Thursday, August 7, 2008

Spiritual Medicine, Computers & The Brain - Rebooting The Wisdom And Spirit Of The Body And Mind

"Calmness or harmony is a natural aspect of the mind." - Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, January 2000

When I think of the term 'spiritual' in combination with medicine or healing, it brings forth divergent images. One is the evangelist preacher, gasping on each breath as he talks about the healing spirit of God, palming the forehead of his collapsing follower. Another is the tribal shamanic healer, adorned as an animal, chanting and gyrating around his 'client'. Alternately, I think of the healing group meditating or praying for a beloved member or a stranger on the other side of the world, or a silent healer, eyes closed, holding her hands over the afflicted individual.

Whether we believe a particular form of spiritual medicine works or not, the term is often used to describe the evocation of a force external to the suffering person that enters them in an often mysterious fashion to create a change. It is often attributed to a subtle energy, exchanged from one person to another or from a higher power (God) to the person to be healed.

Another understanding of spiritual healing exists, however, one in which the healing force does not arise from the outside but instead is the upwelling of the wisdom or spirit of the body itself, restoring functions to areas that were dysfunctional. The body 'knew' how to work correctly once so is that knowledge now lost?

If there is an inner spirit, an inner wisdom, for each body part, organ, gland and the abilities or functions of those parts, how does it get lost or subverted into disease? To understand one mechanism at least, we need to look at learning.

Spirit becomes a functional life through learning

Every living organism, from a single celled organism to an insect or a human, has something in common, they all LEARN.

Even the very beating of the heart is learning, passed down genetically. All function, whether it is the secretion of a hormone or a complex act like cooking breakfast, is formatted by learning. Learning is the mechanism the wisdom of the body uses to interact with the complexity of life. Learning may be called the means life uses to express itself.

Of course, this learning isn't from books; it is picked up automatically, on-the-fly. It is the result making uncounted numbers of tiny decisions at every moment, and organizing those decisions into an automatic behavior that is then repeated and applied to future situations, without any decision when needed.

From the simple act of cooking breakfast we can see many examples of the complexity of learning. The feeling of hunger, for instance, and its interpretation is the sum total of all the times in the past that you were hungry, what foods you like or don't like, what you learned growing up about satisfaction of needs, what you have come to think of as good food, all of that is learning. The muscles used for cooking, postures of standing and using a spatula, when and how your stomach churns, the amount of acid your stomach produces, the timing and amount insulin that your pancreas makes in expectation of the coming meal... it's all learning.

But while learning is the key to the very survival of an organism as it adapts to its environment, it has a dark side, a way in which it absolutely hinders the spirit and wisdom of the body and mind.

How does an organism designed to express spirit and wisdom get sick?

The problem (ignoring, for now, all the toxic chemicals, heavy metals and pathogenic organisms we are exposed to from conception onwards) is that while the nervous system easily and automatically accumulates learning, it doesn't readily forget it. This is particularly true of learning that comes as the result of stress or trauma. As a part of our inherent wisdom, we create patterns that may be used over and over again, and to (unconsciously) set up expectation that those situations will happen again. This is also called conditioning.

One of the odd things about conditioning is that, even if the behavior we learned was not necessarily the best one, we still repeat it. How many times do we find ourselves living out the definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result? It takes directed energy and often great courage and willpower to fight this repetition syndrome, even when we are looking at trying to change a known conscious behavior.

When it is the very function of the body that has learned, the resultant adaptive postures affect muscles, joints, organs and hormones. Every behavior, function or movement our bodies enact can get locked into a less than optimum programs, and these various programs may conflict with other programs, putting one part of us in cross purposes with others. It is like what happens when you open a lot of programs on your computer, they begin to conflict, to eat up memory, and your computer gets 'sick'.

The cure? Reboot.

Rebooting your computer restores the underlying correct function of its operating system, restoring its essential spirit or wisdom, we might say, by eliminating extraneous outdated memory allocations that interfered with each other.

Wouldn't it be great if we could reboot ourselves, eliminating the learning which is no longer adaptive, eliminating memories which are interfering with the proper function of the body and mind, and restore control to the original wisdom and spirit of the body and mind?

