Tuesday, April 29, 2008

5 Tips For Getting Into Alignment With What You Want

The third step in applying the law of attraction is learning to get yourself into alignment with what you want. This is something that most people don't quit understand or have difficulty with, but is so essential to your success and attracting what you want. The better you get at this, the quicker and easier it becomes to attract those things to you that you want. Here are 5 tips for getting yourself in alignment with what you want. The more you apply these tips the easier it will get for you to attract what you want. Most people will look at this list and ignore most of it or simply just not do it. I urge you to use the tips to your full ability, and prepare yourself to be amazed at the results you start to create.

1. Go out and touch what it is you want, if possible. This is simple if it is material things you want. Go out and literally test drive that car you want. You can go to a dealer and simply tell them that you are price shopping. Get in the car and drive it. How else will you know what it feels like to drive that car? Then use that feeling to visualize having that car in your life. Go out and price shop fo5B4r the house of your dreams. You don't have to buy it, but take the time to feel what it would feel like to have that house. You can do this very easily for all the material things you want. If it is something like love or friendships, start to look around you for romance and watch people who have it. Hang out at places and watch how friends relate to one another. If you have been in love in the past you can use that emotion of when you were in love to visualize having it in your life now. Take the time to actually get into what it is you want.

2. Take the time to think about what you want until it almost becomes an obsession. Visualize having what you want on a regular basis. The emotion of having it is the key. The stronger your desire and your ability to feel the feelings of having it right now, the quicker it will come to you. Write a check to yourself for a million dollars and carry it with you and look at it often. Hang pictures of the person of your dreams where you will see them regularly. You must develop a burning inside of yourself for what it is you want. You can't merely wish for it or lightly hope to get what you want. It must be a strong, powerful, burning emotion deep inside of you to the point where it is constantly nagging at you. Far to many people simply have a wish or a hope for lots of money or whatever it is they want. They don't really want what they want. If you want what you want, you need to really want i5B4t. It needs to keep you awake late at night, and wake you early in the morning just to have it. Just as first falling in love does, what you want must feel the same way.

3. Take steps everyday to move closer to what it is you want. The more you do to get to what you want, the more you will inspire yourself to do more and get closer to what you want. It might be something as simple as actual pyshical action, or dreaming about having it, or planning a current course of action. No matter what, take the time each day to do something, even if it is only ten minutes. So many people simply do not do anything to move them in the directions they want to go. There is a horrible mindset among the human race where people wish upon baby magic. They believe that simply hoping for something will make it happen. We must keep our mind, our hearts, and our bodies on the goal. There must be action as well as inspiration and visualization. Take steps every day and you will begin to want to do more. Remember, action begets motivation. Start moving and the emotions will follow quickly.

To read the rest of this article as well as learn more about the law of attraction and how to apply it to your daily life to start getting the results that you want on a regular basis, visit http://www.wealthylifesecrets.com to get more information.

Dwa4BCyne Gilbert is the founder of http://www.wealthylifesecrets.com and has been helping people in the area of self-protection and personal development for 10 years. He has authored some of his own books and currently teaches people self-defense and personal development strategies and tactics. To get more information on the law of attraction and how to apply it, visit http://www.wealthylifesecrets.com

Believe youre highly creative
Game Of Life and How To Play

Law of Attraction - Are You Attractive?

When you learn about the Law of Attraction for the first time, you may think you can just 'start using it'... Soon, all those fun, cool things and circumstances will begin coming your way.

There is truth in this, because the cool, fun things will come, however they will come faster when you really let it sink in WHO is in control here. YOU are in control, and that means you're in control of all the stuff you DON'T want, too. To say that we can attract and create all the fun stuff without taking responsibility for the things we perceive as negative is to see only half the picture.

We create it ALL.

If you are miserable at your job, then you created being miserable at your job. There will be other people in the world who are happy doing that same job. It's OK to be miserable...what's not OK when it comes to conscious creation is to deny that you are the cause of the misery. No one and nothing outside of you can cause misery.

We may have heard this theory in different ways all of our lives, because these are constants that hold true whether we are aware of them or not. But it is only when we REALLY think deeply on this and accept responsibility for everything in our lives, that we are free to begin creating otherwise.

The Law of Attract714ion works unerringly and always. You ARE attracting and creating, at every moment. So...if you've been feeling stuck, it's because you are!

