Saturday, May 16, 2009

3 Easy Steps to Instantly Find and Identify the Power of God in Your Life

If you have ever wondered 'where is the power of God in my life? If heavy and downturned times have you looking for more of God now than before, then these 3-steps may be the most important message you read today. Because once you are armed with the knowledge of what to look for and where to look for it... you will never again ask the question 'where is the power of God in my life?'

3-Steps To Instantly Find And Identify The Power Of God In Your Life

1) Look to see how you are treating others

How you treat others has a lot to do with how much of the power of God you witness in your own life. No matter how evil or twisted you may be, God's power is still flowing into your life, however; you will almost never see it. Why? Because how much of God's hand we actually get to see and be aware of is directly related to how we treat others. The age old golden rule still applies, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." If you are having a hard time loving yourself, don't worry. If it's hard to love yourself then it's also hard to love anyone else. And that is OK! But you can at least respect others the same way you would want to be respected.

One of my great teachers taught that sometimes it is too difficult to even try to love a certain person, but it is NEVER too difficult to respect this person. No matter how much a person gets under your skin, it is only you who control how this person affects you. If you are looking to witness God's hand in your life begin to seek moments, places and people where you can treat others with more respect and a level of human dignity you would wish for yourself.

2) Write down a list of all you are grateful for

If you want to see where have your miracles gone and where your blessings have been deposited, then make a list of everything you have to be grateful for in your life at this moment. If you have nothing to be grateful for then you are looking at life with the wrong lenses. Look around to see what you have that is of value to you, something that means more to your life than to your bank account. Then make a list of the top 5-most-precious things for this category in your life. And carry this list and a pen with you everywhere you go. The moment you recognize something you are grateful for add it to the list. And everyday, 2 times per day read the matter how crummy or great you are the list everyday. After 33 days you will notice that not only is the power of God shinning brighter for you but there are real results happening for you that are making your life more like the dream you want and less like a nightmare.

3) I am the Love of My Creator, I am My Creator's Love, I am Love

How are you treating yourself? Do you over discipline yourself or treat yourself like a spoiled child? Neither extreme calibrates the balance of order in your life. It is hard to see where God is in moments of chaos such as when a violent crime takes place or a massive natural disaster strikes. But it is far more difficult to see where God is in our life through chaos created by actions of our own doing. Seek the things you most like about yourself and count them on your list of blessings. We all come from a divine place and even if you don't believe it, we were all created from a place of love. Whenever you are in your darkest hour, soaking in a personal triumph or any other time at all, repeat to yourself an ancient mantra passed down through generations of spiritual masters: I am the Love of My Creator, I am My Creator's Love, I am Love.

You will feel the power of God burst from everywhere around you. The more you use it the more you will own it. The more time you spend saying this mantra and thinking about it, the more love you will draw to you and the more of God's power you will see manifest in your life.

Carlos Duran is a professional writer raised in the mean streets of New York and New Jersey during the Crack Era of the late 80's and 90's. His life journey transformed a sinister-mind into one of peace and has inspired him to share the secret spiritual short-cuts he learned with the World. His website publishes inside information from leading experts and super-minds on spiritual growth, natural healing and finding love, along with secrets Carlos has been using for over a decade to generate peace, power and prosperity in his own life... To contact the author email:

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