This feature is not an add-on that you can to purchase at Circuit City or Best Buy. It is not for sale at any price.

Rather, it comes, factory installed, built right into our brains!

Spirit meets science in the brain

In 1999 an amazing discovery was made about the way our brains really work. When we activate a memory, the memory is like a book taken off the shelf; if it is not put back it may be lost, forever. If that memory happens to be an association that causes fear or self-judgment, or a memory of altered muscle function and pain that followed an injury, we may want to remove the book from the library altogether. If it is maladaptive learning that has altered the function of our hormonal system, or disturbed organ or endocrine function, well, bring on the bookburners!

How do we reboot the nervous system to eliminate outdated, maladaptive memory? If activation of a memory is followed by certain inputs or treatments to the body, the memory will not be stored again. Once eliminated, correct normal function, which was hidden underneath may be restored - instantly! The true spirit, the fundamental, function is thus re-established, often permanently.

This library book-like memory process, called reconsolidation, has been found to in many kinds of memory, including emotional memory, muscle/movement memory, and, clinically at least, learning that affects organ and glandular system function. If we can access a maladaptive memory and alter the condition of the body, we can change it.

Choosing the best memories to eliminate is the key to healing

While we can't reboot the whole brain at once, and I don't think we would want to, (I suppose that electro-shock therapy is a crude attempt at this) we can reboot it piece by piece. This may be called a neurontogenic process, which means restoring the fundamental, ontogenic function and behavior (wisdom or spirit) of the nervous system, the condition that was present before the now-inappropriate or maladaptive learning occurred.

A number of therapies, (search on EMDR, EFT and Neuro Emotional Technique, to name a few) use neurontogenic principles mostly to eliminate emotional stress and PTSD. NeurOntogenics is a system which eliminates the maladaptive learning that sustains unhealthy thoughts, beliefs and emotions as well, but also eliminates learning that affects organ, gland, muscle and joint function.

Given the right conditions and setup, many different types of therapies including spinal manipulation, massage of appropriate muscles, tapping or other stimulation of acupuncture points or alternating activation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, all seem to be able to interrupt the reconsolidation of unwanted memory and induce the neurontogenic effect of restoring the obscured correct function.

Since every illness, pain or disease will necessarily have some component of learning involved, 'rebooting' should be a part of all treatments of the body and mind, especially including treatment of any type of pain.

We may now begin to speak of an actual new field of medicine, neurontogenic medicine, which is based on the understanding that there is a built-in wisdom in the body and mind which becomes obscured over time by the weight 1695of learning that it has absorbed. Neurontogenic medicine uses various means to determine, access, treat and erase learning that is not conducive to optimal function of the body or mind. It is differentiated from other treatments of various specialties, which begin with the assumption that there is something missing, and it is the job of the practitioner to determine what that is and provide it.

Dr. Robert Weissfeld is a chiropractor in private practice in Denver, CO. In various health fields since 1976, and with certifications in acupuncture and neural therapy, Dr. Weissfeld has researched and developed new understandings and methodologies of healing. You can find out more at

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Spiritual Quantum Physics and Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius

Astro221Dlogically speaking we are in what is called the Age of Aquarius. Physically speaking we, as a solar system, are in a different space in our Milky Way Galaxy.

Our planet Earth orbits around our Sun in a 365 1/4 day circuit. Man has divided this 360 degree orbit into twelve equal pie shaped sections. We have given each one of these sections a name. Starting with the Eastern Horizon we call the first thirty degree arc, Aries. Next, moving clockwise we have Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. We call these twelve Arcs Houses. Aries being the first house.

Each of the other planets in our Solar System also orbits our Sun at different time intervals. The moment we were born a Bio-Electrical Matrix of the exact position of the Sun and the other planets was photo-engraved on our cellular structure, our energy configuration.

The science of Astrology explains to us the effects of our life that the moving revolving planets have upon us. Our planet Earth, the Sun and all the other planets make up an energy matrix in which we live.
On a larger scale our whole Solar System, as a unit, revolves around our Milky Way Galactic Sun, counter clockwise.

