can or because there was no other alternative; your boss wanted it done. We don't have a boss to make sure we reach our life objectives and so it is easy to put it on hold or just give up on it. So remember: you don't need to know how, you just need to know you can.

It Can't All Be Perfect

There are times when I spend way too much time trying to write super efficient code when the brute force method works just as good and takes much less time to write. Granted, computer programs today seem to be written more and more poorly. My web browsers--FireFox and Internet Explorer-- are always crashing! New applications run slower on newer computers than their old counterparts on older computers. There is a nice middle ground between writing super lightweight efficient code and slow resource-hogging code. The key is to know where the middle ground is.

I have no magical formula to find it. A lot of it has to do with experience and intuition. In life, we don't always need perfection but, at the same time, we can't always have everything half-assed. Just from being alive, we have learned what is and isn't important in our lives. For those things that we care about, we should try to be as perfect as we can. They are important and so they deserve the extra attention. Just as we only have so much computing power to use, there is only so much time in a day. Pick and choose what is important and focus on those or we'll never get anything done.

Think By Not Thinking

Every so often, there are bugs--defects in a program--that are impossibly stubborn. I'll look over the code as carefully as I can several times and everything looks fine. I test and debug to try and locate the source of the problem and I can't find it. These problems will drive you insane, especially when you finally solve it later and find out that it was something ridiculously silly. How do these problems usually get solved? I do it by not thinking about them. As illogical as that sounds, it is probably the best way to find the answer. You just forget about it, go do something else, and all of sudden the solution will come to you. I assume my subconscious mind goes to work on it once I stop consciously thinking about it. The subconscious has the incredible ability to see details we miss.

If it is one thing we have too much of in life, it's problems. Problems from A to Z and it never seems to end. Sometimes they are small and sometimes they are not so small. Some people take small problems and make them big problems. The size of the problem is in the eye of the beholder. I take all problems and make them small problems. That way, I don't worry about them. Often, I have a problem that I don't have a good solution for so I put it aside for a while. I don't spend every waking moment focused on it. I'm aware it is there and I let my subconscious take care of it. These are generally non-urgent problems but, even the urgent ones might be best solved by making them small problems and letting your subconscious find the answer--it can work pretty fast too.

So how do we make problems seem small? Actually, we are just putting them into perspective. I read this in Whatever You Think Think The Opposite, by Paul Arden, and in one part it describes a son telling his father that he had a problem so his father asks if someone was trying to kill him. He says "no" and his father says, "Then, you don't have a problem." That is how I look at it. If no one is trying to kill me and no one is going to die, the problem isn't that big of a deal. Don't spend all your energy trying to find a solution to all your problems, you'll just go crazy from over-worrying. Relax, give it to your subconscious, and you'll be fine.

To wrap it up: you don't need to know how, you just need to know you can do accomplish things, everything can't be perfect so we should choose the important things to focus on, and our subconscious can handle a lot of our problems better than we can. Who knew such universal ideas could be found in programming?

Tommy Leung

When We Choose Misery Over Happiness

I am not one to feel sorry for most people. They seem to have a unique ability to cause themselves the most damage during certain parts of their lives. I have met some pretty self destructive people in my life. Being raised by a mother that lived in misery and love.

My mother had a difficult childhood. It seemed as if every corner she turned there was a obstacle either right in front of here or waiting just around the corner. Her father died when she was 12 year old. He was a farm laborer and didn't make much money. In other words they were poor...... She got sent to live with a few foster families and according to her she was molested by one of the fathers she lived with.

Soon her older sister invited her to live with her. My aunt was married to the owner of a pottery business and had 2 children about 10 years younger than my mother. My aunt soon realized she had a live in baby sitter that allowed her to stay out drinking most of the day.

My Uncle was what you would call a drunk back then, now we call these people alcoholics. Well any way I think you are starting to get a picture of my mothers life up to this point. It is probably safe to assume that this isn't the ideal life for a young woman.

The next event to happen in my moms life was for my uncle to fall in the shower one night after tying one on that night. He died soon after but my aunt seemed to make a another good choice and ended up marring the owner of the bar that they spent most of their time in.
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. Allan K. Chalmers

By this time my mom was in High School and met my future father. It wasn't exactly a marriage made in heaven. My dad was always an easy going man. He seemed to let most stuff go in one ear and out the other.