To 'unstick' yourself, try asking some different questions: instead of 'Why is this happening to me?' try, 'Why would I want to create this situation in my life? What am I trying to protect myself from? What am I avoiding by being stuck in this?'

You ARE attractive...but what are you attracting?

The above is excerpted from the upcoming book 'Law of Attraction: Are YOU Attractive?' by Shauna Arthurs. This article and more like it can be found at Follow Your Path

Change your mind, and change your LIFE!

Shauna Arthurs is a writer/editor, investor and founder/owner of several web-based businesses, including Follow Your Path and Women & Money

Home Building Ideas For The Future
How To Think Outside The Box

The Key To Manifestation and Feeling Positive Emotions - Even If You Imagine Them

Everything that is, started in someone's imagination. Without going into the creation of the world, but narrowing it down to things, and more recent history, everything that is, started in someone's imagination.

When we are planning some5B4thing, our imagination is the key to manifesting it.

However, if we are engulfed in negative emotions because we HAVE to plan something that we fear or are nervous about (something unknown), or we have a phobia that we can't control, we need some intermediate steps to reaching some positive emotions.

A strong emotion IS THE KEY to manifesting, so you want to be able to feel your most positive emotions most strongly.

Do you have a few minutes a day to create your own time/space bubble? This is the prerequisite, a little time for you. It is a gift to yourself. A present.

If you are truly overwhelmed by worry, (or sheer panic) breathe deeply. Take a few easy deep breaths, this calms your nervous system a little and you can progress further.

"Fast Forward" - Esther Hicks says that a lot. Can you think of the positive outcomes you want and then imagine them in detail? Imagine being fulfilled, in whatever way, in this moment now, and feel how it feels. It's really the feeling that counts, and not the physical details.

How would it feel if the physical details were perfect?

How would it feel if you KNEW everything is exactly the way it is perfect for you?

Knowing is a very powerful feeling. You just know. No mental arguments start running your mind. You know.

If you cannot imagine a wonderful outcome to something, can you remember one? The feelings of relief, joy, excitement, or quiet cont591entment? It doesn't matter where the idea comes from, past, imagination, a story you read. What matters is that powerful emotions are the key to manifestation.

There are many easy-to-learn techniques and guides to out-running the bad feelings. Use them when you need them.

If you give yourself those few minutes in a day, reflect on your most powerful positive emotions. Take your precious time to feel those deeply. Your creative imagination will dive happily into everything associated with those positive emotions and you will be exercising your key to manifestation.

Would you like to increase the power of your use of the law of attraction, practice smarter ways to spend, and make a global impact? Read how here.

Teaching For A Better Life
About That Dream

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Power of Absolute Honesty in Spiritual Growth

We all know the value of meditation, yoga, self-study, etc., in one's spiritual growth, but we often overlook some of the other more ordinary traits that can prove to be equally valuable in this profound journey. Of these many traits that are very helpful to your spiritual evolution, the power of honesty should not be underestimated.

Honesty is certainly a good value to cultivate and have. No doubt about that, but, in the context of your progress on the spiritual path, the real significance of honesty starts to shine through. Here are the 4 key reasons why honesty can be your best friend on the road to enlightenment.

1. Face Your Weaknesses:

We all have weaknesses and short comings. No one is exempt from this reality. If you are born and g13CDoing about existence, then you have some aspects that need work. Honesty is going to make sure you face up to these weaknesses, so that you can take the necessary steps to overcome them.

Spiritual work can often be derailed by your shortcomings. The diseases of procrastination, laziness, narrow mindedness, etc., can all easily disrupt and hinder your spiritual growth. The first step in combating these conditions, is to be honest enough to admit you are afflicted by them. Only then does it become possible to try to change.

2. Face Reality:

How is your life really? Not the image you so badly want to present to others, but the actual state of your life and relationships? You see, if all was great and we were full of bliss, love and wisdom, there would be no need for any evolution. Only facing up to the sorry state of affairs honestly, awakens one to the great need for transformation. Without this courage to see how messy things are, no clean up would be initiated. Honesty is the instrument to help us look at this naked truth.

3. Drop False Personalities:

Now we are starting to get into the deeper layers of how honesty actually helps us gather our energies, so that they may be applied towards our greater destiny.

