Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Healing the Spirit After an Abusive Relationship

The end of any long term relationship is always difficult; but the end of an abusive relationship can bring a whole set of complicated, confusing and often conflicting emotions which are uniquely challenging. When an abusive relationship ends, you may feel the same sort of emotions that are felt when any other type of relationship comes to a close. These feelings of loss can be very upsetting and can create a sense s of shame and guilt which further complicate the spiritual healing process.

The following techniques are designed to help you sort through your emotions and recognize the complicated and conflicting feelings which often surface at the end of an abusive relationship:
Remember why you ended the relationship and focus on what caused the relationship to be unsafe and unhealthy. It is common when an abusive relationship ends to romanticize the relationship, dont allow yourself to fall into this way of thinking, its an emotional t21EArap. Avoid any contact with your abusive ex-partner. Having contact can make the healing process even more complicated than it already is; it can also be very dangerous. You place yourself at a much greater risk for violence if you decide to return to an abusive relationship. Once you have made the decision to leave the relationship, make it stick, trust your decision, find help and support and move on with your life.

Give yourself time and permission to heal and permission to experience your feelings whatever they may be. Express your emotions. Finding a safe way to express what you are feeling is essential to coping with the loss of any relationship. Write in a journal or find a supportive friend to talk to. Allow your self the freedom to feel and emote without self judging. You will have conflicting emotions for awhile and this is to be expected. You may feel relieved, sad, regretful, excited, anxious, angry or any number of other emotions which change from moment to moment. The emotional roller coaster will settle down in its own time until then, just remember to trust your own judgment, trust your own decisions about your well being and safety.

Explore some simple ideas to add comfort into your days. Spend time doing the things that you enjoy. Spend time with friends and family. Reward and encourage yourself. Go shopping or have your hair done, pamper yourself, nurture yourself. Reconnect with friends and family members. Dont isolate yourself. Everyone experience stress when going through life changing events. Its ok to ask for help. Let people know that you are having a rough time and need their support.

These are a few simple ideas to explore as you begin your spiritual healing process. Change can often be quite challenging. But, when you find the resources to manage change, you will be able make the right decisions that assist you in having safe and loving relationships. I truly hope that these ideas will bring healthy changes into your life.

Jeffry R. Palmer is the well known author of several books dealing with the subjects of metaphysics, paranormal phenomena and psychic development. His articles and columns have been featured in several popular international magazines. His accurate and detailed psychic predictions, including Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesian tsunami have captured the attention of an international audience.

Personal psychic readings by Mr. Palmer are available through the web site. These psychic readings are kept in strict confidence, cover all aspects of life, are extremely accurate and detailed and are very simple to purchase. Mr. Palmer even offers a 100% money back guarantee to clients if they aren't completely satisfied with their readings.

Psychic Readings

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