It takes our Solar System 2000 years to complete one orbit around the Galactic Sun. Just think of how many thousands of miles of space we move through with just one 2000 year orbit?

Our Solar system has just orbited out of the thirty degree arch of our Galactic Sun called the Age of Pisces. We have just entered into a new thirty degree arc called the "Age of Aquarius."

Speaking scientifically and physically, we have entered into a new S.T.E.M. Continuum. Space, Time, Energy, Matter continuum.

Spiritually speaking we have moved to a higher level of consciousness area of our Galaxy. We do not know exactly what to expect from this new position in space. But it is really not important to know. It is more important "To Be."

We can already see some of the gifts or the manifestations of the new energies of this place in space. We have the Laws of Quantum Physics, the science of Radionics and Orgone Generation and the INTERNET. It will be exciting to see what the next 1950 years will bring us.

The Laws of Quantum Physics is a gift to us from the Age of Aquarius. Simply speaking, the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Spiritually speaking this is the Mind of God, where we live, move and have our being.

So even though we feel that we have moved through a physical distance in space around our Galactic Sun, in reality we have moved in "God's" Mind.

There is no time, past present nor future in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is no here or over there space in the Quantum Ocean. There is only the HERE-NOW.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. The Age of Pisces that we have just physically left and the Age of Aquarius that we have just physically entered exist and have always existed in the the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God.

We humans are individual souls within the Mind of God, who 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean and into the self-consciousness of a new incarnation, When our physical life expires, we 'blink in' to the Quantum Ocean. It is an unfolding and infolding process.

It is all on schedule, our incarnations, the Planets, the Solar Systems, Galaxies etc. It is according to some Divine timing plan.

The 'blinking out' and 'blinking in' of man, races of man, civilizations of man are all on a timing schedule.

Only we as individual souls have the gift of free choice. We can choose for ourselves what choices we will make once we incarnate. This free will allows us to choose our thoughts, feelings and actions which will create our present reality.

We now, in the Age of Aquarius, have the gifts and tools of the Laws of Quantum Physics to make more conscious choices.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.

Healing the Spirit After an Abusive Relationship

The end of any long term relationship is always difficult; but the end of an abusive relationship can bring a whole set of complicated, confusing and often conflicting emotions which are uniquely challenging. When an abusive relationship ends, you may feel the same sort of emotions that are felt when any other type of relationship comes to a close. These feelings of loss can be very upsetting and can create a sense s of shame and guilt which further complicate the spiritual healing process.

The following techniques are designed to help you sort through your emotions and recognize the complicated and conflicting feelings which often surface at the end of an abusive relationship:
Remember why you ended the relationship and focus on what caused the relationship to be unsafe and unhealthy. It is common when an abusive relationship ends to romanticize the relationship, dont allow yourself to fall into this way of thinking, its an emotional t21EArap. Avoid any contact with your abusive ex-partner. Having contact can make the healing process even more complicated than it already is; it can also be very dangerous. You place yourself at a much greater risk for violence if you decide to return to an abusive relationship. Once you have made the decision to leave the relationship, make it stick, trust your decision, find help and support and move on with your life.

Give yourself time and permission to heal and permission to experience your feelings whatever they may be. Express your emotions. Finding a safe way to express what you are feeling is essential to coping with the loss of any relationship. Write in a journal or find a supportive friend to talk to. Allow your self the freedom to feel and emote without self judging. You will have conflicting emotions for awhile and this is to be expected. You may feel relieved, sad, regretful, excited, anxious, angry or any number of other emotions which change from moment to moment. The emotional roller coaster will settle down in its own time until then, just remember to trust your own judgment, trust your own decisions about your well being and safety.

Explore some simple ideas to add comfort into your days. Spend time doing the things that you enjoy. Spend time with friends and family. Reward and encourage yourself. Go shopping or have your hair done, pamper yourself, nurture yourself. Reconnect with friends and family members. Dont isolate yourself. Everyone experience stress when going through life changing events. Its ok to ask for help. Let people know that you are having a rough time and need their support.