If you watch your ego in action carefully, you will notice that you spend enormous amounts of energy building and sustaining false images of yourself. Prior to engaging in a discussion, you will see yourself often rehearse the dialogue mentally, to make sure you represent yourself in a particular way, regardless of whether that is really you or not. In similar fashion, past events you will see yourself rehash, to feel secure about how you were portrayed, and finally, you will constantly catch yourself trying to manipulate reality in the present so that you are perceived in a particular way. All this image oriented thinking is a colossal waste of time and energy.

The answer to preventing all this waste of energy is simple, just be absolutely honest. You are done then. You will speak as will speak, you have spoken as you have spoken and you are behaving just exactly how your are. Just be sincere and forthright.

Don't underestimate what has just been conveyed. If you spend some time just watching yourself go through the day, you will be amazed how dishonest you really are. Instead, as mentioned, just be yourself exactly. Don't, for the sake of impression, put up any false face. Once you realize and implement this simple point, you will be blessed with great freedom.

4. Honesty In Meditation:

Finally, we come to the role that honesty plays in your actual meditation practice itself. When you sit down to meditate, and start to watch your thoughts, you will realize how deceptive the mind is. The false reasons and justifications that the mind creates are alarming. To stop it from continuing it's mischief, you will have to decide to be absolutely and completely honest and forthright. Without this attitude of honesty, you will not be able to make much progress in self-study, which is the key to spiritual growth and finally enlightenment.


The need for honesty and sincerity cannot be over-emphasized. In the early stages it is recommended, to break the habit of unconscious lying and self-deception, that even white lies and diplomacy ought to be abandoned and complete forthrightness be embraced. Once accomplished, simple honesty will go a long way to helping you evolve to your highest spiritual potential.

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga, Meditation & Zen Expert. His site, http://www.anmolmehta.com, Free Beginner Meditation Techniques & Kundalini Yoga Video Instruction, offers 4 Key Laws for Manifesting Desires. Find lively discussions on the Free Guided Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Instruction & Insight Meditation Blog.

This article is available for reprint on your website and/or newsletter, provided it is not changed and you include the author's signature.

Building Your Home

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dream Research - The Result of 19 Years of Studies, Experiences and Cures

Until today, many people believe that our dreams are merely fantasies without meaning and that those who try to interpret them are only using their imagination. This is a popular misconception due to ignorance.

However, my arduous research in deciphering dreams and comparing the results with the scientific discoveries of our time clearly demonstrates that our dreams not only have a specific meaning but that the meanings are also essential to preserve our mental health and to develop our intelligence.

To understand the entire truth discovered based on the wise messages I received in my own dreams, I had to associate the information from literature, philosophy and religion to psychology, psychiatry, neurology, biology, behaviourism, world history, sociology and astronomy.

After understanding how to interpret dreams, I treated and cured many people who suffered from depression, neurosis, hysteria, psychosis and schizophrenia using this knowledge.

The results were very impressive. While many years of interpretation is required to cure serious cases, depression and neurosis can be easily cured in only 6 to 8 months of psychotherapy, depending on the attitude of the patient.

Of course, nothing is really easy when dealing with craziness, and there is too much craziness in the anti-conscience as well as in the conscience. The bitter truth is that humans are mainly characterized by absurdity. This is why we are self-destructive and why we are also destroying our planet.

My research also reveals the realization that humans are still animals in many ways and we are constantly dominated by the anti-conscience, which is the primitive conscience that has not evolved like the conscious and is evil and very violent.

This dangerous part of the mind causes craziness to the conscience, increasing the craziness that already characterizes the conscience due to the domination of the ego.

I delayed presenting my work to the world by 19 years not because I was searching for the accurate translation of the dream messages. Carl Jung had already discovered the real translation a long time ago-I only simplified his complicated work, after discovering the existence of the anti-conscience in the unknown region of the psychic sphere.

I was obliged to wait so long to present the results of my research to the public because craziness is an invincible enemy and because9B8 the "knowledge" we have today about the human brain and psyche is very far from the truth.

The human nature is too violent and absurd, since the biggest part of the human psyche and mind belongs to the wild anti-conscience.

If I did not find practical ways to beat the anti-conscience and transform it into a positive part of the personality, my work would not have helped anyone.

