Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spiritual Guidance is Always Current

Your relationship to Spirit is always current. Spirit doesn't carry memories of your past. That's a human habit we put in place, often to build our case of inadequacy. The inspiration and guidance you're receiving applies to your life right now. Spirit doesn't withhold from us. If you feel the time is right to bring to fruition something that has been growing within you, the time is right.

But just because Spirit is willing to give you what you desire doesn't mean you are ready to receive it. Very often we hold false perceptions or limiting beliefs about ourselves that won't allow good to flow to us and through us. Once we see these perceptions as false and not the truth of who we are, the veil is lifted and we allow ourselves to realize our wholeness.

In a recent class a woman realized, after much struggle, that she was a natural leader. She had simply lacked the courage to truly claim it. She had been bogged down with fears of standing out, not being part of the pack, and had the fear of how others would respond to her taking charge.

However, the moment she truly realized she was a leader and stopped hiding her gifts, her5A8 perception of herself shifted and the work she was doing changed. She no longer could pretend she wasn't a leader. She realized that by not stepping up to the plate she was creating a frustrating situation for herself as well as her co-workers and clients. Once she claimed these leadership gifts, her work flowed and more opportunities opened up.

Even if we are not ready to receive what Spirit wants to express through us, we do not have to be afraid it will go away. I like to think of it as the jack-in-the-box. We may continue to push it down, but it always finds a way to pop up again.

Although Spirit doesn't withhold from us, sometimes we want to rush our lives along, pushing against a natural rhythm. As Jane Hirschfield, author and poet, says, "Ripeness is what falls away with ease." When we are trying too hard it's usually attached to our thoughts of scarcity.

I remember wanting to get married and have children in my twenties. Reflecting back, I don't think I really wanted to get married and start a family young, but I was afraid I wouldn't meet someone or that I would soon be too old to have children. My desire to settle down and have a family at that time was driven by fear, not the ripeness of the fruit nor my true readiness to receive that part of my life.

Even though we may be impatient with the way our life is unfolding, the generosity of Spirit always guides us in directions that are perfect582 for our life right now. We are never left with nothing to do. If we feel we are not receiving guidance from Spirit, it's usually because we have already made up our mind what we want the guidance to be. You know the feeling when it's "my way or the highway;" those times when we believe we are in control, dictating to Spirit how our life should unfold.

This does not allow us to receive the opportunities that would deliver more than our limited perceptions will allow. The mystery and beauty of Spirit are that it shows up with complete individuality for each person, and yet it stems from the same source, this one resource that we all share. Our personal life energy is just one part expressing itself from this wholeness. We are connected to this infinite Source while we are expressing our individuality and while playing a part in a larger unfolding of life.

Janice Campbell is the author of the book Receive Your Life: A Life of Purpose and Prosperity. The focus of her life's work is to assist people in awakening to the beauty and power of what they truly are; individualized expressions of Spirit. The intention of the Receive Your Life work is to help people come to that realization as quickly and gracefully as possible. To sign up for our free inspiration of the week go to 315

Don Miguel Ruiz

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