As you guessed it they had a few children. Nice one Dad and Mom. According to the books I have read on Angelic beings. People that believe in the after life and angels. They tell me I had a choice and was able to choose my parents....... What was I thinking...... I should have choose someone with some money and a couple of parents that were deeply in love .

How did I end up here in this situation.

I ended up loving my parents like most of us. They seemed to be doing the best that they could possibly do raising me, my bother and my sister. My mom and dad ended up getting a divorce and I went to live with my father.

My Father is remarried to a wonderful woman that seems to bring him a lot of happiness.
I haven't seen my mother for a while now. She lives with a life of excuses and misery. Her childhood was not the greatest but that doesn't give her the right to bring misery into other peoples lives. She has made a conscious choice to live what seems to be a painful life. Maybe her choices in life have made me choose happiness over misery.

I have always wondered what it is that motivates someone to live a life of true unhappiness when it takes the same amount of energy to live a life of joy. Life is meant to be full of joy and happiness so start today by making the right choices to live a fulfilling life of happiness.

If you are reading this and can't make up your mind what kind of life you truly want to live visit me at . Change your thinking and change your life.

Greg Vanden Berge will help you create a new approach to life and discover talents you never knew you had. We can help you get the most out of yourself all the time. Start developing your innate strengths and abilities to start enriching your life TODAY !

Religion Articles

The Roller Coaster of Life

As Summer winds down, look around. You're still on the roller coaster. Nine months have gone by since you strapped in for this year's ride. Can you look over your shoulder and still see the person who took your ticket and told you to 'keep your hands inside the car at all times'? By this I mean: has your train barely pulled away from the station? Did you begin the year with great intentions and never really make much progress toward them?

Or have you already taken so much action (clicks) toward this year's goals that you have climbed the big hill and are already enjoying the ride?

If so...feels great, doesn't it?

If not, there is still time.

Here are a few action ideas:

1) Dig back to last January and revisit your intended goals for the year
2) Evaluate your progress (or lack thereof) thus far
3) Re-dedicate yourself to TAKING ACTION toward them

One little decision or action, every day, can make all the difference in the world and bring you ever-closer to your desired outcome.

There is no need to be discouraged if you have not yet enjoyed the ride you dreamed of. Expanding beyond one's current comfort-level can be a daunting task, even with the best of intentions. Thinking outside the box can be a challenge. Actually 'living' outside the box can be downright death-defying for some!

The journey starts with just one step. Start small, just nudge your boundaries. Little successes can give you the confidence you need to climb into that roller coaster for a bigger, better ride.

There are 3 months left the year...plenty of time to click, click, click your way up that hill.

Believe me; the view is much better from the top, especially in the moment just before that last click sends you on a wild, exciting rewarding ride!

And once you've ridden this one all the way 'round, you'll want to get back on over and over again.

Finding Homes Using the Internet - Home Shopping

You can simply type the words real estate or homebuying into any search engine on the World Wide Web and you will come up with hundreds, maybe even thousands of websites that are extremely helpful and full of great information. Like the one you're on right now.

Finding homes with the internet, combined with a skilled real estate salesperson, provides you with the most effective technology available today. Most websites start out, having you select a state you would like to search in and then, select a city, with your price range.

By answering their questions, this narrows the search down to all of the homes available in the area. The internet has made home shopping very simple. Considering what you had to go through in the 1970s. You found a realtor or by looking in the yellow pages, sometimes you found a good realtor and if you are lucky, maybe you would find you a good home.

Most of the time, the first homes you would look at, were owned by the real estate professional you were working with.

There are however a couple of problems with using the internet to find your dream home. Some of the verbage used and photographs taken can create a wonderful illusion of a tropical paradise but the reality, it's a regular home in a decent neighborhood.

Some of these photos are taken by skilled photographers who take advantage of every angle and tend to give an illusion of grander. When you actually start driving around and looking at these homes, only then will you get a reality check, of what the home actually looks like. You'll get used to it.