These are a few simple ideas to explore as you begin your spiritual healing process. Change can often be quite challenging. But, when you find the resources to manage change, you will be able make the right decisions that assist you in having safe and loving relationships. I truly hope that these ideas will bring healthy changes into your life.

Jeffry R. Palmer is the well known author of several books dealing with the subjects of metaphysics, paranormal phenomena and psychic development. His articles and columns have been featured in several popular international magazines. His accurate and detailed psychic predictions, including Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesian tsunami have captured the attention of an international audience.

Personal psychic readings by Mr. Palmer are available through the web site. These psychic readings are kept in strict confidence, cover all aspects of life, are extremely accurate and detailed and are very simple to purchase. Mr. Palmer even offers a 100% money back guarantee to clients if they aren't completely satisfied with their readings.

Psychic Readings

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Being Able To Say No

Do you easily manage to say No to someone who wants a favour from you, while deep inside you feel you want to refuse? Or do you, like I used to do for quite some time, roll across your feeling with a bulldozer and say: Yes, of course .., because you feel uncomfortable saying No.

If you are prepared to follow the self motivation tips hereunder you will create healthier boundaries and with some self motivation exercise you will ultimately acquire the necessary self motivation skills.

I remember it took me quite some time to change from a person who wanted to please others, into a person who is consciously aware of what he feels and really stands for what he wants.

I used to waist far too much time with projects and activities that I really did not want to do. I was simply spending valuable moments of my time on other peoples good opportunities.

My mentor taught me how important it was for me to become experienced at feeling what I felt, at questioning myself if this was what I truly wanted, and at saying No if it wasnt.

Learning to live our full potential also means that we have to learn to not always say Yes to what other people want. We can only move forward with our dreams and goals if we are focused on the things that will produce them.

My mentor made me decide on what I wanted in my life and what I didnt. He convinced me to make these my personal policies. If I didnt want to let friends borrow money any longer, then I had to make it my personal policy. If I didnt want to discuss important business de5B4als over the phone anymore, then I had to make that my personal policy.

In general its not difficult to say to people what our policies are and we dont even have to say the word No. People tend to respect policies. And its likely that no one will take them personally. They simply realize its a healthy boundary you have set for all occasions.

It gets more tricky to say No , however, when what we are being offered sounds attractive. How can we determine for ourselves what is a good choice and what isnt?

I have learned to put such opportunity in writing, close my eyes and ask myself the following questions:

First of all I ask myself: Would doing this be in my highest option?, and when I feel it is, I ask myself what kind of information I need to gather and what I would need to do to make it happen.

Next I compare that information with what I know about achieving my goals. Is everything in line or is this opportunity leading me down a different path? Is it harmonizing with the purpose I am passionate about, or does it simply sound better than what I am doing at that moment?

Its good to talk to a mentor or other advisors about potential opportunities and reflect on their knowledge and expertise. They can help to become aware of whats involved and they can help to stay focused on our goals and dreams.

After a couple of years of practice I have learned to sta5A3y focused on my higher goals and I have learned to say no to good opportunities that interfere with my higher goals. I had to discover that I was not rejected for saying No. Actually I noticed that people respected me for my clarity and drive.

You know, we are in control of how we feel and how we behave and express ourselves, and so are others. That means that if other people get upset with you saying No, well, thats their choice. Isnt it?

Ab van Deemter ( is a Personal Growth specialist and a spiritual person, who believes in sharing his knowledge of personal perseverance. He has studied metaphysics and other holistic methods for many, many years and embarked on a life of success. With successful tools for personal freedom he has made it past a life full of obstacles and now mentors and teaches business owners, their staff, his own employees, as well as a large group of private individuals.

Effective Goal Setting Requires Planning

You'll never accomplish anything in life without paying a cost for it. To build a business will require you to work longer hours in the beginning. You may have to get up early or stay up later. You may have to banish your TV for the next year. If you want to save more money, you may have to quit going out to eat so often. You may have to cut out some of your shopping budget.

If you plan to study and learn new subjects for your personal growth, you may have to turn off the radio station and listen to training CDs on the way to work. Anything you do will cost a price. It may be not as high of a price as you would think, but it will cost you something.

