Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spiritual Awareness With The Good and the Bad

Spirituality is a subject that is so vast that it can lead to endless discussions. Although most people do admit there is a Spiritual side to every human been not everybody wants to embrace that part. What do you mean by that I hear you ask? And if so then why is it like that?

First let me try to answer another question. How do we know we are spiritually aware? The answer is if you are alive and if you have emotions you also have a spiritual awareness to things. Don't tell you never say: 'I knew that." There is a connection we have to the unknown that we can't describe, but it is as if we have insight to certain things before it happens. I do think everybody has a spiritual awareness even though they do not call it that. So if we all have are and if it is so valuable to have, why don't we all try to embrace it?

A possible answer is because it is a subject that attracts so much hocus pocus. This is something the reasonable man can't embrace. Just recently I saw a television program about a spiritual healer. Now though I can never say he or she isn't, I noticed things that bothered me. This woman surrounded her with things such as the Egyptian Ank, Tibetan bells, candles, crystals etc. She also made certain statements that I frowned upon. She mentioned that she used crystals because its vibration is very close to the vibration of the human body? I wonder what Asimov would have said about that? Can anybody show proof of such statements/

To come back to the discussion, I find that traditional Western people only come to a spiritual awareness level later in life. Some only after they got addicted to all the other things. Once they gave up drugs, alcohol and the rest that failed to supply them with answers, they suddenly discover spirituality. But boy do they discover it then. Within months they buy anything and everything that is available and they throw that together in a concoction that can cure anything physical and emotional. They suddenly have all the answers and throw around jargon that is very impressive. For some this actually works but for the rest, the Lotus flower and crystals disappear.

To the contrary, in Tibet, India, Taiwan and other places known for their temples and people who study religious texts, you don't find this. Here you find a more serious and focused concentration on the subject. In Tibet the monk uses his bells, in Egypt he used the Ank and in Japan he used a Zen garden. Each to its own.

In Zen Buddhism it is believed that if you want to grow you need to take away something everyday, not add more. They also believe in Simplicity. Less is better. I have a feeling this way will lead to a deeper understanding of the subject that will last longer. I could be wrong.

If subjects such as these interest you, then you must have a look at my site or find out what the word Ozymandeus means

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