After you've looked at a few of your future dream homes, you will get a better idea of what I'm talking about with these wonderful pictures and the extraordinary home descriptions like "Beautiful Three Bedroom House with an Ocean View." When reality it's a two-bedroom house with an extra closet for the third bedroom and the ocean is 45 miles away, but you can see it on a clear day if you actually climb to the top of the largest tree on the property.

Take your time when searching for your dream home and don't let any one push you into making a decision if you're not ready. If you find your real estate professional a little too aggressive or pushy, get out of your contract, if you've signed one and find another, more helpful real estate salesperson to help you with your home purchase.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Find other real estate tips and great advice, from another one of the Internet's best website creators.

Questions To Ask Your Pastor

Friday, August 28, 2009

5 Steps to Successful Transitions

Point A to Point B - life generally moves along as it should. The sticky parts are the transitions, the moments of instability when things change from what is to what is about to be. Life makes so much more sense when we finally realize that everything between birth and death is a transition! The sooner we make this universal truth real for students, the better they will handle the minefield of transitions they face every day.

Positive or negative, planned or unexpected, transitions force us to leave behind the familiar and adjust to new ways of living. The boss I just figured out gets transferred. I finally accept gas costing over $1.00 a gallon and, well, you know how that one ends! Change is everywhere, but it doesn't have to be exhausting. Here are five ways to make transitions exciting and creative rather than frightful and paralyzing.

1. Things are going to change. Day changes to night, your job, neighborhood, family and vacation plans change. Get over it.

2. Look at a bigger picture. What really is changing? What will this change cause to change? Often a transition is much broader than it first appears. Dorothy thought she was only had a tornado to deal with.

3. Gather your resources. Now is the time to take care of yourself and your business. A transition is not an event, but a process that always takes longer and costs more than you anticipated.

4. Use this Force, this is the only time you will have it. We are never totally without control. A transition means that something is moving so, rather than struggle, take advantage of the momentum to catapult you in the direction YOU want to go. For a great example of this strategy, listen to politicians. Whatever unwanted question they are asked, they structure the response to get across the information they want to give. The power is in the opportunity!

5. Anticipate. Few things in life are really a surprise. Look at people with lives and jobs similar to yours and see what might be coming for you. It's much easier to step into a transition with a controlled slide rather than to get dropped into one when it hits you from behind. New comers watch young executives with a few years under their belts. Parents watch others raising children slightly older than their own to see what to expect. Be ready.

Pat yourself on the back. If you're reading this article, you've already survived many transitions and come to recognize them as the difference between the leaders out in front and those who struggle with every step. Stepping into the transitions we can anticipate and bouncing back quickly from the surprises will position you ahead of the crowd every time!

Marcey J. Walsh is a national speaker and transition trainer. She is a team member of Russell J. White International and can be reached at or at 877-275-9468

Installing a 32 Inch Back Door

In some older houses you will find a 30 inch back door. Have you ever tried to move a refrigerator or some large furniture through a 30 inch door? Keep in mind most bedroom doors are 30 inches wide and are in 36 inch hallways. 30 inch doors and bedrooms make it tough to move some furniture in too.

Let's start with the price difference between a 30 inch door and a 32 inch door. The cost difference is usually going to be around $20. If you are building a hundred homes this could become quite an additional expense. So we can understand why the home builder installed a 30 inch door in the back of our home.

He got the extra money in his pocket, you got a headache.

Here's the big problem. If you ever want to install a larger door you will need to replace the structural door framing. Now this is where you could run into a little bit of an expense. Changing the framing for a wider door could become quite costly. It could actually cost over $1000 in some cases.

Now if the homebuilder would have originally installed a 32 inch door in your house it might have ran him as high as an additional $45. How can this be? I will give you the first clue. There is a good chance the homebuilder will not be moving into any of these houses. If for some strange instance he did move into the house, he would learn the same lesson whenever he needed to move a large item into the house.

I'm a contactor and learned this lesson in a long time ago.

If you are building a new home you might even want to consider installing a 36 inch back door. This door will give you plenty of room when it comes to moving large items in or out of your house. The cost difference between a 36 inch door and a 32 inch door is usually around $20 also.

When building a new home most people don't give very much thought about their interior or exterior doors. Here's a simple chart I made to help with some basic door decisions.