I found these solutions, but with too much difficulty for many reasons, including the fact that there is no real knowledge concerning the functionalism of the human brain. However, too many theories are presented as if they were facts, although they are only personal suppositions and conclusions of the scientific world. This only distorts the truth, leading the researchers to completely wrong conclusions.

After so many years of fighting mental illness, I can only declare that all of humanity requires urgent psychotherapy; otherwise, we will really manage to completely destroy our civilization.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com and http://www.booksirecommend.com

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook

Beating Depression and Craziness


Keep Your Dreams Alive

How can you keep your dreams alive? Many people are scared to pursue their dreams they tend to just settle for a mediocre life. We live in a society where people are always wanting everything now. Anytime something takes some time to achieve; most people end up giving up. So how can you keep your dreams alive when you do not know how long they are going to take to achieve?

You can begin today to utilize the law of attraction to help you achieve your goals. Do you actually know what it is you desire? In order to achieve your goals you must begin today to develop some new habits that will help you improve your life. Are you looking to lose weight, get in shape, make more money, spend more quality time with the family, find a new career? Whatever it is you want to achieve you can keep your dreams alive.

Begin making a plan so that you can realize your dreams. If you have to take small steps then do that; however just be willing to take action. Without any action you will not keep your dreams alive. If you do not succeed in completing the steps that you set for yourself do not give up. Be sure to remain flexible and do not b5B4e scared to take a detour if you must. All successful people have learned that sometimes you must go down a different path in order to reach your ultimate goal.

As you begin taking your small steps every time you reach a milestone; be sure you celebrate and acknowledge your success. If you take for granted any of the success you encounter whether big or small; chances are it will take you longer to continue reaching your milestones.

Always remember that if you have the ability to dream it you can achieve it. So do you have dreams that you have been putting off for one reason or another because you did not feel like you could accomplish? Begin rediscovering all those dreams that you put away because you could not muster up the courage to pursue them. Believe that you can be do have anything you desire.

We all have dreams. We all used to dream when we were children however we tend to lose our faith as we get older. So do not be scared anymore you can keep your dreams alive and begin today to pursue them.

My dream has always been to become successful in my own business and to become a millionaire. Not because I want to purchase all kinds of material things I want to be able to help my family out and other people that I know. The cool thing is that several years ago I would have never believed I could keep my dreams alive; however today as I visualize my goals I can actually see myself achieving the success I desire.4F3

You are no different than I am. The only difference is that I am taking action everyday towards my goals. You can be do have anything you desire.

Get all your free tips on the importance to personal development and receive free techniques to utilize as meditation, visualization and lots of other wealth generating techniques. Plus sign up for the free Powerful Living Newsletter.

Vocalized Goals + Action = Realized Dreams

Do you have a dream? Is there something you want to do, to achieve, or to complete?

How close are you? How many people have you told about it? Do you have a written plan on how to get there?

And the most important question Are you taking action?

This much is absolutely true: If you never vocalize your dreams, and you never come up with even the most rudimentary plan on achieving them; and if you never take action I can guarantee that those dreams will never happen.

However I can tell you this as well. Many times in my life I have come up with a dream that appealed to me and then made it happen. The most important part is that no one made it happen but me.

Sure I had lots of help along the way. And yes, there were many apparent lucky breaks just when they seemed to be needed the most. This will happen to you as well.

Let me tell you why. I believe with all my heart that we are part of the energy of the Universe. This energy that makes up the Universe answers to us in a way, and in fact wants desperately to help us in any way possible.When we express a 5B3desire, and then take action towards that desire, the Universe has no choice but to help us achieve it!

That assistance will come in ways we would never have thought of! But come it will!

One of the latest goals completed for me was completing a roof on our new barn. This might not sound like a lot, but I assure you it is. To complete this goal, we had to clear more than 2 acres of land, clean it up and plant it in grass. 4500 feet of siding lumber had to be cut from the logs and stacked to air dry. Over 60 stumps, and the roots and debris from the trees had to be piled and burned. The barn had to be designed, drawn and all the materials bought and delivered. (BTW, this is no little barn. It has 4 stalls with two 1100 square foot apartments over it!) **We started this process back in March of this year.

I am so grateful to have completed this part, and we are eager to get on to the next dream of a finished barn, full of horses and renters to pay for all this!

For every dream turned reality for us over the last 35 years, I can point to several things that are common.

