Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking - Books to Consider Part II

Trusting in yourself makes wondrous things happen to you. These classic guides to self-esteem and success will help you learn how to; break the worry habit; get other people to like you; avoid "the jitters" in your daily work; believe in yourself and everything you do; develop the power to reach your goals, and so much more. The books listed below are just a few of the millions out there, but it comes from my very own personal collection.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

If you are not familiar about the well-known movie or book The Secret, I really suggest you checking it out. This book is based on the fact that like attracts like and is formed by The Law Of Attraction. Essentially what you focus on is what you are going to attract back into your life. So if you are worrying about money or your health, you are only creating more financial problems and more health problems. If you cringe every time you go to the mailbox expecting another bill or more bad news, you will create more bills. Obviously this isn't something we want! By attaching negative emotions to your situations you are creating more of it, this is because you are thinking and feeling about what you don't want, in turn making them stronger. The mind is creative, it will create and recreate whatever you think about. When you are fighting something, whatever it may be, you are unconsciously creating more of that very thing.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay

If you haven't seen Hay House's Lifestyles series of gorgeous gift books, there is no better way to acquaint yourself than with publisher/author Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life. A bestseller for many years, You Can Heal Your Life has been republished with bright, beautiful illustrations in full, living color and exquisite typography--each and every page is a work of art by artist Joan Perrin Falquet. The timeless message of the book is that we are each responsible for our own reality and "dis-ease." Hay believes we make ourselves ill by having thoughts of self-hatred. This book is more of a healing book than anything else, but I do absolutely love the affirmations contained in all of her books, especially this one!

Growing The Distance by Jim Clemmer

At home or in the workplace, change is an inevitable fact of life. How we choose to respond to it - as leaders or as followers - determines our personal and professional growth. Growing the Distance is about developing the leader within all of us. This helps us to continue "growing at the speed of change." A central theme of the book is that leadership is action, not a position. We all need to be leaders regardless of our formal title or role. This starts with inner self leadership and moves outward to influence, guide, support, and lead others. Leadership ultimately shows itself in what we do "out there," but it starts "in here."

Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

Just as a forewarning, this is a Christian based book by a Pastor, however it still is an incredible book. Not a lot of religious talk but he instead incorporates a lot of stuff from The Secret such as positive thinking, like attracts like, and believing in good things. I think this was probably one of the first books I read that I really got into when it came to changing my habits and trying to live my best life now! Osteen tells readers that God wants them to prosper, offering examples of obtaining an elegant mansion or a larger salary ("don't ever get satisfied with where you are," he cautions). In seven parts, he details how readers should enlarge their vision, develop self-esteem, discover the power of thought, let go of the past, find strength through adversity, give back to others and choose to be happy.

These books have helped me immensely and I know that they can help you as well, if you put the reading to use as well as the exercises and suggestions all of these books make. Don't just read the book and let it go in one ear and out the other. Really digest it, let it seep into your brain and throughout your entire body. I have seen people literally change %100 from books such as these. And if YOU want to change and want it to change your life for good, then you will really sit down and read!

Apply "The Secret" to your life. Visit this site to see where the Secret Left off.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

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