Friday, February 27, 2009

Rich Brother Rich Sister - Two Different Paths to God, Money, and Happiness by Robert Kiyosaki

"Rich Brother Rich Sister: Two Different Paths to God, Money, and Happiness" by popular author Robert Kiyosaki and his sister Emi Kiyosaki is an interesting and enjoyable book. At first, I really didn't know what to expect with this new direction Robert Kiyosaki has taken, but I did enjoy this newest book by the author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad."

One of the first things a person can learn, is Robert Kiyosaki knows how to make money. After make a lot of it with his book about Money, Kiyosaki is now exploring the areas of spirit and health, two other topics that rank high on the money making list of book topics. And Kiyosaki states right up front that one of the reasons he wrote this book with his sister was to make money and help her pay medical bills and become a millionaire too.

Even if Kiyosaki is capitalizing on his fame to write a book in a different genre to make even more money, that does not take away for the interesting stories about his and his sister's lives and lessons they learned. I think many people ask the same or similar questions about life, God, spirit, etc. Kiyosaki has now shared some of his questions and the answers he has found.

At times, I felt the book was a bit redundant. Some things are repeated unnecessarily, and at other times I felt a lack on continuity between the portions written by Robert and those written by his sister Emi. However, considering the very different paths their respective lives took them along, it is easy to see why the chapters do not flow seamlessly. Additionally, at times I felt they were reaching a bit to try and make spiritual lessons from certain examples. Some people might even think that the book is a bit "preachy" with Kiyosaki's own beliefs on morality.

These small things did not take away the enjoyment I got from reading the book. I liked the portions written about Robert Kiyosaki's life a bit more than his sister's, but that may be because I am more familiar with Robert and his other works, and I also spent time in the military, so I enjoyed hearing about his service and how it influenced the rest of his life. As someone who has also studied Buddhism, I did like learning of Emi Kiyosaki's journey into her Buddhist faith.

There are sections of the book, that if you read as a book to learn from, you can gain valuable lessons to apply to your own life. I think this is true with most biographies, but this book makes a point to illustrate certain lessons. Robert and Emi Kiyosaki are both teachers, so I guess it is hard for them not to teach. There were sections that blared "here's a lesson, listen up!" I for one liked the lessons included in this text. There were lessons on life, living, money, Buddhism, all combined in one book.

I think if you are a fan of Robert Kiyosaki's other books, you will enjoy learning more about him. If you are not a fan, you probably won't even read this book, and you might just be missing out. After reading this text you may just have a greater respect for where Robert Kiyosaki came from and what he is trying to do. I know I do.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He teaches people to live with the warrior's edge through his writing and speaking on a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety topics. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his websites and

How to Self Help Technique to Help You Remember People's Name

Some of us have trouble remembering people's names. Have you ever noticed that many people can remember nearly everyone's name? Isn't that a cool trick, don't you wish you could do this? Well, guess what; you can and it is not really that hard. Remembering people's name will help you do all you do better and improve your relationships in the world.

Developing a strong self help strategy to remembering people's name is very possible and by doing this it makes people feel good, trust you and feel as if you care. The first step in remembering names is to pay attention when someone gives you their name.

Look them in the eye and repeat their name out loud; "You are Bill." And then say, Hi Bill, it's great to meet you. Then during the conversation, use their name at least once and then when they leave say to them; "Nice Meeting You Bill," and shake their hand and look them in the eyes when you say this.

Many psychologists recommend taking a person's name and playing around with it. If the person's name is bill, think of a duck bill if he is wearing a hat. If he is overweight think of a Bill as a "hill" and use a trick of memorization by association. I have talked to people about how they remember my name using this technique and they say my name is Lance and I am tall and slender, thus I look like a Lance!

The first time someone told me that, I laughed, I had always assumed I just had a unique name that was easy to remember. Actually, that is true too and it has helped people remember my name. You must use what works for you, but repeating their name in conversation and concentrating on names, well that is just half the battle, a war you can win!

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