  1. Dont be afraid to dream big.

  2. Dont listen to others who are afraid.

  3. Do make your dream real to you by talking about it and writing it down.

  4. Do take action - every day possible. Be willing to pay the price!

  5. Do not worry about the finish line. Pay attention to what has to be done today.514

  6. Get that the Universe is working for you, even while you sleep.

  7. Dont be afraid to change your goals if you see the need.

Then you too can realize your dreams.

WEEKLY WISDOM NEWSLETTER: Vocalized goals + Action=Realized dreams December 10, 2003

As always,

Your online Coach and Friend,

About The Author

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at http://www.creativemasterminds.com or send him an email at coach@creativemasterminds.com

Intentional Art - Can Art Touch the Divine to Manifest Our Dreams?

During my first week of work in a museum in New York City, I discovered a fascinating set of small sculptures on exhibition. Our curator of archeology told me that these were votive offerings, imagery created with the intention of connecting with the divine. Quite simply, ancient societies offered these devotional objects as gifts to the Creator and as prayers for the fulfillment of dreams.

Such exchanges of mortals seeking favor from the divine are features of ancient and modern societies. 5B4We know that the ancient Egyptians decorated tomb walls with murals depicting the deceased enjoying the afterlife. Ex-votos are another example of a practical application of this formula for making art to gain favor with the divine and to give thanks for blessings received in this present life.

The artist as shaman or alchemist is another new old idea. Artists, like shamans, are perceived to have the ability to explore other realms of experience, tap into higher states of consciousness, and bring back eternal wisdom to share with this world. Art, therefore, has sacred abilities.

I became intrigued with the idea of art's sacred ability to "make magic" or to manifest. By visually portraying our dreams, wishes, needs, and desires, we could bring them from our inner worlds into our outer world. Magic! Manifesting through art! Make art! Make your dreams happen!

So with an open heart I set out to practice this sacred wisdom regarding our connection with the divine as co-creators.

* * *

Sarah and I met at an exhibition of Mediterranean landscape paintings and that evening we spoke of our mutual love for the classical art and architecture of Greece, its sweeping vistas, and the beauty of its grand civilization. As she told me of her desire to be in Greece, I could feel us standing in the sun on a rocky hillside looking out over white stucco houses that shone brilliantly against a deep blue sea and sky!

I knew5B4 in that moment that an intentional mural had the power to serve as a conduit to bring forth Sarah's dreams!

We began with her vision and established our intention for her mural. We developed the design and chose colors that would enhance her living space as a whole.

Upon completion, Sarah was thrilled with the beauty, elegance, and upliftment her mural brought into her family's home. Now she could be in her beloved Greece every day!

Then something interesting happened. Greece had become so much a part of her everyday focus that it seemed natural when out of the blue a telephone call came from an old friend. He was giving a workshop and he needed her expertise as a facilitator. Would she be interested in taking part? The workshop would take place that July in Hydra, Greece!

* * *

Intentional mural art is akin to the goals of Feng Shui art. Symbolic imagery is used to enhance opportunities, fame, fortune, career, business, success, health, love.

My buddy Rob longed for love in his life. He was in his mid-forties and had never been married. A colleague suggested Feng Shui principles as a way to energize his bedroom thereby attracting more love into his life.

This seemed to Rob like some sort of mystical interior design! But he liked the intentional mural art that I was creating and was willing to have his "fantasy painting" on a wall in his bedroom.

The focus of his painting was an embracin5A3g couple. Waking up every morning and seeing this man and woman happy and so much in love made him feel hopeful.

Living with art that portrayed his dream of love, it came as no surprise to hear good news from Rob sometime later. He had met a beautiful woman and they were getting married!

* * *

Magic? You decide. Or is this simply the way the godstuff of this world works? Imagine the possibilities...

Mural art, intentionally designed, is a very practical way to produce harmony, comfort, balance and beauty in your life space. At a deeper level and through intentional imagery, I believe mural art has the power to co-create states or conditions for the manifestation of dreams.

-Caroline Woodruff

For more information on this intriguing idea, contact Caroline at cwwoodruff@hotmail.com

Born in New Orleans, Caroline Woodruff is a second generation fine artist. She began her career as an illustrator and designer working in television. She went on to work for a decade in the museum world of New York City, painting large scale works of art in the galleries of the performing arts museum at Lincoln Center. Today she practices intentional art painting murals and auspicious Feng Shui imagery with Golden Villa Studio.