Bathroom Doors Should Be 28 Inches Wide Minimum.
Bedroom Doors Should Be 30 Inches Wide Minimum.
Front Doors Should Be At Least 36 Inches Wide
Back Doors and Garage Doors Should Be At Least 32 Inches Wide

If you are a professional football or basketball player don't use these numbers above.

If you have large sliding glass doors or French doors throughout your home and can use them to move large items into the house you can install whatever size doors you choose that are comfortable to walk through.

Give some thought when installing a new door on your next project and keep some of the above tips in mind..

If you are designing a home give some thought to the stairways and hallways in the home as well.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Bay Window Ideas

Should The Bible Be Edited


We've all heard the word self esteem before but do we really know what it means. I looked up the word self esteem in the dictionary and here's what it said.

1. a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself; self-respect.
2. an inordinately or exaggeratedly favorable impression of oneself.

Believing you can accomplish certain things in life, whether alone or with the help from others, often develops self esteem and character in most people. With help from the wrong people, you could actually fall into category number two and developed an exaggerated feeling of yourself. I would consider this someone whose conceded, and we all know at least one person like this.

These people normally have low self esteem and need constant compliments on a daily basis. Some of these people can actually be controlled, by complementing them or telling them what they truly desire to hear. People with low self esteem are often very reactive to problems in their daily lives. These people often blame others for their mistakes, while spending some of their time belittling or ridiculing others to make themselves feel respected.

Believing you can accomplish anything is one of the keys to a successful life. The more things you accomplish, the faster you can build a healthy self esteem. If you've never been good at something or someone in your life, makes you feel bad or tells you, you can't do something, try to avoid these people at all costs until they change to a positive attitude towards others.

If this is a direct family member, like your mother or father, who often makes you feel worthless or stupid, you should try to ignore them and their thinking. Avoiding these people and their conversation, over time will send a signal to them, that you no longer wish to be involved in their negativity.

If you feel like you can't accomplish anything, start with something small, make a list of things you have already accomplished, add to that list things you want to accomplish and set some goals for the future. The key to believing in yourself, is to develop a positive self image.

Using visualization techniques can lead you to an alternative path and self-development. If you're really interested in change, visualization can increase your self-esteem if used with affirmations.

Belief and Achieve.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Spiritual and self-development books can help you with the change your desiring in your life, You Can Have It All

Stair Lighting Problems

Walking up and down the stairs in the dark could become a safety issue. If the stairs in the house are not that old, there should be a light switch at the top and a light switch at the bottom of the stairway. This is a three way switch and is designed to allow you to turn the stair lighting on as you walk up the stairs and then turn the stair lighting off, once you've safely reached the top of the stairway. And vice versa as she walked down the stairs.

If you don't have a light switch, there are motion sensor lights that are battery operated and can be installed easily in the stairway. These lights can provide you with peace of mind, while protecting your family from accidents.

Stairway accidents are nothing to joke about, I lived in a two-story house with four other people and was the last one to fall down the stairway. None of us got seriously injured and the stairway was built to meet local building codes and was inspected by a building and safety inspector. The stairs were built correctly and the stair lighting was no problem, but people still fell down the stairway and it always happens in the evening.

During the day time there were two windows that let plenty of light into the stairway and in the evening the stairway became quite dark, rarely was the stair lightning ever turned on. This could have been outright laziness but nevertheless, it was rarely used and eventually became a safety issue.

Lighting your stairway might not end all of your problems but it can and some of your problems. There are plenty of stair lighting systems available on the market today and some of the battery operated stair lighting systems can be installed by most homeowners.

Think safety always and do your best to solve your stair lighting problems as soon as possible to prevent injuries or accidents.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more building stairs or home building ideas.

What Happens To Nonbelieving

Making a Difference Through Organic Cleaning Products

Recently, with the advent of environmental awareness that is prevalent in the media through all forms, care for Mother Nature has been gaining grounds as a priority today. I couldn't remember a time in the past where environmental awareness was as active as it is today. Everywhere, you can see all sorts of movies, videos, songs and everything else that talks about being aware of what even the most trivial things humans do, can cause effects on the world that we live in.

So many measures have been suggested and even implemented that aim to make the world we live in a better place for us and for the next generations. Even presidential campaigns incorporate environmental awareness to their platforms and this, I guess, is a strong indication that everyone from whatever nook in the world they may come from should follow suit and begin to start caring for the world.