For example, anyone can become an expert in virtually any subject in just onA78e hour a day study over a year to two year period. That is a lot easier than most people would think, but it is still an hour which has to be invested everyday.

Count the cost for your goals or eliminating pain in your life. Make a plan. You should never start a new business without a plan, and you'll never reach your goals without a plan either.

You may want to weigh 30 pounds less than you do right now, but how do you plan to accomplish this? When will you schedule to exercise and what kind of exercise will you do? How will you change your eating habits to cut your daily calories? How can you get your friends or family to help you on this goal?

You can pick up dozens of books at any bookstore on the subject of losing weight. The hidden little secret is that the majority of them work, because you simply need to exercise more and cut the number and type of calories you eat. So you don't have to starve yourself or go on any crazy fad diet. Just make a plan that includes both exercise and healthy eating.

Make your plan by breaking down the goal into elements or steps. What kinds of steps will you have to take to reach your goal? The number of steps you use will be based on how complicated of a goal you have.

If you're starting a new business, you may have dozens of steps to prepare. You need to study the marketplace, visit competitors, do customer research, etc. Then you need to apply for licenses, setup a legal business form such as corporation, and possibly apply for business loans based on a business plan you've written.

If your long-term plan is to build your current business to $1,000,000 a year in net profits, then you may have one year goal and plan for $100,000 increase. For that plan, you may make a list of asking customers why they buy from you, writing new ads, testing your ads, and checking around to find joint venture partners who may be able to offer more items to your current customers.

You can break down these plans into many more steps than what I've listed here. The planning stage should be broken down into easy to accomplish daily and weekly goals. When I said write a new ad above, that could be broken down into individual steps as well.

You may design 3 ads to test, so you first decide on the "offer" for each one...what will make it unique and exciting to your customers. Then you decide on headlines. Then you write the rough draft of one ad. Then you edit it. Then you test it. Then you see if you can improve on it or test out one of the other possible offers you come up with.

The other important element that comes in while making plans is to make deadlines that 5A8are practical. You may want to lose 30 pounds, but doing that in 30 days is not practical. You will not reach that goal and do it in a healthy fashion.

The healthiest way to lose weight is 1 to 2 pounds per week. You hate the extra 30 pounds you're carrying and want to eliminate it in the next 6 months. You can break that down further and say you would like to lose 5 pounds this month. You didn't gain 30 pounds in a month, and you won't be losing it in one month either. So make shorter term goals such as losing 5 pounds per month.

If the most you've ever made in your life is $30,000 per year, then having a goal of making one million this year is not a realistic goal.

Making one million a year 5 years from now isn't that difficult, but you'd be better off setting a goal of $100,000 or so for your business the first year. You then would need to come up with all the steps required for you to reach this.

If it's a brand new business you're starting, there will be a lot of steps involved. Pick up several books that talk about starting new businesses to help you write down all the steps you'll need to take. Then get busy and start taking one step at a time.

One of the key principles here is you want your goals to be something you can really have faith in. You are only limited by what you can believe, but you won't be able to believe with your heart that you're worth the one million dollar income if yo5B3u've only been making $30,000. You're going to have to grow into it. You'll have to build up to the point where you truly believe you're worth that much money.

Most people set their one year goals too high and their 5 year goals too low. You can experience multiplied growth every year of your life, so your goals for 5 years out should be a whole lot bigger than your goals for this year alone. You can build the life you dream about, but you have to be willing to put in both the time and energy required to get there. You have a lot of learning and growing to do.

Look at potential roadblocks which may come up in the pursuit of your goal. What kind of obstacles are likely to come against you? This is part of counting the cost. You may have friends who won't want to be around you anymore. People who are set in their ways and satisfied with mediocre life don't usually accept those who want to strive for excellence. If you want to soar with the eagles, you might not be close friends with the turkeys anymore. You may have opposition from your family.

Terry Dean invites business owners to Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life. Receive his Special report, "10 Key Strategies for Any Business Owner to Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life" along with having access to his blog where he posts articles 2 to 3 times per week at: 2E8