ADHD A To Z - E Is For Energy - When Did Too Much Energy In Children Start To Imply They Have ADHD?

ADHD and having too much energy have somehow became interrelated.

Tell me what kid, at one point or another, doesn't have too much energy? Also, who are we to judge when too much energy is too much? What exactly are we comparing this to?

Let's be real for a moment.

Energy, ADHD, and behavioral problems seem to go hand in hand. That doesn't even consider energy and inattention.

Inattention does not mean a child has too much energy. Yes, inattention might mean a child has too much energy or can't focus. However, inattention could also be a cry for help. It could be a call for attention.

Inattention is one of the fundamental criteria for diagnosing ADHD, yet there are so many reasons a child might not be paying attention.

  • Bored
  • Scared
  • Tired
  • Frustrated
  • Confused
  • Preoccupied
  • Isolated
  • Lonely
  • Dreaming
  • Escape

  • While inattention is an important factor in determining whether or not a child has ADHD, or a specific subtype of ADHD, most people overlook or neglect to consider that a child experiences the world far more differently than an adult. In return, children also react to the world far more differently than we do as adults.

    For instance, if a child is exposed to an event that they just cannot developmentally understand, one way of responding to it is through a release of energy or by being preoccupied. Whereas an adult can talk about their feelings, or process events verbally, a child has to rely on what he or she knows best. In many cases, "acting out" is how a child relates to an experience they otherwise cannot explain, make sense of, or relate to.

    Suddenly, inattention becomes energy which then turns to what most people see as bad, abnormal, or unexpected behavior.

    Next thing you know, your child is being labeled as having ADHD or as a problem child. Unfortunately, it might just be your child having a difficult time responding to the world or events around himself that he just doesn't have any other way to deal with.

    To learn more about ADHD and what might really be impacting your child, I invite you to visit and sign up for your 7 part mini-course on the dirty little secrets behind ADHD.

    I would also like to invite you to ask your most pressing question about ADHD and how it could be affecting your family and your child.

    A Dream Diet That Works - Wake Up!

    "Dream" diets - to think or hope that there's such a thing, let alone a dream diet that works for all is... dreaming. There are so many variables when it comes to food and people, and this is why most of the diets you read and hear about are just fads.

    Each of us is unique, physically, mentally and emotionally; we therefore have unique needs, particularly where food is concerned. Chinese doctors have known this for at least 2500 years - that's how long they've been analysing food and its effects on the body. What has developed in China throughout this time is a complete system of food classification, cooking methods and food cures known as Traditional Chinese Dietary Therapy (TCDT). According to TCDT, the food that's best for each individual is governed by such factors as his/her constitutional body type, current state of health, age, the seasons, and the weather.

    There's no such thing as a dream diet that works for all!

    So, how do you know which foods and drinks are right, or not right, for you? To know exactly, you need to consult a trained practitioner of TCDT. Practitioners of traditional Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine also dispense traditional Chinese dietary advice.

    In the meantime, though, there are some general, time-tested Chinese dietary guidelines you can follow to greatly improve your health and vitality. For example:

    1. In the heat of summer consume less heating, stimulating foods and drinks like meat, fried foods, spices, alcohol and coffee, and consume more light, cooling foods like fruits and vegetables (steamed or lightly stir-fried is best).

    2. Vice-versa in winter, i.e. consume more warming, nourishing foods and drinks like meats, soups, stews, a little alcohol perhaps, and less cooling foods.

    3. Don't consume very cold drinks, especially during meals, as they interfere with digestion. Instead have a cup of green tea to facilitate digestion, especially of meat and greasy foods.

    In TCDT the emphasis is on balance and moderation. Too much, or too little, of a food or drink or of one flavor can, over time, lead to disharmony, ill health and disease. Forget about the concept of a dream diet that works for all - instead understand that as a unique individual you need a unique blend of foods and liquids in58A order to function optimally, and that your dietary needs change according to your state of health, the seasons and the other factors mentioned above.

    Matthew Scott is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner from Australia, living in China since 2000. For more dietary tips see Matthew's free Chinese Diet Report - 25 Time-Tested Chinese Dietary Principles You Can Apply Today for Optimum Weight, Health and Vitality.