There are many good examples of doing even simple things that, when done on larger scale and by so many people, can create a great positive impact on the environment. One of these things is the use of organic cleaning products and putting into practice the principles of natural cleaning in general.

Natural cleaning refers to the use of natural cleaning products that help minimize the risk of environmental degradation. Commercial cleaning products available today reek of toxic chemicals that can cause harmful effects to the environment in the long run. That's why, with environmental awareness at its peak, natural cleaning is proving to be a great alternative to switch to.

Using organic cleaning products is the core of natural cleaning. Instead of commercial cleaning products, we should employ cleaning products made from organic materials that are just as effective as those products that contain toxic chemicals. These cleaning products are safe, efficient and are less expensive than those that are manufactured by capitalists. These products contain no harmful chemicals that might ruin the natural flow and balance of nature. They are all natural and go back to nature (like all things do) in a natural way.

Unlike commercial cleaning products which have been synthetically made and may contain chemicals that are either non-biodegradable and do not mix well with the environment, cleaning products made from natural ingredients are completely safe to even use in large doses as they can revert back to their natural form and be reused by nature.

Example of these cleaning products can usually be found in your very own home, right in the comfort of your kitchen. These products include vinegar, washing soda, baking soda, lemon juice, lime juice, lemon and lime peel, among others. These things are common and are most likely bought for other purposes. But they can serve multiple functions, which makes them very cost-efficient.

The products mentioned above are considered the basics - or the basic cleaning products that, when combine well, can be used to makes pastes, sprays and other formulas for other purposes. With these products, you don't have to buy a separate product for a different purpose. All you need to do is a little research and you can create a cleaning product of your own using tested recipes that are available online.

As you can see, these kinds of cleaning products make a very good deal. They can serve so many purposes which make you save a lot more money. They are also safe and do less damage to the balance of nature than commercial cleaning products.

Organic cleaning products are becoming the best alternatives nowadays. Read more articles online if you are still skeptical about natural cleaning products as the new way of cleaning your home in a safe and natural way.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Feng Shui As a Way of Life

Most people think of feng shui as a decorating term, and in many ways, that's what it is. Feng shui can be much more than that, however; it can actually become a powerful influence on who you are and how you live your life.

If you're familiar with feng shui, you already know the key to its success: energy. Feng shui is all about manipulating the energy, or chi, around you to redirect positive influences in your life.

When you decide to adopt feng shui as a way of life, though, you'll start finding ways to incorporate those principles into your every day.

Step One: Become aware of the basic principles of feng shui.

The first step in any undertaking is education. By becoming aware of the basic principles of feng shui, you make it much more likely that you'll be able to adapt those principles in your everyday life!

Step Two: Create a space for restful chi.

You don't have to totally "feng shui" your home to start applying its principles in your life, but it is essential that you create a space that you find peaceful, enjoyable, and relaxing. This can be as simple as a corner of your living room centered around a comfy chair. Regardless, this needs to become your fueling center for sheng chi (positive energy).

From here you'll need to spend a few minutes of each day (ideally in the morning) "recharging" in your peaceful spot. You can recharge in any way that works for you: meditation, prayer, or just sitting quietly. The point is not to read, or watch television, or think about anything but becoming one with the peace you've created in this space.

Step Three: Carry that peace with you.

You may think, "It's one thing to feel peaceful snuggled in my armchair; it's another when my boss is screaming at me for the fifteenth time this week." But you might be surprised! Spending a few minutes cultivating peace within yourself will give you the inner strength you need to endure many hardships during your day.

Step Four: Deflect and avoid negative energy.

As you become aware of the powerful peaceful energy surrounding you, you'll probably experience an increase in y our awareness of other people's energy -- and, in accordance with feng shui, other places' energy. You'll immediately begin to recognize the people and places that bring about negative feelings and interrupt your inner peace. You have three options in that situation:

  • Avoid: If possible, give that person or place a wide berth. For example, if you have a friend who's been making your life miserable for years, maybe it's time to let that "friendship" go.
  • Deflect: When people send negative energy in your direction, it's often an expression of their own inner turmoil. Whenever possible, recognize that this negativity is part of their pain and is not directed at you. Always remember the Fox's question from C.S. Lewis' Till We Have Faces: "Would you like to be [her]? No? Then she is to be pitied."
  • Change: Try bringing your newfound peace into a space and watch it change. It's amazing what a friendly smile and "Good morning!" can achieve on even the grumpiest person.

