Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help! My Clothes Closet is Stuffed!

My closet is stuffed. What do I do? Most folks at this point would love to go out and buy a closet system. These vary in price and quality. But if you do get one at this point, you are actually putting the cart before the horse. Here's the deal. First you need to sort and clear through your clothes. I mean, it doesn't make any sense to buy storage for clothes you no longer need or use, right? So here are some ideas for this most important part of closet design.

Get rid of clothes that don't fit. Period. Be ruthless. If you've lost weight, get rid of the large clothes (don't give yourself an excuse to "grow back into them.") If you've gained weight, get rid of the "just five pounds away," or "I used to look great in this," or "if only I could wear that again," or whatever other story is attached to those clothes. Our body lives in the present. Those clothes live in the past. It's very important to realize this essential truth.

Get rid of clothes that remind you of bad times. Emotional energy has residue that can stick to you and your clothes. When my father was dying, I rushed to his bedside wearing some very nice work clothes. I stayed with him for 24 hours until he passed. Needless to say, I couldn't bear to look at those clothes again, even though they were perfectly good. Now, that's a dramatic example. But take a look at your clothes. See if any of them remind you of a breakup conversation or a particularly awful family gathering. At the very minimum, take them to the cleaners. Then try them on again - is that residue still present? You may want to let them go.

Get rid of clothes that still have price tags on them. Look at it this way. It used to be that when you bought a new outfit, you were excited to wear it. If you have clothes that still have price tags on them (I'm talking a month or weeks later), chances are you're not excited about them. On sale, too tempting to resist, but wrong color? A great buy if you could lose those five pounds? (See above). A friend said you looked fabulous in it but you weren't quite sure? Those clothes represent unfinished business and they have no right to be in your closet.

Like so many things in our home, closets and the objects within are metaphors for our life. Closets that are stuffed to the gills with things that don't fit create a metaphysical energy that is very draining. Think of clearing clothes from your closets as a form of energy clearing - you're getting rid of old, uncomfortable times that you chose not to experience again. And, that beautiful, open space allows you to dream and vision your true self - not bogged down with the past that doesn't fit but with the present and future that does.

Interested in more ways to clear clutter and gain control of your environment? Get great tips and motivating messages by subscribing to articles from http://www.emptyyournest.com

Michael Masterson

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