Monday, April 28, 2008

The Power of Absolute Honesty in Spiritual Growth

We all know the value of meditation, yoga, self-study, etc., in one's spiritual growth, but we often overlook some of the other more ordinary traits that can prove to be equally valuable in this profound journey. Of these many traits that are very helpful to your spiritual evolution, the power of honesty should not be underestimated.

Honesty is certainly a good value to cultivate and have. No doubt about that, but, in the context of your progress on the spiritual path, the real significance of honesty starts to shine through. Here are the 4 key reasons why honesty can be your best friend on the road to enlightenment.

1. Face Your Weaknesses:

We all have weaknesses and short comings. No one is exempt from this reality. If you are born and g13CDoing about existence, then you have some aspects that need work. Honesty is going to make sure you face up to these weaknesses, so that you can take the necessary steps to overcome them.

Spiritual work can often be derailed by your shortcomings. The diseases of procrastination, laziness, narrow mindedness, etc., can all easily disrupt and hinder your spiritual growth. The first step in combating these conditions, is to be honest enough to admit you are afflicted by them. Only then does it become possible to try to change.

2. Face Reality:

How is your life really? Not the image you so badly want to present to others, but the actual state of your life and relationships? You see, if all was great and we were full of bliss, love and wisdom, there would be no need for any evolution. Only facing up to the sorry state of affairs honestly, awakens one to the great need for transformation. Without this courage to see how messy things are, no clean up would be initiated. Honesty is the instrument to help us look at this naked truth.

3. Drop False Personalities:

Now we are starting to get into the deeper layers of how honesty actually helps us gather our energies, so that they may be applied towards our greater destiny.

If you watch your ego in action carefully, you will notice that you spend enormous amounts of energy building and sustaining false images of yourself. Prior to engaging in a discussion, you will see yourself often rehearse the dialogue mentally, to make sure you represent yourself in a particular way, regardless of whether that is really you or not. In similar fashion, past events you will see yourself rehash, to feel secure about how you were portrayed, and finally, you will constantly catch yourself trying to manipulate reality in the present so that you are perceived in a particular way. All this image oriented thinking is a colossal waste of time and energy.

The answer to preventing all this waste of energy is simple, just be absolutely honest. You are done then. You will speak as will speak, you have spoken as you have spoken and you are behaving just exactly how your are. Just be sincere and forthright.

Don't underestimate what has just been conveyed. If you spend some time just watching yourself go through the day, you will be amazed how dishonest you really are. Instead, as mentioned, just be yourself exactly. Don't, for the sake of impression, put up any false face. Once you realize and implement this simple point, you will be blessed with great freedom.

4. Honesty In Meditation:

Finally, we come to the role that honesty plays in your actual meditation practice itself. When you sit down to meditate, and start to watch your thoughts, you will realize how deceptive the mind is. The false reasons and justifications that the mind creates are alarming. To stop it from continuing it's mischief, you will have to decide to be absolutely and completely honest and forthright. Without this attitude of honesty, you will not be able to make much progress in self-study, which is the key to spiritual growth and finally enlightenment.


The need for honesty and sincerity cannot be over-emphasized. In the early stages it is recommended, to break the habit of unconscious lying and self-deception, that even white lies and diplomacy ought to be abandoned and complete forthrightness be embraced. Once accomplished, simple honesty will go a long way to helping you evolve to your highest spiritual potential.

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga, Meditation & Zen Expert. His site,, Free Beginner Meditation Techniques & Kundalini Yoga Video Instruction, offers 4 Key Laws for Manifesting Desires. Find lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Instruction & Insight Meditation Blog.

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