And of course, if you're talking places, it's time to bring the full force of feng shui to shine.

Learn the secrets of feng shui and live a more fulfilled life with this ancient wisdom!

Aum Mantra For Mediation

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes

The Bayou Doughnut

New Orleans is famous for many things including jazz music, and Mardi Gras to name a few. There are so many attractions in the bayou that it can be hard to try all the things you want in the short time you are there. Many people have to take several, or even dozens of trips to get their New Orleans adventures accomplished. One stop everyone should make when visiting New Orleans is the bakery. Not any bakery though, it has to be one that sells beignets, the sweet baked treat that is part bread, part doughnut.

The beignet has been a staple of New Orleans cuisine for decades, but it hasnt yet enjoyed widespread consumption. In fact, it is a major challenge to find beignets for purchase outside Louisiana. There are several places around the U.S. that sell beignets, however they are specialty stores that are only located in major cities and have small selections of these baked treats.

Absolutely the best way to enjoy a beignet is to travel to New Orleans and go to a local bakery which sells them. There is a tradition in New Orleans to eat beignets with sweet coffee, that the French call caf. The combination of beignets and sweet coffee is as delightful as it is filling. The beignet is deceiving in its looks as a light pastry; it is actually sweet bread that can fill you up in no time at all. The beignet is a world famous pastry with little sales outlets outside of New Orleans, so it should be a must on anyones to-do list when visiting New Orleans.

Many websites offer beignet cookbooks, and recipes online, however nothing tastes better then the real thing. Maybe its something in the water, or maybe its just the fresh caf that is brewed to go along side the beignet, but something about eating it in the soul city makes it all the more scrumptious.

Oprah Winfrey Show and the Movie the Secret

the Movie the Secret Was a Big Success, Watch Some Clips from the Oprah Winfrey Show on This Video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Pay Attention To Your Intuition

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Traditional Feng Shui Rules

Feng Shui has been the rage for a very long time and it has all to do with balance. There are many practitioners all over the world who help people rearrange their homes in the Feng Shui style. The words Feng Shui actually mean wind water and the idea of it is to create balance where there is chaos, and this is all due to energy. In order to balance your home you have to bring together the 5 elements that make up feng shui: earth, fire, water, metal and wood. Each of these will have traditional feng shui rules that govern how they are used, and each has an area of your house that it rules.

In order to tell how your things should be arranged, you need the help of the bagua map that is usually included in any feng shui kit that you can purchase from a new age store. If you hire a practitioner to do this for you, they should also have this of tool.

Here are some of the traditional feng shui rules in no particular order:

  1. Couches, Beds or chairs - As per traditional feng shui rules these should all be arranged so that anyone using them can see the door. This view should be uninterrupted and any headboard should be against a wall.
  2. Shapes -- whether you have thought about it or not, shapes can cause problems in any room if they are not in harmony with the person living there. In the traditional feng shui rules it is said that these bring out certain emotions in us. This is worth checking out and paying attention to so you know which shapes make you feel good.
  3. Colors -- there are a lot of different colors that are used in feng shui but they are not chosen the same as when you are trying to match colors in your house. Instead, per traditional feng shui rules they are used to balance certain areas. Usually colors are based on the yin and yang balance within your home.
  4. Dark Corners -- anything dark in the house like corners where it gets dark or beams that stick out from corners create negative chi in feng shui. It is a good idea to shed a little light in these areas per traditional feng shui rule.
  5. Mirrors -- mirrors are used in traditional feng shui rules to reflect views elsewhere. As an example, you may put a mirror on the outside of your front or back door to make sure that negative energy is reflected away from the house.

Are you ready to transform your home into a zen-like palace of tranquility? It's easier than you think once you get familiar with the traditional feng shui rules. You can learn more right now with 5 more of my favorite feng shui rules for improving your home. Check them out right now by CLICKING HERE!